- characteristics
- Size
- Color
- Habitat and distribution
- Habitat
- Distribution
- Reproduction
- Feeding
- State of conservation
- Population trend
- Behavior
- Daytime behavior
- Reproductive behavior
- References
The flying fox (Acerodon jubatus) is a megachiropteran bat (giant bat) species belonging to the Pteropodidae family. Like all species in this family of chiropterans, flying foxes inhabit the tropical regions of the old world, with A. jubatus being endemic to the Philippines. This species is considered one of the largest bats that exist, weighing up to 1.4 kilograms, with a wingspan of up to 1.7 meters.
Acerodon jubatus was described in 1831 by the German naturalist Johann Friedrich von Eschscholtz. In 1896, Daniel Giraud Elliot described a population of A. jubatus that inhabited the Panay region as Acerodon lucifer.
Philippine flying fox (Acerodon jubatus). By Gregg Yan / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)
However, at the end of the 20th century, this population was designated as a subspecies of the flying fox (A. jubatus lucifer). Later this subspecies was declared extinct.
The flying fox is currently in danger of extinction. The main problem lies in the replacement of plant species that serve as a food resource for this species, by agricultural species or urban areas. Poaching for consumption and sale of their meat also represents a threat to A. jubatus.
Due to this, since 1995, the species was included in Appendix I of CITES, and its hunting and trafficking was prohibited. However, more effective efforts are needed to protect the Philippine giant flying fox.
These bats are commonly called the flying fox or giant golden-crowned flying fox (in English), due to the resemblance of their face to that of a common fox. They have medium-sized ears that stand upright and a long, moderately robust muzzle.
Acerodon jubatus is considered one of the largest species of bats. Their body weight ranges from 730 grams to about 1.4 kilograms. In addition, its forearm has a length of 21.5 centimeters, being the longest among the chiropterans.
The wingspan reaches up to 1.7 meters. The skull is elongated and can be approximately 7.2 centimeters long. The male is usually larger than the female.
Capture and measurement of Acerodon jubatus By de Jong C, Field H, Tagtag A, Hughes T, Dechmann D, Jayme S, et al. / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)
In the flying fox, the back and rump are dark brown with scattered reddish-brown spots towards the back of the back. This characteristic causes the effect of a dark brown coloration. In the ventral part the coloration is brown-blackish. The chest, belly and flanks have light hairs.
The neck and its lateral regions are dark and the nape is slightly paler. It has a patch that varies slightly between "chocolate" brown and yellowish brown and can surround the neck, sometimes reaching the base of the ears.
On the top of the head, above the crown, a golden patch extends that begins between the eyes and can extend to the nape and shoulders. The eyebrows, chin and throat are blackish.
The limbs are brownish black and the wing membranes are brown with pale shades.
Habitat and distribution
The flying fox is dependent on the forests, that is, they are rarely observed outside of them or on their edges, as is the case with other species of flying foxes such as Pteropus vampyrus. This means that A. jubatus is a species sensitive to disturbances in its habitat.
These animals prefer high-quality secondary forests for foraging activities. They may also frequent streams containing figs on the banks. It is very rare to see them in agricultural gardens.
During the day they perch on tall trees and sometimes rest in mangroves located on small islands. Usually resting places are on steep slopes and cliff edges.
These bats share the roosting sites with the Philippine giant fruit bats (P. vampyrus) which are much more common and widespread.
Geographic distribution of A. jubatus in the Philippines By A proietti / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)
This species is endemic to the Philippines. It is found scattered over much of the country's territory, with the exception of the Batanes and Babuyan island group and the Palawan region. They can be found from sea level to 1100 meters above sea level in mountainous forests.
At present, some populations have disappeared in regions where they had been previously recorded, such as the Panay region.
Currently there is little information on the reproduction of this species. However, like other megachiroptera species, they have a seasonal and synchronous reproduction. The highest number of births has been registered between the months of April and June.
Flying foxes are polygamous and form reproductive groups, where there is usually a single male with several females (harem).
Females give birth to a single young and carry it by hanging by the fur on the chest and belly until it is fully developed to fly on its own. Females appear to reach sexual maturity between two and three years of age.
The flying fox feeds on the fruits and leaves of plant species found in the lowlands, therefore, these animals are restricted to mature natural forests. The plants used most frequently as food are some hemi-epiphytes and various species of Ficus.
One of the most important species in the diet of A. jubatus is Ficus subcordata, which in some studies has represented up to 40% of the diet. F. variegata also represents one of the most common items, providing up to 22% of the total diet of the flying fox.
These plant species are an important source of calcium for these bats. This macronutrient is especially important in bats of the Pteropodidae family.
In the flying fox, the calcium requirements are higher during the lactation period, between the months of May and July. It is at this time that Ficus species represent a greater proportion in the diet of these animals.
