- Intelligence classes according to Howard Garner
- Linguistic intelligence
- Logical or mathematical intelligence
- Musical intelligence
- Kinesthetic body intelligence
- Visual-spatial intelligence
- Interpersonal intelligence
- Intrapersonal intelligence
- Naturalistic intelligence
- Multiple intelligences test
- 1-What do you like to do during your free time?
- 2-What types of TV programs do you normally watch?
- 3-It is your day of rest and it is a beautiful summer day. You are more likely to:
- 4-When you try to have ideas for a new project, you are more likely to find inspiration by:
- 5-At a party, you are more likely to:
- 6-You are sitting in the dentist's office waiting for the appointment. How do you spend your time?
- 7-You have been asked to participate in a play. What role do you have?
- 8-You are trying to choose a board game to play with friends. In which activity do you stand out the most?
- 9-You have a great test tomorrow and you need to review the material. What study method do you use?
- What intelligence do you have more developed? Tips
The theory of multiple intelligences of Howard Gardner proposed that there are different intelligences types that are present in all people, one of them being the predominant or protruding.
Before this theory, intelligence was thought of as a single entity, basically related to the ability to solve problems and which can be "measured" through a simple IQ test.
In this article we will explain the 8 types of intelligences that exist and how you can know yours to work on it, improve your emotional intelligence and have better results in your life.
Before continuing, it is important to bear in mind that although each person tends to have innately or learned one kind of intelligence, they also have others. For example, a person may have developed musical intelligence and devote himself to music, although he may also be good at mathematics or interpersonal relationships.
Intelligence classes according to Howard Garner
Linguistic intelligence
It is the one that predominates in people who have the facility to write, express themselves through words, communicate ideas orally or in writing. These people are usually writers, editors, historians, journalists, lawyers, poets, translators, or radio or television presenters.
In children, this intelligence is manifested in the ease to learn a new language, in the taste for rhymes or tongue twisters or in the interest in writing stories.
Logical or mathematical intelligence
It provides the ability to analyze problems, perform mathematical calculations, identify patterns, determining an ease for deduction and scientific reasoning. Many people with this type of intelligence are accountants, computer programmers, engineers, stockbrokers, scientific researchers, or bankers.
If your strong point is mathematics and you can perform mental calculations with ease, this is probably the type of intelligence that predominates in you.
In the smallest, mathematical or logical intelligence is manifested through rapid learning of numerical calculations and the ease of analysis of approaches or problems of this nature.
Musical intelligence
Musical intelligence is that which sensitizes people to the sounds, cadences and melodies or sounds of nature. These people easily recognize rhythm patterns, have "good ears," and relate feelings or emotions to songs or rhythms.
Those who have musical intelligence are often musicians, singers, DJs, composers, or music producers. They are able to compose good jingles, lead a choir, hum a song without clashing, or teach a musical instrument.
Children with musical intelligence show special interest in an instrument, they follow the beat of a melody with their foot or an object and enjoy listening to their favorite songs.
Kinesthetic body intelligence
People in whom this type of intelligence predominates have good coordination in their movements, ability to perform manual tasks, physical agility and good balance.
These people can be good athletes, dancers, physical education teachers, physical therapists, massage therapists, surgeons, or sign language interpreters.
Kinesthetic bodily intelligence makes it possible, among other things, to easily assemble modular furniture, ride a horse or quickly learn a choreography.
In children who have early motor development, who enjoy sports and physical activities in general, this type of intelligence probably predominates.
Visual-spatial intelligence
Do you think you have a talent for creating a logo, organizing a warehouse or painting a landscape? So maybe it is the spatial-visual intelligence that predominates in you.
According to Gardner, this type of intelligence allows the interpretation and creation of visual images, increases the imagination and pictorial expression and also allows thinking in three dimensions, relating spaces and effects.
People with this type of intelligence often become good architects, painters, decorators, landscapers, sculptors, photographers or cartographers. They enjoy making maps, charts, diagrams, plans, etc.
Interpersonal intelligence
It provides the ability to relate to other people, helps to interpret their behaviors and improves empathy. In general, people with interpersonal intelligence tend to pick up and understand the facial expressions, gestures or body expressions of other people.
They can be good salespeople, politicians, caregivers, educators, health professionals, psychologists, teachers, counselors, etc.
