- Formulas and equations
- Important observations about the first law of Thermodynamics
- Applications
- Isochoric processes
- Isobaric processes
- Isothermal processes
- Adiabatic processes
- Processes in closed path and free expansion
- Examples
- Solved exercises
- Exercise 1
- Solution to)
- Solution b)
- Exercise 2
- Solution
- References
The first law of thermodynamics states that any change experienced by the energy of a system comes from the mechanical work done, plus the heat exchanged with the environment. Whether they are at rest or in motion, objects (systems) have different energies, which can be transformed from one class to another through some type of process.
If a system is in the stillness of the laboratory and its mechanical energy is 0, it still has internal energy, due to the fact that the particles that compose it continually experience random movements.
Figure 1. An internal combustion engine uses the first law of thermodynamics to produce work. Source: Pixabay.
The random movements of the particles, together with electrical interactions and in some cases nuclear ones, make up the internal energy of the system and when it interacts with its environment, variations in internal energy arise.
There are several ways to make these changes happen:
- The first is that the system exchanges heat with the environment. This occurs when there is a difference in temperature between the two. Then the one that is hotter gives up heat -a way of transferring energy- to the coldest one, until both temperatures are equal, reaching thermal equilibrium.
- By carrying out a job, whether the system carries it out, or an external agent does it on the system.
- Adding mass to the system (mass equals energy).
Let U be the internal energy, the balance would be ΔU = final U - initial U, so it is convenient to assign signs, which according to the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) criteria are:
- Positive Q and W (+), when the system receives heat and work is done on it (energy is transferred).
- Negative Q and W (-), if the system gives up heat and performs work on the environment (reduces energy).
Formulas and equations
The first law of thermodynamics is another way of stating that energy is neither created nor destroyed, but is transformed from one type to another. Doing so will have produced heat and work, which can be put to good use. Mathematically it is expressed as follows:
ΔU = Q + W
- ΔU is the change in the energy of the system given by: ΔU = Final energy - Initial energy = U f - U o
- Q is the heat exchange between the system and the environment.
- W is the work done on the system.
In some texts the first law of thermodynamics is presented like this:
ΔU = Q - W
This does not mean that they contradict each other or that there is an error. This is because W work was defined as work done by the system rather than using work done on the system, as in the IUPAC approach.
With this criterion, the first law of thermodynamics is stated in this way:
Both criteria will give correct results.
Important observations about the first law of Thermodynamics
Both heat and work are two ways of transferring energy between the system and its surroundings. All the quantities involved have as a unit in the International System the joule or joule, abbreviated J.
The first law of thermodynamics gives information about the change in energy, not about the absolute values of the final or initial energy. Some of them could even be taken as 0, because what counts is the difference in values.
Another important conclusion is that every isolated system has ΔU = 0, since it is unable to exchange heat with the environment, and no external agent is allowed to do work on it, so the energy remains constant. A thermos to keep your coffee warm is a reasonable approximation.
So in a non-isolated system ΔU is always different from 0? Not necessarily, ΔU can be 0 if its variables, which are usually pressure, temperature, volume and number of moles, go through a cycle in which their initial and final values are the same.
In the Carnot cycle for example, all thermal energy is converted into usable work, since it does not contemplate friction or viscosity losses.
As for U, the mysterious energy of the system, she includes:
- The kinetic energy of the particles as they move and that which comes from the vibrations and rotations of atoms and molecules.
- Potential energy due to electrical interactions between atoms and molecules.
- Interactions typical of the atomic nucleus, as inside the sun.
The first law states that it is possible to produce heat and work by causing the internal energy of a system to change. One of the most successful applications is the internal combustion engine, in which a certain volume of gas is taken and its expansion is used to carry out work. Another well known application is the steam engine.
Engines usually make use of cycles or processes in which the system starts from an initial state of equilibrium towards another final state, also of equilibrium. Many of them take place under conditions that facilitate the calculation of work and heat from the first law.
Here are simple templates that describe common, everyday situations. The most illustrative processes are adiabatic, isochoric, isothermal, isobaric processes, closed path processes, and free expansion. In them, a system variable is kept constant and consequently the first law takes a particular form.
Isochoric processes
They are those in which the volume of the system remains constant. Therefore, no work is done and with W = 0 it remains:
ΔU = Q
Isobaric processes
In these processes the pressure remains constant. The work done by the system is due to the change in volume.
Suppose a gas confined in a container. Since work W is defined as:
By substituting this force in the expression of work, it results:
But the product A. Δl is equal to the volume change ΔV, leaving the work like this:
For an isobaric process, the first law takes the form:
ΔU = Q - p ΔV
Isothermal processes
They are those that take place at a constant temperature. This can take place by contacting the system with an external thermal reservoir and causing the heat exchange to take place very slowly, so that the temperature is constant.
