Among the typical dishes of La Libertad, the ceviche, the theological soup and the seco de cabrito stand out. La Libertad has a great variety of recipes, some with origins in the indigenous populations that inhabited the region before the arrival of the Spanish.
Due to its geographical location, a wide variety of ingredients are used, from fish and seafood to meat.
La Libertad is a department of the Republic of Peru. It is located in the northeast of the country, bordering the Pacific Ocean.
The capital of the department is the city of Trujillo, one of the most important in all of Peru.
Given the difference in climate and environmental conditions within La Libertad, there are two well-differentiated gastronomic traditions.
On one side is the cuisine of the Andean region, with dishes typical of the mountains; and on the other, the coastal area has dishes made with fish and seafood.
You may also be interested in the typical foods of the Peruvian coast.
The 5 main typical dishes of La Libertad
Ceviche is one of the most representative dishes in all of Peru. The one prepared in La Libertad is highly appreciated thanks to the freshness of its freshly caught ingredients.
It is a recipe that comes from pre-Inca times, as there is evidence that the Mochica culture made this dish.
The most typical is the one that is prepared with pieces of fish that are cooked with onion, chili pepper and lemon. There is also the seafood one and the well-known black shell ceviche. Many of these are quite spicy and are reputed to have aphrodisiac qualities.
According to a legend, this recipe was created by Dominican theologians. Be that as it may, it is known that it was brought to America by the Spanish, since the original version dates from the Middle Ages.
The main change in its preparation when arriving in America was the inclusion of the turkey of the region.
It is a very traditional meal on winter nights and the base is turkey or chicken meat. This is accompanied with soaked bread, yellow pepper, huacatay, cheese, milk and potatoes.
The kid was taken to Peru by the Spanish after the Conquest in the 16th century. It soon adapted to the country and is currently part of the culinary tradition of many regions. The seco de cabrito is present throughout the country, with slight regional variations.
The one from La Libertad is also known as cabrito a la norteña. The most important thing is the maceration to which it must be subjected, in chicha de jora (fermented drink typical of the area) and vinegar.
It is usually accompanied with yuccas, onions and black beans prepared with chili and sesame seeds.
The ingredients that this typical northern dish includes are turkey, ají panca, yellow and red onion.
It is a very common food in all festive occasions or celebrations, and it provides a lot of protein and very little fat.
The turkey has to be parboiled with vegetables until it is tender. While boiling, the pepián is made.
To do this, fry the garlic and onion and add broth. When it boils, add the ground rice. Finally, the pieces of turkey are added and served with saffron oil.
The ancient inhabitants of the region used to consume fish cooked in different ways: they were presented on barbecue, in soups or stews. This northern style fish sweat comes from this ancient way of preparing it.
Today it is a very typical dish from the coastal area of the department of La Libertad. The most normal is to use grouper, bonito or grape eye.
The heavy is stewed and onion, green chili, coriander and tomato are added. To present it, it is accompanied by rice and boiled yuccas.
- 4 exquisite northern dishes that will amaze you in La Libertad. Obtained from
- Zizek, Mixha. Eight typical dishes from La Libertad. Obtained from
- Peru Travel Guide. Trujillo Cuisine. Retrieved from
- Peru Travel. The cuisine of the Northern Coast. Obtained from
- Peru Travel Tips. Freedom. Retrieved from