- characteristics
- Go from the concrete to the general
- Your conclusions are probable, not infallible
- Errors can occur when applying it
- Types
- Generalization
- Statistical syllogism
- Simple induction
- Reasoning by analogy
- Causal inference
- Differences with deductive reasoning
- Point
- Arguments
- Validity of the conclusions
- Examples
- References
The inductive reasoning is a kind of thinking about creating generalized theories from specific observations. Unlike deductive reasoning, it relies on concrete data to draw conclusions that may be applicable to other similar situations.
To carry out good inductive reasoning, it is necessary to carry out a large number of observations, find a pattern between them, and be able to make a generalization from the collected data. Later, that generalization can be used to create an explanation or theory.
Source: pexels.com
Inductive reasoning is used both in science and in everyday life. Although its conclusions are not as infallible as those obtained from other logical processes, such as deductive reasoning, it can serve as the basis for all kinds of theories, predictions, or explanations of behaviors.
When conducting an inductive reasoning process, the conclusion reached is said to be more or less probable rather than infallible. However, when applying this type of thinking, various types of biases may arise, which render the arguments invalid.
Go from the concrete to the general
The main characteristic of inductive reasoning is that when using it, it begins with a series of specific data that are used to try to create general theories about a certain phenomenon. The basic method of conducting an induction is to look at a series of specific cases and look for what they have in common.
For example, an ethologist who is studying a new species of bird notices that all the specimens he has found have black feathers. Because of this, he comes to the conclusion that it is likely that any other animal of this species that he encounters in the future will also have plumage of this color.
Because of the way it works, inductive reasoning is also known as "bottom-up logic." This is in contrast to the way deduction works, where you start from a general theory that is used to draw conclusions about a specific situation.
By its nature, the social sciences tend to use inductive reasoning much more than deductive reasoning. Thus, a large part of the theories of disciplines such as psychology or psychology have been created by observing a large number of individuals and generalizing their characteristics to the entire population.
Your conclusions are probable, not infallible
When we perform deductive reasoning, if the premises are true and the argument is well constructed, the conclusions will always be true. However, in inductive reasoning this is not the case. Even when logic is used well, the result of an argument will never be infallible - it may be wrong.
This happens because, when working with inductive reasoning, you are always talking about probabilities. In the example of the black birds that we have previously put, it would only be necessary for an animal of another color to appear to dismantle the argument that all the specimens of that species have the same tonality.
However, not all types of inductive reasoning are equally reliable. The larger the sample we look at, and the more representative it is of the general population (that is, the more it resembles the set we want to study), the less likely it is that there is some kind of error.
For example, when conducting a survey on voting intention, it will be much more reliable if 10,000 randomly selected people are asked than if the survey is conducted in a university class with a group of 50 students.
Errors can occur when applying it
We have already seen that the conclusions drawn by inductive reasoning are not infallible, but simply probable. This occurs even when the logical process has been carried out correctly. However, as with other types of reasoning, it is possible to make mistakes when conducting an induction.
The most common mistake that occurs when using inductive reasoning is relying on examples that are not really representative of the condition being studied. For example, many critics of psychology as a science point out that experiments are often carried out on college students rather than on ordinary people.
Another of the most common errors is to base our conclusions on a very small number of cases, with which the data from which we start is incomplete. In order to arrive at truly reliable conclusions through inductive reasoning, it is necessary to have as much data as possible as a base.
Finally, even when we have enough data and the sample is representative of the general population, our conclusions may be wrong due to thinking biases. In inductive reasoning, some of the most common are the confirmation bias, the availability bias, and the player fallacy.
The basic mechanism always remains in an inductive reasoning process. However, there are several ways to arrive at a general conclusion about a population from a series of particular data. Next we will see the most common ones.
The simplest form of inductive reasoning is based on observing a small sample to draw a conclusion about a larger population.
The formula would be the following: if a proportion of the sample has a characteristic X, then the same proportion of the general population will have it.
The basic generalization tends to occur in informal settings. In fact, it often occurs at the unconscious level. For example, a student in a school observes that of her 30 classmates, only 5 have separated parents. Looking at this, you could make a generalization and think that only a small number of adults are apart.
However, there are other more reliable and scientific forms of generalization. The first is statistical generalization. The operation is similar to the basic one, but the data is collected in a systematic way in a larger population, and the results are analyzed using mathematical techniques.
Let's imagine that 5,000 people were surveyed by telephone about their political affiliation. Of this sample, 70% identify as "left wing." Assuming that the sample is representative of the population in general, it can be inferred that 70% of the inhabitants of that country will also consider themselves on the left.
Statistical syllogism
A statistical syllogism is a form of inductive reasoning that starts from a generalization to draw a conclusion about a specific phenomenon. When using this method, the probability of an outcome occurring is studied and applied to an individual case.
