Victor Nikiforov or Viktor Nikiforov is one of the characters from the anime Yuri !!! On Ice. He is a Russian professional figure skater considered a legend in his country and idolized by other skaters. Since his appearance in the sport at the age of 16, Victor has achieved major successes worldwide.
These successes include having won five times in the world championship, the Grand Prix and several championships in Europe. He usually performs his choreographies and acrobatics with perfection, which makes him a great performer on ice and a well-rounded athlete.
After winning a number of major awards, Victor decided to take a break until he observed the skills of an emerging skater, Yuri Katuski, who is making his way into the sport. From there, Victor decided to become his trainer to exploit his apprentice's full potential.
Charismatic, whimsical and charming, Victor is a character who exposes true excellence in the world of skating.
Victor is the first character to be shown in the series. He appears as a young boy and still unknown in the world of skating. However, he gradually becomes known as Victor Nikiforov, the most amazing skater to date.
Victor's rising career continues to do so as he reaps one success after another. It accumulates championship awards in Europe and worldwide, making it a reference in sport.
At 27 years old and after winning his last award, fans and critics wondered what the boy's next step would be, as he was close to retirement age.
Despite the criticism, he continued skating but without the same passion as before. He lost the ability to create amazing choreography, so he found himself at a point where he no longer had inspiration.
In this context, he discovered a video uploaded by a boy named Yuri Katsuki, who imitated Victor's same routine. This piqued his curiosity to such an extent that he decided to go to Japan to become his coach, and thus unleash his full potential.
Other facts
Some other relevant events in the plot and related to the character should be highlighted:
-Victor's decision to become Yuri's coach is enough to cause a stir in Russia.
-Victor moved in with Yuri to ensure proper training.
-Although he is there in order to help that young promise, another boy Yuri, of Russian origin, also appears on the scene, who arrives to remind Victor of the agreement they had made years ago. At this point, Victor decided to have Yuri Katsuki and Yuri compete with each other to decide who will be his apprentice.
-After Yuri Katsuki wins the competition, both he and Victor return to focus on training. During that time, Victor has contact with the people Yuri knows, as well as the world around him.
-Later in the story it is revealed that Yuri and Victor met at a dinner, and Yuri asked him to be their coach. Victor could not remember this fact.
-Although he does not have enough skills as a coach, Victor makes the effort to support and motivate Yuri (although the latter is very eager).
Important moments
With the passage of time, Victor is not afraid to show his affection to Yuri through hugs, and although Yuri does not feel very comfortable at first, then he accepts those demonstrations of affection.
The relationship between the two is important during the story and is demonstrated in two important moments:
-During the competition at the China Cup, Yuri traded a jump for a quadruple flip, which was Victor's signature move. Seeing him, Victor went to Yuri excited to kiss him in the middle of the ice rink.
-As a kind of demonstration of commitment, Yuri and Victor exchange a pair of gold rings during their stay in Barcelona.
Later, Yuri declined the offer but went to Russia to meet Victor again in order to stay with him as his partner and apprentice.
-He is a sensual, attractive, extremely kind and gentleman man.
-It is attractive, not only to fans but also to other skaters.
-It is usually expressive, so it is easy to deduce their emotions and feelings through their eyes.
-As seen throughout the series, he is not afraid to hide his feelings or the affection he feels for Yuri.
-He is charismatic, so he easily wins the public's affection.
-He is usually careful with his appearance, so he could pass for someone vain.
-Depending on the situation you are in, it can become cruel and uncomfortable.
-When it comes to work, he remains very serious and focused.
Character characteristics
-Physically he is described as a strong, attractive man with gray hair and blue eyes.
-He is usually dressed in his training suit.
-When starting his career in skating, he used to wear long hair and suits with male and female attire.
-He usually has a great ability to make and land after very complicated jumps.
-Because it does not have much resistance, these jumps used to be done at the beginning of the routines.
-He used to perform his own choreographies despite the recommendations and opinions of his coach.
-That same care for his routines and choreographies, he also applied it to other elements, such as costumes and music.
-Its signature movement is the quadruple flip.
-Some of the elements of the character are inspired by the professional skater Johnny Weir, who later confessed to being a fan of the series.
-It is presumed that her name is derived from the Greek goddess Nike, associated with victory and success.
-The character's appearance is based on actor John Cameron Mitchell.
- “Yuri, from today I will be your coach. I will win you the final of the Grand Prix ”.
- “You have to do the opposite of what people expect. It is the only way to surprise them ”.
- "I wish you never retired."
- "Yuri's life and love have opened the doors of a world I did not know."
- "This is almost like a marriage proposal."
- 5 outstanding characteristics of Viktor Nikiforov (Yuri !!! On Ice). 2014). In Honey's Anime. Retrieved: April 17, 2018. In Honey's Anime from
- Annex: Yuri characters !!! On Ice. (sf). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: April 17, 2018. In Wikipedia at
- Yuri !!! On Ice. (sf). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: April 17, 2018. In Wikipedia at
- Victor Nikiforov. (sf). In Born to Make History. Retrieved: April 17, 2018. In Born to Make History from
- Victor Nikiforov. (sf). In Yuri !!! On Ice Wikia. Retrieved: April 17, 2018. In Yuri !!! On Ice Wikia from