- Consequences of not expelling gases
- Tips to avoid gas retention
- Homemade solutions to avoid gas
- Fennel
- Ginger
- Lemon water
- References
What would happen in the intestine if the gases were not expelled is that the digestive tract would become inflamed, air would accumulate in the abdominal area, there would be a lot of pain and even involvement in the colon.
The human body accumulates two types of gases. Some are eliminated through the mouth, these are burps. Others, which are completely different, are eliminated through the rectum, and they are flatulence.
Burping is the result of air aphasia, and is usually caused by eating too fast. Flatulence is produced by the fermentation of food in the stomach, produced by colonies of intestinal bacteria.
There are foods that produce more gas than others; for example, cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli or asparagus, produce gas. Some dairy products or some kinds of legumes also cause gas.
Consequences of not expelling gases
Gas builds up in the intestines. If not removed, they cause swelling and great discomfort. The digestive tract becomes inflamed and air collects in the abdominal area.
When gas is not passed, the intestines become inflamed and, in extreme cases, diverticula may develop in the colon.
Diverticula are small bags that bulge in the colon, causing constipation, colic, and large abdominal bloating.
There are ways to minimize gas in the body. One recommendation is not to speak while eating food. Another way is to avoid using straws to sip liquids.
It is also advisable not to drink carbonated beverages (sodas) during meals.
Tips to avoid gas retention
Mealtime should be taken as a ceremony. It is essential to eat slowly, chewing food well.
Eating slowly causes less air to enter when chewing. This prevents the production of gases during digestion. This is faster and food does not ferment in the body. This prevents gases from forming.
After meals, avoid smoking or chewing gum. A lot of air is swallowed with chewing gum, the same as with cigarettes; and both stimulate the digestive system to generate gases.
Whenever possible, you should also avoid the consumption of dairy products or foods rich in fat, as these also ferment in the stomach.
Vegetable gas producers include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, bell peppers, cucumber, corn, onions, radishes, turnips, and lima beans.
These are the ones that cause the most gases. It is not that they should be avoided, but they must take this feature into account when choosing the menu.
Homemade solutions to avoid gas
An infusion of 20 grams is prepared in a cup of water, and lemon and / or a teaspoon of honey can be added. It should be taken hot. It is excellent for flatulence and intestinal gas.
Boil fresh ginger in a cup of water, and drink it. Honey can be added. The properties of ginger prevent gas formation and relax the intestinal tract.
Lemon water
It should be prepared in the morning. Hot water is prepared with lemon and honey. It prevents gastric pain and gas formation in the stomach.
- "What would happen if gases were not expelled from the intestine" in Health. Recovered in September 2017 in What would happen from: quepasaria.com
- «Natural remedy for flatulence or intestinal gas» in Natural Remedies (April 2016). Recovered in September 2017 in Natural Remedies from: remedionaturales.com
- "Flatulence" in Wikipedia. Recovered in September 2017 in Wikipedia from: es.wikipedia.org