- Rivers of the Peruvian coast that make up the Pacific basin
- Zarumilla
- Tumbes
- Chira
- Piura
- Elms
- Motupe
- Zaña
- Shaman
- Jequetepeque
- Chicama
- Moche
- Viru
- bye
- Santa
- Lacramarca
- Nepeña
- Casma
- Snakes
- Huarmey
- Strength
- Pativilca
- I knew
- Chancay or Huara
- Gaudy
- Rimac
- Lurin
- Bad
- Cañete
- San Juan
- Pisco
- Ica
- Ocoña
- Camaná
- Quilca or Chili
- Tambo
- Osmore
- Locumba
- Sama
- Caplina
- References
There are 53 rivers on the Peruvian coast that flow into the Pacific Ocean. They are short-distance rivers that originate in the Andes Mountains. When being born in the height they have steep slopes, and depending on the season of the year, they can be very mighty or remain dry. With the exception of the Tumbes River, none of them are deep enough for navigation.
The city of Lima, capital of Peru, is located on the banks of the Rímac River. In turn, in this river, due to the force with which its waters descend, hydroelectric plants have been built.
Rivers of the Peruvian coast that make up the Pacific basin
It is born in the mountains of Ecuador, and forms the natural border for 62 km between the two countries. It is located in the department of Tumbes.
It is formed in Ecuadorian territory. It is called in one of its sections as the Puyango River. It is the only one that is navigable in part of its route.
The Andes mountain range is its cradle and along 50 km it forms the natural border between Peru and Ecuador.
It is born at 3600 meters above sea level as the Huarmaca River. On its way there is the Poechos dam.
It originates from the province of Huancabamba. It is a seasonal river, part of the year it remains without flow.
He is the birth brother of the La Leche river in Las Juntas. It does not reach the sea because the dunes of the Morrope desert prevent it, forming a superficial lagoon called La Niña.
The mountain range sees it being born. On its shores are the cities of Zaña, Cayalti and Oyotún.
It is born in the San Gregorio stream at 3,200 meters above sea level. It receives the waters of its tributary the San José.
It is formed in the foothills of the Malca and Collotan hills at 3800 meters above sea level. On its way it takes five different names: Huacraruco, San Juan, Magdalena and Chilete.
Its origin is in the mines of Callacuyan with the name of Perejil River.
Laguna Grande sees it being born, at 3988 meters above sea level, with the name of Rio Grande.
It is born in some small lagoons, Usgón, Brava and Negra. There the Huacapongo river is born, forming the Virú.
It has its formation in the union of two rivers, the Chorobal and the Huamanzaña. It is born on the Ururupa hill, at 4050 meters above sea level.
Its starting point is in the Conococha lagoon at 4500 meters above sea level. On its shores is the city of Chimbote.
It is a short, seasonal river. At its mouth in Ferrol Bay, it forms the Pantanos de Villa María wetland.
It is formed in the Cordillera Negra, in the Tocanca lagoon at 4520 meters above sea level.
It is born in the Teclio, Mangan and Shaullan lagoons at 4800 meters above sea level, in the Cordillera Negra.
It is a wide river, which is born in Huanchay. At certain times of the year its flow is so poor that it rarely reaches the sea.
At the height of the town of Huamba, this river is born by the confluence of the Aija and Malvas rivers.
Its birth is in the Cordillera Negra. Between June and October it does not flow into the sea.
It is born in the snowy Pastoruri at 5000 meters above sea level.
I knew
This river is characterized because it remains dry most of the year.
Chancay or Huara
The Raura snow-capped mountain sees it born, in some lagoons at the foot of the Alcoy Glacier.
It is born in the glaciers of the Cordillera de Los Andes.
This river is born in the Nevado Paca. It bathes the coasts of the city of Lima. In its basin are the Huampaní, Pablo Boner, Huinco, Barbablanca and Moyopampa Hydroelectric Plants.
Its source is in the Glaciers and lagoons of the Andes Mountains.
It is born in the snow-capped mountains that separate the waters of the Mala and Cañete rivers at 3000 meters above sea level.
The Ticllacocha lagoon is its starting point, on the watershed with the Mala river.
San Juan
The Andes Mountains see him born.
It is born in the Pultocc lagoon, located at 5000 meters above sea level.
The mountain range is its starting point at 4503 meters above sea level.
It is the third in importance, especially for agriculture.
It is born from the confluence of minor rivers.
Quilca or Chili
It is formed by the confluence of the Siguas and Vítor rivers.
It originates at the confluence of the Perené and Ené rivers.
Part of the mountain range. Also called Moquegua or Llo.
Its origin is in the mountain range and flows into the Mar de Grau.
It is born in the Cotanvilque lagoon.
The Nevado Barroso mountain range sees it being born, at 5,300 meters above sea level.
There are other minor rivers such as the Chancay, Cascajal, Huaura, Chilca, Omas, Topara, Grande, Acari, Yauca, Chala, Chaparra, Atico and Caraveli.
- blogitravel.com
- brainly.lat
- en.wikipedia.org
- prezi.com
- Cienciageografica.folderpedagogica.com
- Cienciageografica.folderpedagogica.com.