- Characteristics of family respect
- Structure and open communication
- Trust
- Inclusion
- Signs of disrespect in the family
- How to promote respect in the family?
- References
The respect in the family involves the practice of constructive values at home, resulting in the generation of a solid core tools that give people to interact positively and severally liable with their environment.
A conscious and committed teaching effort is necessary on the part of parents, in order to ensure that respect is being fostered. For example, it is part of this commitment to be aware that respect is offered and demanded, not to allow signs of disrespect to pass, and, if necessary, to face any difficulties that arise.
Fostering respect in the family can promote constructive and tolerant citizens. Source: pixabay.com
Some authors argue that the family takes the first steps towards citizenship training, from the first trials and experiences of socialization in early childhood. Part of this expression of respect comes from the understanding and recognition that children are subjects of law.
The human being is a social being par excellence, he is not configured to live in solitude. However, in the history of humanity, the difficulty of solving social tasks that require reaching agreements and fundamental respect for the other has been made manifest time and again.
These difficulties in tasks that seem basic - such as reaching agreements to be able to live in minimal harmony and coexistence - cannot be eradicated if, in principle, respect for oneself and for others is not shown. Therein lies the importance that, from within the family, the individual values respect as the guiding center of every relationship.
Experts in the area such as José Luis Parada explain that both public and private values are transmitted from generation to generation from within the family as a social institution. Respect is a public value that in principle must be processed individually, and then must be extended to social relationships outside the family.
Other authors focused on philosophy point out that respect is the mother of all virtues, because it is a virtue that at the same time contains others that are only possible if respect exists as a necessary condition. Only the respectful individual can observe and acknowledge the presence or lack of respect in a relationship or situation.
Characteristics of family respect
Fostering respect within the family is essential because, as this is the original nucleus of social education, it is in this where the individual and social formation of the individual begins. Family dynamics must guarantee that you really learn to value respect as the basis of social relationships.
The three main characteristics that denote the presence of the virtue and / or value of respect in the family relationship are described below:
Structure and open communication
It refers to the family having a clear functioning structure. The rules by which behavior and family operations should be governed must be clearly and openly established, and these rules should be discussed in family meetings.
In this way, what is undertaken, organized and carried out can be relatively planned for all its members.
Likewise, it is important to maintain a certain flexibility and create an environment of deep and sincere affection, which promotes the freedom and spontaneity necessary to express oneself honestly, taking into account dialogue as the main means to express what each one thinks.
In this open communication, it is considered important that family members assert their right to express themselves according to what they feel, without being restricted, disqualified or ignored and without age being a limitation.
Trust is essential in every individual and social sphere. Trust even serves as the starting point for deciding whether an action or standard setting is appropriate or not.
In this sense, trust will be equated with the security that can be expressed and felt with respect to oneself and towards others.
If this minimum level of security is present between members of the family group, then there is a certainty that the other can be counted on. In principle, this is essential for the majority of the processes within the family to start.
This aspect refers not only to the consideration of diversity in a declarative sense, since inclusion is also evident in the way in which decisions are chosen.
There will be true inclusion when differences, divergent opinions and different arguments are taken into account, differences of gender, beliefs and points of view are considered and, in addition, they are supported from the primary affectionate bond.
Signs of disrespect in the family
- Decisions are made without stakeholders being included in the process.
- Presence of teasing, disqualifying comments and / or ridiculing names to mention or call any of the family members, internally or with other people outside the family circle.
-It is allowed that between the members of the family they deal with blows, even if they begin as a joke, or they physically and emotionally attack each other. This is generally increasing rather than reversing.
- The father or mother have no possibility of controlling, supervising and much less preventing their children from doing activities that are not beneficial for them.
- The operating structure reflected in a routine is practically non-existent and each one leads his life in a parallel way without any order. Likewise, there are no moments to share with the family.
How to promote respect in the family?
In order to promote respect among family members, the characteristics mentioned above and a set of clear rules that encourage respectful behavior must be present. Likewise, it is essential that there be a loving climate, of deep understanding and sincere acceptance.
On this basis, the entire organization of tasks and activities of interest to the family must be established, creating a solid and constructive structure.
On the other hand, the establishment of a transparent decision-making procedure is also required, and this includes from the most everyday to the most occasional.
The decision criteria must be clear, as this helps especially the children of the family to learn that to make decisions a reflective process is necessary and, in addition, an exercise of consideration of the opinion of the other, for which the decision must be taken. time necessary for it.
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