For example, in a country where 80% of marriages end in divorce, we can say that it is very likely that a couple that has just married ends up separating.
However, unlike with syllogisms in deductive logic, this result is not infallible (there would be a 20% chance that the marriage would work).
When using statistical syllogisms, two different problems can arise. On the one hand, it is very easy to ignore the percentage of cases in which the conclusion we have reached is not fulfilled; and on the other hand, it is also common to think that, as there are exceptions to the rule, it cannot be generalized.
Simple induction
Simple induction is a combination of generalization and statistical syllogism. It consists of drawing a conclusion about an individual from a premise that affects a group to which it belongs. The formula is as follows:
We know that a percentage X of a group has a specific attribute. For each individual that belongs to that group, the probability that they also present this attribute is X. For example, if 50% of the members of a group are introverts, each individual has a 50% probability of presenting this trait.
Reasoning by analogy
Another of the most common forms of inductive reasoning is the one that compares two different groups or individuals to try to predict what their similarities and differences will be. The premise is this: if two individuals share one set of characteristics, they are more likely to be similar in others as well.
Reasoning by analogy is very common both in formal disciplines such as science and philosophy, and in our day-to-day lives. However, its conclusions are not always correct, so it is generally considered to be only useful as an auxiliary method of thinking.
For example, imagine that we observe two individuals and discover that they are both introverts, lovers of reading, and have a similar temperament. If we later observe that one of them is interested in classical music, reasoning by analogy would tell us that the second probably will be as well.
Causal inference
When we observe that two phenomena always occur at the same time, our first impulse is to think that one of them is the cause of the other. This type of inductive reasoning is known as causal inference.
This type of reasoning has the problem that two phenomena that occur at the same time can be caused by a third that we do not know, called "strange variable." Therefore, although causal inference is very common, it does not provide enough evidence to be considered valid in fields such as science.
A classic example of wrong causal inference is the relationship between ice cream consumption and the number of deaths caused by drowning at sea. Both phenomena tend to occur to a greater extent at certain times of the year; so if we used causal inference, we could conclude that one of them is causing the other.
However, the logical explanation is that there is a third variable that causes the first two. In this case, it would be the increase in temperatures during the summer months, which causes people to drink more ice cream and bathe more often in the sea, thus also increasing deaths from drowning.
Differences with deductive reasoning
The first fundamental difference between deductive and inductive reasoning is the starting point for both. Deductive reasoning is known as "top-down logic," since it begins with a general theory and ends up drawing a conclusion about a specific case.
On the contrary, we have already seen that inductive reasoning is also called "bottom-up logic." This is because the process is the opposite: reasoning begins from concrete data, and it is about reaching a logical conclusion about a general phenomenon.
In logic, an argument is reasoning made up of premises and a conclusion. In deductive logic, arguments can be valid (if they are well constructed) or invalid (if the premises are unrelated or the conclusion is poorly drawn). On the other hand, they can also be true (if the premises are true) or false.
This doesn't work the same way in inductive reasoning. In this type of logic, the arguments can be strong (if the probability of something happening is high) or weak. At the same time, strong arguments can be convincing (if the premises on which they are based are true) or not convincing.
Validity of the conclusions
The last difference between these two types of reasoning has to do with the validity of the conclusions. In deductive logic, if the premises are true and the argument is well constructed, the conclusion will be true in absolutely all cases.
In contrast, in inductive reasoning, even if the argument is strong and the premises are true, the conclusions will not always be true. That is why we speak of convincing arguments, and not of true arguments.
Below we will see some more examples of inductive reasoning that we can carry out in our day to day:
- Every time Juan eats peanuts, he coughs and feels sick. Juan must be allergic to peanuts.
- A teacher observes that when he uses a PowerPoint presentation in a class, his students show more interest. The teacher concludes that using PowerPoint will help increase the motivation of his students.
- A lawyer studies how cases similar to the one he has in hand in the past were resolved, and finds a strategy that has always yielded good results. Due to this, he comes to the conclusion that if he uses it in his case, he will also achieve his objective.
- "Deductive vs. Inductive ”in: Diffen. Retrieved on: March 20, 2019 from Diffen: diffen.com.
- "Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning ”in: Live Science. Retrieved on: March 20, 2019 from Live Science: livescience.com.
- "Inductive Reasoning Definition and Examples" in: The Balance Careers. Retrieved on: March 20, 2019 from The Balance Careers: thebalancecareers.com.
- "Examples of inductive reasoning" in: Your Dictionary. Retrieved on: March 20, 2019 from Your Dictionary: examples.yourdictionary.com.
- "Inductive reasoning" in: Wikipedia. Retrieved on: March 20, 2019 from Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org.