- Sonora River
- Yaqui River
- Concepcion River
- Altar River
- Bavispe River
- Agua Prieta River
- Bacanora River
- Mayo River
- References
The most important rivers of Sonora are the Concepción, the Sonora, the Yaqui and the Altar, together with the Bavispe, Agua Prieta, Bacanora and Mayo rivers.
Other rivers that pass through the state of Sonora, which is located in northwestern Mexico, are the Colorado, the Santa Cruz and the San Pedro, which originate in the United States.
Most of these streams originate in the north of the country in a southward direction, but almost none of them flow into the sea by itself, except during floods.
Sonora River
It is a stream that begins in Arizpe, in the western part of Mexico, and ends in Hermosillo. It is formed by the confluence of the Bacanuchi and Bacoachi rivers.
It has a length of 420 km, through which it passes through the municipalities of Bacoachi, Arizpe, Banamichi, Huépac, San Felipe de Jesús, Aconchi, Baviacora, Mazocahui and Ures until it ends in Hermosillo.
During the flood season, this river empties into the Pacific Ocean.
Yaqui River
It is a river located in the northwest of Mexico, which crosses the state of Sonora from north to south. It measures 410 km in length, although it is considered that when connecting with the Yaqui-Papigochi system, one of its tributaries, it extends to approximately 1,050 km.
It is born from the confluence of the Bavispe and Papigochi rivers in the Sierra Madre Occidental, and empties near the town of San Ignacio Río Muerto in the Gulf of California. On its way it takes the names of the Papigochi, Sirupa, Huapoca, Aros and Yoqui rivers.
Its waters are used by the El Novillo, Cárdenas, Álvaro Obregón dams and are used for agricultural irrigation purposes in the Yaqui and Vicam Valley.
Concepcion River
It is also known by the names of Río de la Concepción and Río de la Asunción. It has a length of 335 km and passes through the municipalities Imuris, Magdalena, Santa Ana, Benjamín Hill, Trincheras, Pitiquito and Caborca.
Its basin covers about 25,800 km2 and feeds several dams, including Cuauhtémoc, Comaquito, El Plomo and the Ignacio R. Pesqueira dam. It empties into the Gulf of California, in the Pacific Ocean.
Altar River
It is a desert river that corresponds to the Concepción river basin, with 134.56 km in length, which is born near the border with the United States and flows into the Magdalena River.
This stream of water forms a basin of about 2,801 km2, which is located in the north of Sonora.
It crosses the municipalities of Nogales, Saric, Tubutama, Átil, Oquitoa, Altar and Pitiquito. It has an average flow of 1,561.84 mm³ / s.
Bavispe River
It is born in the municipality of Bavispe, on the border with the state of Chihuahua, and is located in the hydrographic basin of the Yaqui River.
Its length is 371 km, it has a flow of 1922.44Mm3 and passes through the municipalities of Agua Prieta, Nacozari, Huasabas, Granados, Bacadehuachi and Divisaderos, Sahuaripa and Villa Hidalgo.
Agua Prieta River
This river is born in the United States, it is located in the municipality of Agua Prieta on the border with the state of Chihuahua.
Its hydrographic basin is that of the Yaqui River and passes through the towns of Agua Prieta, Cabullona and Colonia Morelos.
Bacanora River
It is located in the center-east of Sonora, in the Sierra Madre Occidental. It is born in the Sierra El Encinal, which is located southeast of the town of Bacanora.
It belongs to the hydrographic basins of the Yaqui and Mátape rivers. It empties into the Yaqui River.
Mayo River
It is located in the southeast of Sonora. It is born in the Sierra Ocampo Chihuahua and empties into the Gulf of California. It has a flow of 863.24 mm3 and a length of 530 km.
It passes through the municipalities of Álamos, Navojoa, Etchojoa and Huatabampo.
- Rivers of Sonora. (PDF). Retrieved on November 11, 2017 from thesis.uson.mx
- Main rivers of Sonora. Recovered from visita barelyco.com
- Rivers of Sonora. Consulted of es.wikipedia.org
- Water. Consulted from Cuentame.inegi.org.mx
- Sonora. Consulted of es.wikipedia.org
- Main rivers of Sonora. Recovered from riosdesonora.wordpress.com