They are also able to express themselves very well using body language.
Children with interpersonal intelligence work very well in groups, enjoy team activities, and are often leaders among their peers.
Intrapersonal intelligence
It refers to the ability to know oneself, to be aware of one's own strengths and weaknesses, to have a realistic idea of what one is. This type of intelligence in general is related to good self-esteem and the ability to direct our own life.
Those who have this type of more developed intelligence are capable of reflecting on the objectives they want to achieve and the personal changes they must make to achieve them, in other words, they have what is called "emotional intelligence."
At an early age, this type of intelligence manifests itself through emotional maturity, sound reasoning, and the ability to reflect on a deep level.
Naturalistic intelligence
It is the ability to differentiate, classify the elements of the environment and relate to the environment.
It involves observation and reflection skills on the environment, and can be observed in people dedicated to field work, botanists, veterinarians, ecologists, people who enjoy contact with animals and plants in general.
Multiple intelligences test
There are several tests that allow to determine what type of intelligence predominates in a person, many of them are available through the internet, they are simple and can be completed in a few minutes.
Depending on the predominant responses, you will be able to know what type of intelligence predominates in you. For example, a person may have more developed interpersonal intelligence, but also naturalistic intelligence, while it is worse in mathematical intelligence.
Follow the next steps:
1-Answer the following questions and write down the answers. Each of the options is indicative of one type of intelligence mentioned above.
2-Write down next to each of your answers what intelligence it is. For example: "Listen to music" - Musical intelligence.
3-Add how many options you have chosen for each type of intelligence.
1-What do you like to do during your free time?
- Read
- sports
- To draw
- Solve mathematical problems
- Spend time alone
- Listen to music
- Partying
- Camping, hiking, or gardening
2-What types of TV programs do you normally watch?
- Documentaries
- sports
- Of interviews
- Book adaptations
- Nature
- Science
- Design
- Music
3-It is your day of rest and it is a beautiful summer day. You are more likely to:
- Invite your friends to play a soccer game
- To read a good book
- Go to an art museum
- Go out with friends to the mall
- Review the family budget
- Go to a concert
- Go cycling
- Enjoy all day alone
4-When you try to have ideas for a new project, you are more likely to find inspiration by:
- Walk around your neighborhood
- Read articles related to your topic
- Make a mind map exploring different options
- Working in your garden
- Listen to music
- Reflecting on the project for yourself
- Create a list with different alternatives and assigning each one a value based on different factors
- Discussing the options with other people
5-At a party, you are more likely to:
Discuss your favorite author
- View the host's music collection
- Observe other people
- Take a walk in the garden
- Challenge someone to a game of darts
- Realize the architecture of the house
- Spend the afternoon calculating how much the party would cost
- Talk to as many people as possible
6-You are sitting in the dentist's office waiting for the appointment. How do you spend your time?
- Strolling
- Listening to music
- Playing sudoku
- Reading a National Geographic article
- Writing to your friends
- Reading a book
- Reading a Psychology article
7-You have been asked to participate in a play. What role do you have?
- Planning the budget
- Dance
- Write the script
- Lead
- Build the stage
- Manage clients and other resources
- As audience
- Playing an instrument
8-You are trying to choose a board game to play with friends. In which activity do you stand out the most?
- Remember song lyrics
- Lead a group
- Identify who said a famous phrase
- Draw clues
- Physical tasks, such as shooting a ball in a basket
- Solving puzzles
- Identifying plants and animals
- Mathematical questions
9-You have a great test tomorrow and you need to review the material. What study method do you use?
- You create diagrams and graphs to summarize
- You make songs to help memorize concepts
- You read your notes
- You lock yourself in your room without distractions
- You focus on understanding the reason and logic behind the material
- You get together with classmates to study
- You divide concepts into different categories to make it easier to remember them
- You try to gain practical experience
What intelligence do you have more developed? Tips
It is important to note that the fact that there is a predominant type of intelligence does not mean that we do not also have other types of intelligences. According to Gardner, the ideal is to make the most of our potential in the area in which we excel.
With regard to education, Gardner argues that teaching should guide students according to the kind of intelligence that predominates in them, taking advantage of their strengths to better develop the abilities that are naturally favored.