- Birth
- R
- History
- Paramillo National Natural Park
- Ronda del Sinú
- Change in mouth
- characteristics
- Tourist destination
- Myths and legends
- Main tributaries
- Flora
- Fauna
- References
The Sinú River originates in the department of Antioquia and is located mainly in the department of Córdoba, Colombia. Due to its extension and the size of its basin, it is considered the third most important river in the country among those that flows into the Caribbean Sea.
In total, it travels 415 km from its source and has an area of approximately 13 thousand km 2. Its valleys are extremely fertile, reaching the height of the valleys of the Nile River. For these reasons, the 16 municipalities that it irrigates in Córdoba benefit economically.
The Sinú River is born in the area of the Nudo de Paramillo located in the Ituango municipality. Photo: Jaroldiazc19
Part of the tourism promotion activities that have been implemented in the country have made this river attractive both for its inhabitants and for foreigners, thanks to the Ronda del Sinú Linear Park, one of the largest in Latin America of its kind.
El Nudo de Paramillo, a geographical feature characterized by being the point where two or more mountain systems intersect, was baptized by environmentalists who have studied it as the "water factory." It was declared Paramillo National Natural Park in 1977.
Located in the Western Cordillera of the Andes, between the departments of Antioquia and Córdoba in Colombia, the Serranía de Abibe, the Serranía de Ayapel and the Serranía de San Jerónimo are born from it. It is a place rich in flora and fauna, one of the largest in Latin America thanks to its multiple ecosystems.
Multiple streams are born from this knot, as well as the Ituango, San Jorge and Sinú rivers. Additionally, other smaller rivers and basins flow through its surface. For this reason, the characteristic name with which it was named arises.
The Sinú River, with an abundant torrent in its origin and calm waters along its route, is born specifically in the area of the Nudo de Paramillo located in the Ituango municipality, Antioquia, at 3,960 meters above sea level. In the following map you can see the birth:
In its route between the Serranía de Abibe and the Serranía de San Jorge, the basin has a South - North route, circulating in curves throughout the department of Córdoba and 16 of its municipalities. In 200 km of its route, at the height of the Quebrada de Jui, its waters become navigable.
Its course is divided into four main sectors:
- The upper basin, which goes from its origin, passing upstream from the Urrá dam to Montería.
- The middle basin, from the Montería sector to the San Pelayo municipality of Córdoba.
- The lower basin, which widens to 40 km wide, from San Pelayo to its mouth.
- Inland Delta or Ciénaga de Lorica, located between the municipalities of Lorica, Purísima, Momil, Chimá. It is considered an interior delta since between May and November, in the rainy season, the Sinú fills it.
Its main port is in Montería, the point at which its navigable section ends, where it is also possible to see how a series of paleo-channels or channels abandoned by the change of course of the Sinú River can also be seen heading north.
In the municipality of Cereté, north of Montería, at a point known as Boca de la Ceiba, the main basin forks forming a smaller river called Bugre. This travels 33 km to the Ciénaga Grande de Lorica, from which the Aguas Prietas channel that converges with the Sinú starts.
In addition to the Ciénaga Grande de Lorica, it also forms another marsh, at the height of Montería, known as La Ciénaga de Betancí. Its 3,250 hectares receive this name, from indigenous roots, due to the abundance of fish that inhabited it.
Its course culminates in the Caribbean Sea, specifically in the Boca de Tinajones, at the southern end of the Gulf of Morrosquillo, in the San Bernardo del Viento municipality located in the department of Córdoba. However, it previously flowed into the bay of Cispatá.
This union that occurs between the Sinú, with fresh waters, and the Caribbean Sea, with salty waters, is known as an estuary. This generates a new type of ecosystem, flora and fauna, which adapts to the hydric conditions. In the following map you can see the mouth of the Sinú:
The Sinú River has a history as long as its course. To know it, it is necessary to observe it from the different areas that it bathes with its waters. This is from its point of origin in the Nudo de Paramillo, passing through the entire department of Córdoba until its influx to the Caribbean Sea.
Geographically speaking, thanks to the cartographic records of the area in different historical points, it is possible to observe the changes that this basin has made in its course, some of them by hand and in general by natural accidents.
These records, dating between the 18th and 20th centuries, can give an idea of the age of the Sinú River. In turn, they show how the variations in its route have generated a system of wetlands with swamps and swamps. In addition to its passage there have been paleo-channels, or channels already in disuse.
Paramillo National Natural Park
El Nudo de Paramillo is located between two departments, Antioquia and Córdoba, with an area of 504,014 hectares that covers 7 municipalities. As an inhabited space, its history dates back to the Paleoindian, as artifacts belonging to this period were found in its vicinity.
It is said that originally the area was called Zenú, after the indigenous community that resided in this area. With the conquest by the Spanish, they were displaced. Currently the Embera, Chocó and groups belonging to the Chibcha family are under protection.
Peasants whose source of income is agriculture also inhabit their lands. These arrived in Paramillo in the late 19th century and were established in number in the mid-1940s, in the 20th century.
However, by government resolution in 1977 this place was declared a National Natural Park, which prevents any type of activity other than educational, preservation or recreational. This generated a dispute that has not yet been resolved.
Ronda del Sinú
In Montería is the main port of the Sinú River. In 2005 it was decided to implement a strategy to promote tourism in its waters. From this idea was born the Ronda del Sinú Linear Park, which runs parallel to the river with a length of 4 km. In 2010 a second round is held, known as the Northern Round for its location north of the city.
In 2014, the second phase of the project began with the foundation of a pier in the central area. In turn, it was planned to build a public market, a ring road on the left bank of the river and expand it to the south.
