- ANTHONY ROBBINS - http://www.tonyrobbinsspain.com/
- PATRÍCIA RAMÍREZ - http://www.patriciaramirezloeffler.com/
- JORGE JIMÉNEZ - http://soyjorgejimenez.com/
- JUAN SEBASTIÁN CELIS - http://www.sebascelis.com
- JAVIER IRIONDO - http://javieririondo.es/
- ANTONI MARTÍNEZ - http://www.psicologiaenpositivo.org/valencia/
- SUSANA RODRÍGUEZ - http://susanarodriguez.net/
- ÁLVARO LÓPEZ - http://autorrealizarte.com/
- CARMEN FERNANDEZ - http://www.carmefernandez-coach.com/
- ASIER ARRIAGA - http://www.elefectogalatea.com/
There are countless studies that show the effects of self-esteem on health, and on the professional and personal results that one has in life. Improving self-esteem and building one that is healthy shows a direct effect on a good quality of life and good mental health.
On the contrary, having low self-esteem is one of the most common problems, so it has occurred to us to ask the following question to several experts in the field of Psychology and personal development: What is the best way to improve self-esteem? Here are their answers:
Robbins is probably the world's leading expert in personal development, NLP, and coaching. His books The Power of Now, Control Your Destiny, and his programs have reached millions of people around the world.
Founder of the Positive Thinking Institute and the Master of Entrepreneurship of the Positive Thinking Institute. He has also directed, among other things, radio programs on ABC Punto Radio and has brought out multiple publications.
JUAN SEBASTIÁN CELIS - http://www.sebascelis.com
Self-described as an entrepreneur specializing in marketing, commercialization and personal development, he goes to different countries as a speaker in addition to founding different companies and writing the best seller "Where your dreams take you."
With more than 10 years of experience in the sector and specialized in Cognitive-Behavioral Current Clinical Psychology, Antoni Martínez is a Valencian psychologist who currently directs Positive Psychology.
Susana is an entrepreneur lawyer, expert Legal Advisor in Multilevel Marketing and CEO of life and business and a pioneer among other things. She is also a speaker, motivator, and blogger.
Mathematician and executive personal coach and expert leadership team. She has consulting experience that she has worked on for 15 years. It is through its website that it seeks to “find the best version of each one”.
Asier defines himself as a psychologist who likes scientific dissemination as well as a curious, skeptical and analytical technician who writes to share knowledge and encourage constructive debate.
«The truth is that self-esteem cannot be formed or modified in a few days. From the moment of birth, our learning history constitutes the scaffolding on which the good or bad self-esteem is based, which we gradually develop.
Likewise, the opinion of others, no matter how much it weighs us, is decisive for these purposes. The child who is constantly teased by his peers will end up believing, if nothing counteracts him, that his worth is less than that of others-
But, although this environment is something we cannot influence to a great extent, there is a field in which our margin of decision is much greater: the way in which we interpret and react to it. "I am not responsible for what you do to me, but for how you make me feel and how I respond to you."
There are some strategies that, directly or indirectly, can help:
- Choose the company of those people with whom you are best. They are usually people who, in one way or another, are fostering better self-esteem in yourself.
- Take time to get to know yourself and what your weak points are. Be honest with yourself, acknowledge your weaknesses, and appreciate your strengths.
- Learn to recognize those things that you can change and those that you cannot. And accept that margin of uncertainty. Not everything is under your control, but not everything depends on you.
- Define your goals in a concrete and realistic way. If you know well what you want, they are achievable goals and are also consistent with what you are good at, it will be easier to achieve success.
- Do not fall into excessive self-demand or constant criticism of yourself. Knowing how to identify our mistakes helps to correct them, but focusing only on them and forgetting the merits is a bad idea.
- Remember your own achievements and positive qualities.
- The approval of others is important, but don't let it become decisive. What is essential is what you think of yourself. Ask yourself the following question: what would you think of a third person who does it like me? You are probably less severe than others are.
- Take the chance from time to time to make a mistake. Face new challenges, investigate new paths, dare unknown terrain. You will discover that you are more capable than you think.
- And remember your wants and needs. It doesn't hurt to indulge in a few whims from time to time. "