- Geography as a mixed science
- Auxiliary Sciences of Geography
- Meteorology
- biology
- geology
- Mapping
- Sociology
- Economy
- References
Geography is a mixed science because it is made up of the union of natural and social sciences; that is, it needs the contribution of other auxiliary knowledge to carry out its study.
At first, geography was a limited science, based on theoretical speculations, religious dogmas and empirical knowledge, although it evolved until it became a mixed science, thanks to man's desire to know more about the planet he inhabited.
Over the years, industrial and technological evolution facilitated the investigations that corroborated, denied or related the different geographical phenomena, as well as the different theories about the formation, distribution and shape of the planet.
Geography as a mixed science
Geography was dedicated to studying the different components and characteristics of the Earth, as well as natural phenomena.
Progressively, he also dealt with the interaction of physical, biological and human elements, such as relief, bodies of water, climate, vegetation, fauna, natural resources, human activity, population distribution, territorial political division, among other issues.
The study of so many diverse subjects made it necessary to use and gear other sciences such as physics, meteorology, biology, geology, astronomy, sociology, cartography, among others.
In this way, geography became a mixed, broad and varied science, which groups together various topics related to planet Earth.
Auxiliary Sciences of Geography
Auxiliary sciences are interrelated with geography as links that allow interdisciplinary studies to obtain more comprehensive and detailed explanations of the different geographical phenomena.
In this way, physical, meteorological, biological, geological, cartographic, sociological, economic, mathematical, astronomical data, among others, can be processed, which provide more reliable and valid results.
It provides information of a physical-natural nature of geographic interest, which provides data on the occurrence of natural phenomena, atmospheric, oceanic, geomorphological and environmental dynamics, as well as contributions on meteorology, among other data.
As a discipline derived from physics, it facilitates the study and forecast of the weather, its climatic changes and the phenomena that occur on Earth.
It helps to study the biological processes related to the natural environment, such as the distribution and evolution of living beings in relation to the delimitation of the different ecosystems.
It favors the study, evaluation and analysis of soils, their natural phenomena and mineral resources, by exploring the interaction of the Earth's biophysicochemical environment.
It allows the visualization, projection and representation of the surface of the geographic spaces, by means of the study and elaboration of plans, maps and topographic charts, which facilitate the knowledge of the relative position of these zones.
Collects and supplies information regarding the exchange and coexistence of individuals with their geographic and social environment, facilitating the cultural understanding of society, based on various factors such as the distribution, classification and population growth of a given sector.
It encourages the generation of rational criteria regarding the use and administration of resources, according to geographic distribution and population density.
- College of Bachelors of the State of Sonora. (2013). 1.1. GEOGRAPHY AS A MIXED SCIENCE. Unit 1. Introduction to the study of geography. Geography. Learning module. Academic Direction of the Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora. Mexico. Retrieved December 12, 2017 from: issuu.com
- Cuban Collaborative Encyclopedia. ECURED. (s / f). GEOGRAPHY. Category: Geography. Retrieved December 12, 2017 from: ecured.cu
- Guillermo Méndez Zapata. (2010). TOPIC 1: WHAT IS GEOGRAPHY? FIELDS OF STUDY. Geography and History 3rd ESO. ESPAD Didactic Units. Aragonese e-ducative platform. Aragonese Center of Technologies for Education. CATEDU. Department of Education, Culture and Sports. Retrieved December 12, 2017 from: e-ducativa.catedu.es/unidadesdidacticas
- Nadia Beristain de la Luz. (2015). STUDY OF GEOGRAPHY AS A MIXED SCIENCE. Preparatory Schools. Geography. Electronic presentations. Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo. Retrieved December 12, 2017 from: repository.uaeh.edu.mx
- Narciso Barrera Bassols and Angelina Palma Ruiz. (2012). 1.1.1. GEOGRAPHY AS AN INTEGRATING SCIENCE. 1.1. Importance of geography. Unit I. Introduction to the study of geography. Geography. General Directorate of Baccalaureate. Government of the State of Veracruz. Retrieved December 12, 2017 from: biologicaseba.files.wordpress.com