Currently, these facilities have already been completed, giving it the merit of being one of the largest linear parks in Latin America and the main tourist attraction in the area.
Change in mouth
Mouth of the Sinú River in the Caribbean Sea. Source: User: Oliver H
The bay of Cispatá, an old place where the Sinú River flowed, was fertile ground for rice cultivation, a source of income for the peasants who lived there. Around 1938 a dispute broke out with other villagers who wanted an expansion of the farmland.
For this, the construction of canals that served as drainage for the swamps was carried out. However, due to the action of nature, this work collapsed and generated a new outlet in Tinajones.
As it had a negative impact on economic activity, they sought to redirect the river to its former mouth. But, although the artificial channel was followed by the Sinú, it continued to flow into the Caribbean Sea, generating an estuarine zone.
Section of the Sinú River in Brazil. Source: JORGE ARRIETA
Of the rivers that flow into the Caribbean Sea, the Sinú River has the third position for its size. It is a channel that runs for 450 km from the Nudo de Paramillo and has an extension of 13,700 km 2. In turn, along the San Jorge and Canalete rivers, it is one of the main streams of the Córdoba municipality.
Its waters of earthy color in sections become torrential and in others it calms down. In addition, they have the goodness of making the soil they irrigate fertile. For this reason, the Sinú River Valley is one of the most fertile, along with the Nile River Valley, the Euphrates River and the Tigris River.
One of the characteristics that makes it so valuable is that its abundant riverbed is used in the middle part for the generation of hydroelectric energy. This is achieved through the Urrá reservoir and two hydroelectric plants, which benefits the northwestern part of Colombia.
The climate along the Sinú River is changing since its origin is located in a mountainous and jungle-type ecosystem that is characterized by being humid and cold. However, as it approaches the Caribbean Sea, the temperature rises, between 28 ° C and 40 ° C, with periods of rain.
Tourist destination
Tourism on the Sinú River focuses on the Ronda del Sinú Park. Source: Joan pellegrino
Currently the Sinú River cannot be visited at its source since the National Natural Park that houses it does not have ecotourism activities in this area. Additionally, not all of its route is navigable. The main tourist attraction related to the river resides in the Ronda del Sinú Park.
Among the activities that can be carried out in the park, the observation of the flora and fauna of the place, the cultural zone, the food area, as well as the public market where you can find crafts stand out. Additionally there are cycle routes, walkways and rest areas.
Myths and legends
The Sinú River has been a source of inspiration for popular culture, giving life to multiple legends and myths both to explain its origin and the apparitions that inhabit its surroundings. Additionally, in 2016 a soap opera set in the Sinú River was premiered.
Legend has it that the river was born from the ambition of the Zenú Indian named Domicó. He was obsessed with obtaining the golden totumo, a sacred fruit. After achieving it, the god of the wind took revenge and took it from him and then broke it. From him came the water that formed the Sinú.
Another myth, of Spanish origin, says that it was Heredia Palomino, in search of gold, who named this channel. Shortly before she died drowning in its waters, she baptized her Sinú for the shape of breasts that the river's course makes in its curves.
Main tributaries
The Sinú River has multiple tributaries, thanks to them this basin has such a strong flow that it can extend over its more than 13,000 km 2. On the western side, it receives the Esmeralda, Verde and Naim rivers. To the east it mainly receives 3 streams: Jui, Urrá and Tay.
Ceiba bonga. Source: Ivan Mlinaric
In its origin, given the tropical rainforest type climate, it is possible to see a flora that stands out for the presence of the bonga ceiba and the cuipa or volador, as well as the abraco, the caimo and the cascarillo canime. The most valuable plants in Paramillo are palms for their contribution to the poultry fauna.
In its intermediate zone, in the municipality of Montería, the flora is considered a lung, you can see a great variety of vegetation, being the oak the most popular of these in addition to bongas, cedars, rubber, almond trees, palm trees and various fruit trees.
Approximately 130 km 2 of the area where the Sinú flows has an estuarine-type ecosystem. This generates a specific flora adapted to the salinization of the waters, which is characterized by a strong presence of aquatic vegetation such as reed, bijao, cattail and mangroves.
Red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) Source: Alessandro Catenazzi
The Sinú jungle area, in the Nudo de Paramillo, has a diverse fauna that includes endemic birds such as the Barranquero. Among the mammals it is possible to find primates, such as the white marmoset; as well as deer, tapirs and spectacled bears. Reptiles such as the icotea tortoise have also been observed.
In its middle basin the animal that can be found the most is the iguana, several species of apes such as the howler monkey and even sloths. The smaller animals that inhabit this area are squirrels, lizards, bluebirds and chamarías.
The final part of its journey, where it meets the sea, has a large number of mollusks and crustaceans. Among them we can highlight the black oyster and the piangua. Also pistol shrimp and blue crabs.
As for the fish that have this channel as a home, approximately 100 species can be found. In the freshwater area, the bocachico is the main livelihood of the indigenous communities; while in its salty area the marine catfish stands out.
- Resolution 163 of 1977. National Institute of Renewable Natural Resources and the Environment (Inderena), Colombia, May 2, 1977.
- Various authors. Colombia Natural Parks. Villegas editors. 2006, Colombia.
- Morgan, M. et al, Virtual Memories Del Caño Bugre (2010). Online publication retrieved from calameo.com.
- The secret of Sinú. Article in the newspaper El Espectador published on October 2, 2015. Recovered from elespectador.com.
- The Paramillo, a difficult knot to undo. Article of the digital newspaper Verdad Abierta published on April 13, 2016. Recovered from verdadabierta.com.
- Montería, the city that restored the importance of the river. Article of the newspaper El Tiempo published on August 27, 2019. Recovered from eltiempo.com.