For example, heat can flow from a hot reservoir into the system, allowing the system to do work, with no variation in ΔU. So:
Q + W = 0
Adiabatic processes
In the adiabatic process there is no transfer of thermal energy, therefore Q = 0 and the first law reduces to ΔU = W. This situation can occur in well isolated systems and means that the energy change comes from the work that has been made on it, according to the current sign convention (IUPAC).
It might be thought that since there is no transfer of thermal energy, the temperature will remain constant, but this is not always the case. Surprisingly, the compression of an isolated gas results in an increase in its temperature, while in adiabatic expansion the temperature decreases.
Processes in closed path and free expansion
In a closed path process, the system returns to the same state it had at the beginning, regardless of what happened at the intermediate points. These processes were mentioned before when talking about non-isolated systems.
In them ΔU = 0 and therefore Q = W or Q = -W depending on the sign criterion adopted.
Closed path processes are very important because they form the foundation of thermal engines such as the steam engine.
Finally, free expansion is an idealization that takes place in a thermally insulated container that contains a gas. The container has two compartments separated by a partition or membrane and the gas is in one of them.
The volume of the container increases suddenly if the membrane ruptures and the gas expands, but the container does not contain a piston or any other object to move. So the gas does not do work while it expands and W = 0. Because it is thermally insulated, Q = 0 and it is immediately concluded that ΔU = 0.
Therefore, free expansion does not cause changes in the energy of the gas, but paradoxically while expanding it is not in equilibrium.
- A typical isochoric process is the heating of a gas in an airtight and rigid container, for example a pressure cooker without an exhaust valve. In this way, the volume remains constant and if we put such a container in contact with other bodies, the internal energy of the gas changes only thanks to the heat transfer due to this contact.
- Thermal machines carry out a cycle in which they take heat from a thermal tank, converting almost everything into work, leaving a part for their own operation and the excess heat is dumped into another colder tank, which is generally the ambient.
- Preparing sauces in an uncovered pot is a daily example of an isobaric process, since cooking is carried out at atmospheric pressure and the volume of sauce decreases over time as the liquid evaporates.
- An ideal gas in which an isothermal process takes place keeps the product of pressure and volume constant: P. V = constant.
- The metabolism of warm-blooded animals allows them to maintain a constant temperature and carry out multiple biological processes, at the expense of the energy contained in food.
Figure 2. Athletes, like thermal machines, use fuel to do work and the excess is lost through sweat. Source: Pixabay.
Solved exercises
Exercise 1
A gas is compressed at a constant pressure of 0.800 atm, so that its volume varies from 9.00 L to 2.00 L. In the process, the gas gives up 400 J of energy through heat. a) Find the work done on the gas and b) calculate the change in its internal energy.
Solution to)
In the adiabatic process it is fulfilled that P o = P f, the work done on the gas is W = P. ΔV, as explained in the preceding sections.
The following conversion factors are required:
Therefore: 0.8 atm = 81.060 Pa and Δ V = 9 - 2 L = 7 L = 0.007 m 3
Substituting the values you get:
Solution b)
When the system gives up heat, Q is assigned a sign -, therefore the first law of Thermodynamics is as follows:
ΔU = -400 J + 567.42 J = 167.42 J.
Exercise 2
It is known that the internal energy of a gas is 500 J and when it is compressed adiabatically its volume decreases by 100 cm 3. If the pressure applied to the gas during compression was 3.00 atm, calculate the internal energy of the gas after adiabatic compression.
Since the statement informs that the compression is adiabatic, it is true that Q = 0 and ΔU = W, then:
With initial U = 500 J.
According to the data ΔV = 100 cm 3 = 100 x 10 -6 m 3 and 3 atm = 303975 Pa, therefore:
- Bauer, W. 2011. Physics for Engineering and Sciences. Volume 1. Mc Graw Hill.
- Cengel, Y. 2012. Thermodynamics. 7 ma Edition. McGraw Hill.
- Figueroa, D. (2005). Series: Physics for Science and Engineering. Volume 4. Fluids and Thermodynamics. Edited by Douglas Figueroa (USB).
- López, C. The First Law of Thermodynamics. Recovered from: culturacientifica.com.
- Knight, R. 2017. Physics for Scientists and Engineering: a Strategy Approach. Pearson.
- Serway, R., Vulle, C. 2011. Fundamentals of Physics. 9 na Ed. Cengage Learning.
- Sevilla University. Thermal Machines. Recovered from: laplace.us.es.
- Wikiwand. Adiabatic process. Recovered from: wikiwand.com.