- The protist kingdom and the sarcodinos
- Sarcodinos
- Sarcodin characteristics
- Classification
- Feeding
- References
The Sarcodina, also known as rizópodos or Rhizopoda class, are one of the four classes in which traditionally the protozoans belonging to the phylum is divided kingdom animal.
It is necessary to emphasize that, at present, it is recognized that sarcodinos do not belong to the animal kingdom but to the protist, since protozoa do not have enough complexity to be considered animals.
Being protozoa, it is a group of unicellular and microscopic protist organisms that usually live in colonies (conglomerates formed from a common ancestor).
They have the ability to become entrenched in order to protect themselves from the environment. This means that they can isolate external agents that are not favorable to them, enveloping them with their body.
These have limb-like structures (called pseudopods), which allow them to move around and obtain their food.
In this order of ideas, they do not produce their own food, but take advantage of other elements that they find in the environment. This is why they are called heterotrophs.
Formerly, all amoebas were considered to be part of the sarcodinos, as they are organisms characterized by the presence of pseudopods. However, today it has been established that amoebas do not constitute a taxonomic group but can be found in any kingdom, in addition to the protist: animal, plant, fungi.
The protist kingdom and the sarcodinos
The protist kingdom brings together eukaryotic organisms that are composed of a single cell (unicellular) that is responsible for carrying out all the functions of organisms.
Within this kingdom, there are two large groups: the unicellular algae and the protozoa. The latter in turn is divided into flagellates, sporozoans, ciliates and sarcodines.
Sarcodinos, called rhizopods or rhizopodas, are a group of protozoa that differ from the others by the use of foot-like structures for their locomotion. These structures are known as pseudopods (which means "false feet").
Most of these are found on the seabed, where they are part of the microplankton while other species are parasitic and live inside other animals.
Sarcodin characteristics
-They are eukaryotes, that is, they have a nucleus that contains the genetic material and this is not scattered in the cytoplasm.
-They are unicellular.
-They do not have a mouth or a proper digestive system. They feed through phagocytosis and endocytosis.
-They produce pseudopods that they use to move around and, in some cases, feed themselves. Pseudopods can be produced from any part of the body of the sarcodin and can return to the body in the same way in which they were removed.
There are three types of pseudopodia: 1) Reticulopodia, they are long and thin and form a network of pseudopodia. 2) Filopodia, fine and sharp. Similar to reticulopodia but do not form networks. 3) Lobopodia, they are thicker than the previous ones, have blunt tips and resemble the fingers of a hand. These are made up of amoebae.
-Some have shells or skeletons called teak. Others are simply naked.
-The size of the sarcodinos varies from one organism to another. There are tiny rhizopods (such as microscopic amoebas) and larger ones (such as foraminifera, which can measure several millimeters).
-Some of the aquatic sarcodins (especially the foraminifera) tend to form symbiotic relationships with green algae and dinoflagellate algae.
-Most sarcodinos live as independent organisms. However, a small group of these constitute parasitic organisms. In fact, some of the pathogens that affect humans are sarcodines, such as entamoeba histoloytica, which causes dysentery.
-When they die, the skeletons of the foraminifera, and to a lesser extent the other sarcodines with teak, become part of the marine sediments. These have contributed to paleontological studies, since the remains of the sarcodines date from various geological eras.
-They can be found in both aquatic and land spaces.
-They reproduce through binary fission, which consists of the division of the cell nucleus to give rise to two organisms. When the cytoplasm is to be separated, both cells produce pseudopods that help them separate from each other. If it is an organism with theak, it may be that the theca is divided equally into two or that one cell touches a shell while the other does not.
In the sarcodinos there are two great groups; those with a naked body and those with a body endowed with complementary structures.
Naked-bodied sarcodins are primarily amoebae. Your body is covered only by the plasma membrane, which is responsible for keeping the contents of the cell inside.
Sarcodines with complementary structures, in addition to having the plasma membrane, have a theca that can materialize in two ways: in the form of a shell or in the form of a false skeleton.
Teak is created from elements or particles found in the environment that are compacted to form more complex structures.
There are three types of sarcodins with complementary structures: foraminifera, radiolaria, and heliozoa.
- Foraminifera are found in the sea and have a shell (exoskeleton) made up of salts and other minerals. When they die, their exoskeleton becomes part of the sediments on the seabed.
- Radiolaria have a kind of internal skeleton made of silica that takes radial shapes that are pleasing to the eye (hence the name).
- Heliozoans have a mineral skeleton also organized in radial shapes, which make them look like a tiny sun (helium = sun).
Sarcodines can be herbivorous or carnivorous and feed through phagocytosis and endocytosis, which consist of the absorption and assimilation of organic particles.
In some cases, these organisms use their pseudopods to trap nutrient particles. The process consists of forming a cage with the pseudopods and attracting the particle into the sarcodinum, where they will be digested.
- Rhizopoda. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from els.net
- Rhizopoda. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from species.wikimedia.org
- Rhizopoda, General Characters of the Rhizopoda. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from chestofbooks.com
- Rhizopoda. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from biology-online.org
- Rhizopoda. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from theodora.com
- Phylum Rhizopoda. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from inaturalist.org
- Rhizopoda. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from onlinelibrary.wiley.com
- Rhizopod. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from britannica.com.