- Examples of deductive paragraphs
- Example
- Example 2
- Example 3
- Example 4
- Example 5
- Articles of interest
- References
A deductive paragraph is one whose main idea is at the beginning of the paragraph explained in a generalized way. The secondary ideas related to the main one are located in the development and conclusion of the paragraph. Among these secondary ideas that are explained are arguments, examples or motivations.
So, its structure goes from the macro to the micro. It begins by explaining the big picture and as it unfolds explains the particular ideas that emerge from the main idea.
Examples of deductive paragraphs
The opening sentence of deductive paragraphs is the main idea of the text, without exception. They can be used for any type of text, since it directly affects the shape of the text and is customizable.
Motivational factors are those material or abstract rewards, which can come from a third party or be intrinsic. Material rewards have been proven effective in repetitive and mechanical learning. This type of learning is short-term.
If the reward will be fleeting, the same will happen with learning. This is especially helpful in young children's learning processes.
Example 2
Ancient Greece gave us the first philosophers, whose names have been among the greatest enlightened ones. One of these figures is Aristotle, a disciple of the great teacher Plato, who was himself a disciple of Socrates.
Socrates is considered the first great philosopher. Aristotle's theories are still valid, and are the basis of many of the postulates of current thought.
His studies on art and empirical sciences in many cases renewed the thinking of later times and established new avenues of research.
Example 3
The Girl on the Train is a 2016 film that tells the story of Rachel, an alcoholic obsessed with her ex-husband Tom and with the new life he is leading with his current wife, Anna, and their newborn daughter.
His days turn into a vicious cycle that focuses on self-lamentation and denial. Every day she travels a route by train from which she can spy on her old home.
This obsession intensifies when he begins to spy on Tom and Anna's neighbor, a young woman named Megan whose seemingly perfect life he envies. Rachel's life begins its turn with the disappearance of Megan, in which she is involved.
The search for the young woman becomes a personal mission, through which Rachel tries to understand and overcome her own past.
Example 4
I'm talking about myself, something I don't know much about, to be honest. Even now I am rummaging through old trunks to understand many things.
I remember my grandfather saying that you never finish knowing people, because you don't even finish knowing yourself. I'm sure he knew himself very well, so well that he knew all the things he could never do.
Example 5
The Interactive Museum of Economics is known as an institution that promotes financial education and knowledge related to the economy as part of the general culture.
It is a non-profit organization whose main promoter was Banco de México. The board of directors conceived the project in 2001. It has the support of other private institutions and uses as its headquarters the old Betlemitas convent.
Articles of interest
Inductive paragraphs.
Deductive and inductive method.
Argumentative paragraph.
- Deductive an inductive paragraph organization. (2012) writeenglish.org
- What is an inductive-deductive paragraph? enotes.com
- Organizing Paragraphs Inductively and Deductively. ln.edu.hk
- Informative normal paragraphs and functional paragraphs. (2017) curn.edu.co
- Summary and synthesis of academic texts. (2013) erasmus.ufm.edu
- Deductive paragraph. (2017) academia.edu