The urban population is one whose members live in the large cities or large towns of a country. These geographical spaces are characterized by housing a large number of people.
The definition of urban space is determined by each country. Usually the territorial extension of the space and other criteria specific to each nation are taken into account, such as the type of economic activity carried out in that area and the density of the population.
Urban populations are characterized by being highly dense. Source:
The spaces in which the urban population operates are usually highly industrialized, with modern infrastructure and accessibility to basic services such as water, electricity, gas, transport, food and housing, among others.
The United Nations Organization has projected that by 2020 68% of the world's population will live in urban areas, which implies an important challenge for each country in terms of managing cities that are in full and constant growth.
Urban population concept
Kuala Lumpur
Urban populations are made up of citizens of a specific country who live in the most important cities of that nation in the economic sphere.
In some cases, many urban dwellers come from other rural regions that have less economic development. It is common for these individuals to have an interest in moving to urban areas in search of better living conditions for themselves and their families.
To consider an urban population as such it is necessary to consider several aspects. One of these is the number of people (urban populations tend to be very abundant), although this element is not a determining factor.
Another characteristic to take into account is the type of economic activity carried out by its members. Urban populations tend to develop in industrialized environments, where there is also a wide range of different types of services.
This implies that, in general terms, the activities of urban populations are not directly related to the agricultural field. For this reason, their spaces tend to be transformed: natural areas decrease and artificial constructions increase, which will be used by individuals in their urban daily life.
- Urban populations are usually abundant.
- The locations of urban populations are located in the most economically developed cities of a country.
- These populations have greater access to educational systems.
- As a consequence of the previous point, urban populations have greater possibilities of academic training, both in primary and secondary school and in the university environment.
- The members of an urban population usually live in houses or apartments located in condominiums, in most cases well connected with the rest of the area thanks to the region's transportation system.
- Urban populations have spaces dedicated to recreation and leisure, such as large shopping centers, restaurant areas, sports complexes, cinemas and theaters with abundant cultural offerings, among other scenarios.
- The occupations of urban populations are usually related to the secondary sector of the economy (industry) and the tertiary sector (services).
- Those who make up an urban population do not usually have direct access to natural landscapes, since most of their surroundings are made up of buildings made by humans.
- Urban populations usually have little space for each given individual and are highly dense.
New York
Times Square, New York.
New York's urban population is one of the largest in the United States and in the world as a whole. Currently it is made up of about 20 million inhabitants and it is estimated that there are 140 people for every square kilometer.
This city is also the most expensive in the United States, as both taxes and the cost of living in general are quite high. In addition, it is considered the main financial city in the world.
Currently New York is going through a complex situation, as it is one of the cities that has lost the most population in recent years. With data from 2019, about 277 people travel to other cities every day.
It is the metropolitan area with the largest number of inhabitants in the world, as its population exceeds 44 million people.
This metropolitan complex houses seven administrative zones called prefectures. All these areas are connected to each other through a system of roads, and thanks to this, Tokyo is considered the largest urban center on the planet.
Regarding the density of the urban population of Tokyo, currently around 14 thousand people live in each square kilometer.
This amount of people travels by means of a transport system that is considered one of the most efficient in the world. Tokyo has the largest train network in the world and its subway system ranks fourth on the list of the largest.
Mexico City
Mexico is considered one of the 10 most populated countries in the world. This is indicated by the figures given by the United Nations (UN) in its report entitled World Population Outlook 2019.
According to the UN, in 2018 Mexico City was home to almost 21 million people. The Mexico City metro has 14 lines that are essential for this large number of people to move normally throughout the capital.
In addition to the underground system, there are also bus lines, minibuses, electric transports and railways, among other means of transport.
About 30 million people live in this city in India. The population density of this city is almost 13,000 people per square kilometer.
It is among the main urban areas in the world with accelerated growth; In addition, it is considered the most important business center in North India.
Regarding the transportation system, the Delhi Transportation Corporation has the most eco-friendly transportation options, as most of its units use Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), which produces far less carbon emissions than other fuel sources.
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