- Origin
- Meaning
- Other examples
- Idioms in Latin America
- Other idioms
- Some expressions used on the Internet
- References
Trambolic (also known as tramboliko) is a word invented by “El borracho de la arbolada” during an interview in 2013, who also became a popular character on social networks in Latin America.
Although there is a consensus that this word does not exist, and is not recognized by any language institution, the meaning of the expression seems to vary according to the interpretation of Internet users. However, specialists indicate that this word belongs to a new type of language generated in the digital environment.
On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that thanks to the impact produced by the term, a variety of materials were presented that were disseminated on the network: from phrases of "The drunkard of the trees" printed on T-shirts, memes and even musical remixes that were broadcast in Youtube.
Today, it continues to be remembered as one of the funniest and most popular events of the decade.
As mentioned above, the appearance of “trambolic” was in an interview broadcast on Paraguayan television in 2013.
In it, a reporter covers the news of an accident in which the driver of a motorcycle and his companion, Diego Armando Pérez Acosta, were injured.
Pérez Acosta described the details of the incident in sufficient detail, but it was clear that he was intoxicated. Thanks to this, he became known to the public as "The drunkard in the trees."
The main meaning refers to an expression that derives from "bizarre", which means "something strange, extravagant and without order." In fact, some Internet users indicate that it is an idiom widely used in Paraguay, which serves to describe strange situations or made by the impulse of caprice.
Regarding the interview, it is believed that the "Drunkard in the trees" used this qualifier to indicate the state of a particularly difficult part of the road to travel.
On the other hand, there are another series of meanings that are worth mentioning:
-In Spain it is understood as "tramboliqueo", and refers to the irresponsibility of a person to drive or walk while intoxicated.
-In Argentina it is used to qualify that a person or situation draws attention because it has rare or unusual characteristics.
-In Colombia, apparently it has to do with the inability of a person to dance with coordination.
-Also, in Honduras “trambolic” is used as a synonym for “chamba” or work.
At this point, it is necessary to place part of the interview (verbatim) in which this word was heard for the first time:
“We were quietly drinking there in the jurisdiction of the pump and I just told him let's go home (…) this character told me let's go, but let's go as I want (…) he started to accelerate and came at full speed and This, this, this slope, well, it is a bit trambolic, you have to know how to go up and down.
Other examples
- “I trambolic upea”, this phrase is a mixture of Guaraní and Spanish, and means “this is trambolic”.
- "He likes trambolicao".
- "You're re trambolic."
- "Kevin is stumbled and can't even move well."
- "Walking around can be a bit tricky."
Idioms in Latin America
Spanish is a rich language thanks to the number of words and idioms that are manifested in different parts of the continent. In some cases, certain words share meanings, while in other contexts the meanings are diametrically opposed. That is why we highlight some below:
- Stun: in Mexico it means that you are stuck in a certain situation.
- Sornero: Colombian expression that is used as a synonym for “secret”.
- For nothing: in the Dominican Republic it has to do with wasting time or the difficulty of solving a situation.
- Birome: it is a term used in Argentina and Uruguay to refer to the pen. This is due to a kind of homage to the inventor of this object, called Lazlo Biro, who lived in Argentina.
- Championes: way of describing sports footwear in Uruguay and Paraguay. In Chile and Argentina they call it slippers and in Venezuela, rubber shoes.
- Durex: although you may immediately think of the condom brand, in Mexico it refers to adhesive tape.
- Guatero: it is estimated that a large part of the Southern Cone uses this word to refer to the hot water bottle used to warm the feet during winter.
- Hallar / hallo: Uruguayan expression that is used as a synonym of being / being happy. For example: "I will find myself if I find the shoes I am looking for" / "I will be happy if I find the shoes I am looking for".
Other idioms
- Jetón: Colombian word to describe a person who talks too much or who has a large mouth.
- Quilombo / kilombo: in Uruguay it means brothel, while in Argentina it refers to a problem or disorderly situation.
- Kuerepa / kurepí: it is a word that is Guaraní and is used by Paraguayans to refer to Argentines.
This seems to date back to the war against the Triple Alliance, since Argentine soldiers used to wear boots made of pigskin or pigs. The etymology of the word is as follows: “kuré” is pig or chanco, and “py” is pie.
-Noqui: the person who goes to work is told to do nothing.
Some expressions used on the Internet
It is increasingly common to witness the adaptation of terms that are part of our speech, some of them are:
- Bae: it is the simplification of the English word "baby", and it serves as a qualifier to name the person who is the object of our affections.
- Bot: it is a shorthand for “robot” and it is a way of referring to those profiles on social networks that are not real people, since they are programmed to speak automatically.
- Posture: it has to do with those people who do their best to show off in front of others, as much as possible. Some specialists even say that this is a current phenomenon in order to gain sympathy and approval.
- Swag: word used to describe people who have style when dressing.
- 13 expressions to speak like a 'millennial'. (2016). At Huffpost. Retrieved: September 25, 2018. In Huffpost of huffingonpost.es.
- What are the idioms most used by millennials? (2017). In Collective Culture. Retrieved: September 25, 2018. In Collective Culture of culturacolectiva.com.
- Most recent contributions. (sf). In AsíHablamos.com. Retrieved: September 25, 2018. In AsíHablamos.com of asihblamos.com.
- Definition of Trambolic or tramboliko. (sf). At Trambolico.com. Retrieved: September 25, 2018. In Trambolico.com of trambolico.com.
- Outlandish. (sf). In The Free Dictionary. Retrieved: September 25, 2018. In The Free Dictionary of es.thefreedictionary.com.
- Words that only a Latin American understands. (2015). In The New Day. Recovered: September 25, 2018. In The New Day of elnuevodia.com.
- Trambolic. (sf). In Meaningof. Retrieved: September 25, 2018. In Meaning of meaningde.org.