State of conservation
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the species Acerodon jubatus is in danger of extinction. The population of these bats has decreased by approximately 50% in the last two decades and continues to decline today.
One of the main causes of this decrease is the loss of their habitat and the intervention in their rest areas.
Illegal hunting is also a strong threat to this species of bats. These animals are hunted for various reasons. Mainly as part of the culture of the Filipinos. They are used as food, considering their meat as a delicacy, and also have various medicinal uses.
On the other hand, they are hunted because they are considered a pest to fruit tree plantations, although they are very rarely seen in these areas. Apparently, they are confused with Pteropus vampyrus, which usually perch and feed on these trees.
Population trend
Currently, flying fox populations in the Philippines are declining. Some estimates of the total population of the flying fox assume that there are currently less than 20,000 individuals of this species.
Historically, mixed bat colonies have been reported for the country that included several species of the Pteropodidae family. These colonies are believed to be only 10% of their size 200 years ago.
A recent study has reported that, of 23 groups of perching bats, only nine groups found the flying fox. In these mixed colonies, A. jubatus represents a small proportion of the total individuals.
In the most protected areas, this species represents up to 20% of the total colony, while in other groups it only represents 5% and in areas with high disturbances, its participation is less than 2%.
Acerodon jubatus is nocturnal and gregarious. This species is also nomadic and has a high flight capacity, being able to travel between 10 and 87 kilometers per night.
Flying foxes tend to avoid contact with humans. It is for this reason that the foraging localities of these bats are usually isolated areas, in the center of the forests they inhabit.
Flying fox perched on a branch By The original uploader was Latorilla at English Wikipedia. / CC BY-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)
Some research has shown that these bats show movement patterns during foraging activities night after night. This means that the foraging behavior does not represent a random event in the flying fox.
Daytime behavior
During the day, the group of bats looks for a resting place. In this place, the flying foxes carry out several activities, among which are mainly sleeping, flapping wings, grooming, spreading wings and resting.
Males are usually more active than females during the day. They carry out courtship activities, defending territory, fighting with other males and spreading scent marks.
The flapping of the wings is a thermoregulatory behavior, since these animals lack sweat glands. This behavior is correlated with the ambient temperature. So the higher the temperatures (around noon and in the morning) the higher the frequency of flapping.
Grooming plays an important role in regulating ectoparasites that invade flying foxes, such as bat flies (Cyclopodia horsfieldi).
Reproductive behavior
Although in general, the courtship system of flying foxes has been little studied, various behaviors related to reproduction have been recorded. The males usually establish mating territories, marking tree branches with scent, by rubbing the head and neck with these surfaces.
This behavior occurs most frequently during the late afternoon hours, just before starting the flight in search of food.
On the other hand, the courtship behavior of the male towards the female, shows a greater frequency from dawn to mid-morning, and decreases from noon to night. During courtship, the male approaches a female and begins to smell or lick her genital area.
Females often reject the male by displaying aggressive behaviors, such as screaming and jerky flapping, and then move away from him. However, the male continues with courtship, insisting on this behavior approximately every 5 minutes, until the female accesses copulation.
- Andersen, K. (1909). IV.-Notes on the genus Acerodon, with a synopsis of its species and subspecies, and descriptions of four new forms. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 3 (13), 20-29.
- Crichton, EG, & Krutzsch, PH (Eds.). (2000). Reproductive biology of bats. Academic Press.
- De Jong, C., Field, H., Tagtag, A., Hughes, T., Dechmann, D., Jayme, S., Epstein, J., Smith, C., Santos, I., Catbagan, D., Benigno, C., Daszak, P., Newman, S. & Lim, M. (2013). Foraging behavior and landscape utilization by the endangered golden-crowned flying fox (Acerodon jubatus), the Philippines. PLoS One, 8 (11).
- HEIDEMAN, PD 1987. The reproductive ecology of a community of Philippine fruit bats (Pteropodidae, Megachiroptera). Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Hengjan, Y., Iida, K., Doysabas, KCC, Phichitrasilp, T., Ohmori, Y., & Hondo, E. (2017). Diurnal behavior and activity budget of the golden-crowned flying fox (Acerodon jubatus) in the Subic bay forest reserve area, the Philippines. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 79 (10), 1667-1674.
- Mildenstein, TL, Stier, SC, Nuevo-Diego, CE, & Mills, LS (2005). Habitat selection of endangered and endemic large flying-foxes in Subic Bay, Philippines. Biological Conservation, 126 (1), 93-102.
- Mildenstein, T. & Paguntalan, L. 2016. Acerodon jubatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T139A21988328. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T139A21988328.en. Downloaded on 10 March 2020.
- Stier, SC, & Mildenstein, TL (2005). Dietary habits of the world's largest bats: the Philippine flying foxes, Acerodon jubatus and Pteropus vampyrus lanensis. Journal of Mammalogy, 86 (4), 719-728.