- Technical communication media
- What is technical representation for?
- Forms of technical representation
- Diagram
- Schemes
- Blueprints
- Models
- Graphics
- User manual
- Poster
- Sketch
- Symbols
- Informational media
- References
The technical representation is a graphical representation where therethrough communicates and transfers information. This information can be represented either by drawings, symbols or also graphics, where clear and precise information is given on the idea to be transmitted.
From the beginning of the human being, in prehistoric times, technical representation was already used. This representation was made through the drawings that they left made on the walls of the caves about figures of animals and men.
These drawings represented their daily life and, through them, they have allowed us to transmit to our time what life was like in prehistory.
Different types of cultures found that through drawing they could express their different ideas. One of the first people to use technical drawing was Leonardo da Vinci.
One of the best ways to communicate ideas has been shown to be through a picture or drawing. There is a clear preference for any type of visual communication.
Technical representation is also known as technical drawing, where its essential characteristics are mainly based on the precision of the data included in it. These data are directly dependent on both the instruments used and the techniques, materials and methods.
Technical communication media
Communication is a transmission of knowledge, ideas or images. Man is the one who has created languages, codes and signals to be able to transmit ideas, knowledge and actions.
Currently the most used communication is the one that is carried out through electronic systems. Technical representation through its different forms is one of the most effective communication systems.
There are different and very varied means of technical communication among which the following stand out:
- Oral. It is the use of the spoken word.
- Printed. Any type of document made on paper such as manuals or sketches.
- Gestural. It is the whole set of gestures and expressions that are expressed with the body and are usually accompanied by oral language.
- Signs. It is a system of symbols represented graphically, through which the actions to be carried out are transmitted.
- Graph. It is the whole set of visual elements used in the technical representation: drawings, diagrams, etc.
What is technical representation for?
The technical representation is used to carry out any type of project or work where all the necessary guidelines and information have to be specified and graphically represented. It is essential to achieve the production of a project.
These types of representations are very useful in certain professions such as engineering and architecture, although they are also used by teachers, interior designers, electricians, computer programmers, etc.
Forms of technical representation
In the technical representation, not only is drawing used, but other types of representations are also used, such as those detailed below:
It is where all the tasks that define how a job has to be done are reflected. It can be both illustrated and descriptive. It is used to define all the necessary steps so that any type of work or process can be executed in an orderly and coherent way.
There are different types of diagrams: flow, conceptual, database, organization charts, etc.
It is one or more drawings that are used to represent technical objects and give a clear and summarized idea of how they are integrated with each other, showing all their parts.
They are two-dimensional technical representations to scale that are made in any type of work that you want to design and / or build.
They are usually used in the construction of buildings and houses, where all structures, walls, doors, windows, etc. are included. They are also used to make a topographic representation of a terrain.
It is the representation on a reduced scale of a building, machine, etc.
They represent data, usually they are numerical, using different types of graphs for them. A very widespread use of graphs is the one used, for example, in statistics. Different shapes can be used in the graphs:
- Lines
- Bars
- Circles
- Bubbles
The size of these shapes is proportional to the amount of data. The main objective of graphics is to be able to transmit information quickly and make it easy to understand at first glance.
There are computer programs that can produce different types of graphs, with them graphs can be created in a simple way following a series of steps.
To create more complex graphics, you can also find specific computer programs aimed at designers or draftsmen.
User manual
User manuals detail the main features of a product. They are composed of texts where it is explained step by step how to carry out a specific task.
It is the technical representation of an idea where a striking message is transmitted to the observer. In the poster, what predominates is the image over the text.
It is a drawing where objects are shown from different angles or perspectives, pointing out different elements of them, such as the structure, dimensions and materials.
Symbols were invented many years ago by man in order to represent precise messages or complete words.
The alphabet is based on hieroglyphics, appearing for the first time in Egypt, passing over time to different places where each people created their own. It is a system where sounds are represented by symbols.
The use of symbols can be found, for example, in traffic signs or traffic lights where, by means of some colors, they give us the information of the action that we have to carry out.
Informational media
In computer processes a technical language is used that serves to understand all the processes in the elaboration of computer programs.
It is also used in the creation of web pages, where the structure and content are described in the form of text, supplemented by images.
This type of language is known by the code name HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language (Hypertext Markup Language).
- Arce, C. (10 of 03 of 2013). Communication and Technical Representation. Retrieved on 05/06/2017, from crtequipo4.blogspot.com.es.
- (sf). Technical Drawing Software. Retrieved on 06/05/2017, from conceptdraw.com.
- Duque, A. (19 of 09 of 2012). Graphic representation as a technical language and its use in technology. Retrieved on 06/05/2017, from es.silideshare.net.
- (08 of 04 of 2011). Technical representations. Retrieved on 05/05/2017, from mongemoicano.wordpress.com.
- (2008). Technical drawing. Retrieved 05/05/2017, from en.technisches-zaichnen.net.
- (sf). How Are Charts Used? Retrieved on 06/05/2017, from visual.ly.
- (March 20, 2017). Technical drawing. Retrieved on 05/05/2017, from en.wikipedia.org.