- Specifications of the measurements of a court according to FIBA
- Court sections
- Other measures
- Board measurements
- References
The measurements of a basketball (or basketball) court vary depending on the competition. In the NBA, the court measures 29 by 15 meters. Under the rules of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) the court must measure exactly 28 by 15 meters.
At the student level, the courts measure 26 by 15 meters. In amateur basketball the measures can be quite varied.
Baskets must always be 3 meters above the floor, except in some youth competitions. Basketball courts have a three-point arc at the two baskets.
A basket made behind the goal is worth three points; one made from the line or when the player's foot touches the line is worth two points.
The height of the inside of the roof structure or ceiling above the floor is specified by the direction of each sport and is a critical design factor.
Generally, a basketball court should have a minimum height of 7.7 meters, although a height of 8.23 meters is recommended.
Specifications of the measurements of a court according to FIBA
This federation organizes and supervises international basketball competitions; the Basketball World Cup, the Olympic Basketball Tournament and the 3 × 3 Basketball Competition, among others.
Its ordinances include: the establishment of the official rules of basketball, the equipment and facilities required for the game.
They are also responsible for transferring athletes between the 214 member countries of the federation, as well as the regulations by which members must be governed. The federation has offices on 5 continents.
Court sections
The court must have a flat and hard surface, free from obstructions and have a dimension of 28 meters long by 15 meters wide, measured from the inside edge of the boundary line.
All lines must be 5 cm wide, must be drawn in white and must be completely visible. The area where the team benches are located must be marked outside the court and must be bounded by two lines.
The court must be limited by the boundary lines. These lines are not part of the court. Any obstructions, including the team sitting on the benches, must be at least two meters away from the court.
The free throw line must be drawn parallel to each end line. It must have its edge within 5.8 meters from the inside line of the finish line and must be 3.6 meters in length. Its midpoint should be on the imaginary line that joins the midpoint of the two final lines.
Restricted areas must be rectangular areas marked on the court and bounded by end lines, extended free throw lines, and lines originating from end lines.
Its edges must be 2.45 meters from the midpoint of the end lines and must end at the outer edge of the extended free throw area.
These lines, excluding the end lines, are part of the restricted area. The inside of restricted areas must be painted in a single color.
The three-point scoring area must be the entire floor of the court, except for the area near the opponent's basket; limited to and including the two parallel lines extending from and perpendicular to the end lines, with the outer edge 0.9 meters from the inner edge of the touch lines.
The goal must have a radius of 6.75 meters, measured from the point on the floor below the center of the opponent's basket to the outer edge of the goal.
The distance of the point on the floor from the inner edge of the midpoint of the end line is 1,575 meters. The arc is attached to the parallel lines. The three-point line does not belong to the three-point area.
The two 0.15 meter long lines must be marked off the court, on the touchline opposite the scoreboard. The outer edge of the lines must be 8,325 meters from the inner edge of the nearest finish line. Those are the service lines.
Other measures
The basketball hoop must have a minimum inside diameter of 450mm and a maximum diameter of 459mm. It should be made of solid metal and should be painted orange. The minimum diameter of the metal should be 16 mm in diameter and the maximum 22 mm.
The board must be transparent, non-reflective, with a flat surface and must have a protective supporting structure around the outer edge. It must be manufactured in a way that, in case of breakage, the pieces do not separate.
It should measure 1.8 meters in length by 1,505 meters. The bottom square should measure 0.590 meters by 0.450 meters high. The square should be right in the center of the board.
Board measurements
The balls must be spherical, with black seams that must not exceed 6.35 mm in width. They must be a single orange color or a FIBA approved color combination.
They must be inflated to an air pressure that, when pulled to the floor of the court from a height of approximately 1,800 mm measured from the bottom of the ball, will rebound to a height between 1,200 mm and 1,400 mm.
This distance must be measured from the top of the ball and must be marked with its respective size.
- Sports Courts Dimensions. Recovered from sportscourtsdimensions.com.
- FIBA. Recovered from fiba.com.
- Official Basketball Rules 2006. International Basket Federation. Recovered from fiba.com
- Basketball: steps to success. (2004). U.S. Human Kinetics Publishers. Recovered from wikipedia.com.