- Examples of functional texts
- 1- Tips
- 2- Cooking recipe
- Chocolate chip muffins
- 3- Style manual
- Two authors
- Three to five authors
- Six or more authors
- Corporate Author
- 4- Instructions in a written exam
- 5- Schedules
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- 6- User manuals
- How to install the SIM card in your phone?
- 7- Telephone directory
- 8- Signaling
- 9- Pamphlets
- 10- Memos
- 11- Prospectus
- 12- Assembly instructions
- References
The functional texts are those intended to help the reader to fulfill a task, that is, are instructive. They are called this way, since they help to execute a function in a satisfactory way.
Some examples of this type of text are cooking recipes, user manuals that come with electronic devices, style or protocol manuals, class schedules, instructions in a written exam, signs or memos.
Man leaning on cookbook to prepare a recipe.
Functional texts are very common in our day to day. This type of text not only serves to give instructions, but also offers indications, tips and recommendations that facilitate the performance of a person.
Examples of functional texts
1- Tips
The following is an example of a gardening tip or tip to care for the sansevieria plant:
Sansevieras require temperatures around 20-30 ºC for their well-being at home. Although it withstands shady environments, it requires a lot of lighting, so values between 10,000-20,000 lux favor its growth. They prefer loamy, fertile, loose and well-drained soils, with a pH between 6-7.
2- Cooking recipe
Cooking recipes are one of the most common examples of functional texts.
Chocolate chip muffins
180 gr of margarine
130 gr of sugar
300 gr of flour
150 ml of water
100 gr of chocolate chips
20 g of baking powder
1 tbsp. vanilla essence.
Beat the margarine with the sugar until a creamy mixture is achieved. Sift the flour together with the baking powder, eliminating lumps. Add the flour to the previous mixture.
Slowly add the water and beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Add the chocolate chips and the vanilla essence. Distribute the mixture in the muffin molds and bake for 15 minutes at 180 ° C.
3- Style manual
The following is an excerpt from the American Psychological Association (APA) style manual on how to make citations according to the number of authors:
Two authors
When there are two authors, their surnames are separated by "and", if published in English by "&".
- Rosenblum and Kuttner (2010) state that it is possible (…).
Three to five authors
When there are three to five authors, the first time they are cited, the surnames of all are indicated. Subsequently, only the first is cited and et al is added, followed by a period (et al.).
-Reimers, Mckemmish, McKenzie and Mark (2009) assure that it has been evidenced in several experiments (…). Reimers et al. (2009) state that it is important (…)
Six or more authors
When there are six or more authors, the last name of the first is cited, followed by et al. from the first citation.
- Hameroff et al. (2006) affirm that microtubules (…)
Corporate Author
In the case of a corporate author, the name of the organization is placed instead of the surname. The first time the full name is cited and the acronym is indicated between the parentheses. From now on, it is only cited with the acronym.
According to the National Police (PONAL, 2010)…, homicides (National Police, 2010).
4- Instructions in a written exam
Any type of instruction is an example of functional text. Therefore, even the indications in the written examinations are texts of this type:
Read the instructions carefully. Select two of the questions below and develop them on the blank sheet of paper.
Each answer should have an introductory paragraph, two or three development paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Minimum 300 words for each answer, maximum 450.
5- Schedules
Although the schedules of educational institutions do not offer instructions, they are functional texts since they give indications about the place and time at which a lecture or an event will be given.
8: 00-9: 30 Theory and music theory II. Classroom 225.
9: 30-11: 00 History of music I. Classroom 232.
8: 00-11: 00 Piano I. Main auditorium.
11: 00-12: 45 History of art I. Aula 210.
8: 00-9: 30 Theory and music theory II. Classroom 225.
9: 30-12: 45 Piano I. Rehearsal room.
6- User manuals
The manuals present the guidelines that a user must follow to ensure the proper functioning of a computer.
How to install the SIM card in your phone?
Press the phone's home button for three seconds, until the device has turned off. Remove the battery cover and battery.
Insert the SIM card into any of the slots marked with the words “SIM1” OR “SIM2”. Make sure the gold contacts on the card are facing the phone.
7- Telephone directory
Telephone directories give directions that may be helpful. Not only do they provide contact information but also indicate the address where certain establishments are located.
8- Signaling
The signs present in public and private spaces are examples of functional texts: with a few words they give precise instructions and indications.
Some examples of these are:
- Slow down, school zone.
- Slow down, dangerous curve.
- Ladies bathroom / Men's bathroom.
- Don't stop. Parking lot.
9- Pamphlets
Some brochures and brochures are examples of functional texts. For example, those that announce the opening of a store.
This Thursday, September 28, 2017 will be the grand opening of Buenos Momentos, your music store. Here you can find from sheet music to musical instruments of the best brands. Attend! We will wait for you!
10- Memos
Memos, memoranda or memoranda, are functional texts that are intended to capture information that must be remembered.
In general, these contain instructions that must be executed by the personnel of a company, notifications about changes in the organization, reminders of conferences that will take place in the near future, among others.
11- Prospectus
The prospectus is a printed paper that contains information on certain products such as their composition, characteristics, dosage, risks, instructions for use or prevention. It is typical of the drugs sold in pharmacies:
Leaflet for an anti-inflammatory
12- Assembly instructions
Similar to the user manual but more specific for the assembly or construction of household items or furniture. They include descriptive text and images that help the user know how to fit the pieces. The IKEA company manuals are an example of this.
Girl assembling furniture with assembly manual
- What is a functional text? Retrieved on September 20, 2017, from study.com
- Readinf Functional Texts. Retrieved on September 20, 2017, from schoolweb.dysart.org
- What is a functional text? Retrieved on September 20, 2017, from wolfhill4.wikispaces.com
- Functional Texts. Retrieved on September 20, 2017, from hurinuryani.wordpress.com
- Short Functional Text. Retrieved on September 20, 2017, from es.slideshare.net
- What is a functional text? Retrieved on September 20, 2017, from reference.com
- What are some examples of functional texts? Retrieved on September 20, 2017, from reference.com.