- characteristics
- 1- Expressiveness
- 2- Vocabulary
- 3- It requires speaking correctly
- Top 30 Oral Language Examples
- References
The examples of spoken language are very abundant. This language is essential for human communication and includes the development of communication skills through conversation.
All language is a communication system that has a structure, develops in a context and has some rules of possible combinations.
Oral language has notable differences from written language. There is a sender and a receiver; when the latter answers, he becomes the sender and his interlocutor the receiver.
Oral language has more flexibility and is more flexible, dynamic and spontaneous than written language.
Oral language was born with man, it was his way of communicating with his family and his community. Humanity used oral language as the only means of communication for almost the entirety of its history.
1- Expressiveness
Oral language is spontaneous, natural and very expressive.
2- Vocabulary
This language is developed with a simple, limited vocabulary and with repetitions.
3- It requires speaking correctly
This involves vocalizing well, speaking slowly and with a normal tone.
Top 30 Oral Language Examples
-Telephone calls, in which there is a conversation between sender and receiver.
-The reading of the vows of a marriage in which the couple makes the vows in front of a judge.
-A political discussion in which the interlocutors give their opinions.
-A meeting of parents in a school.
-A radio program, in which there is a transmitter and a receiver, but there is no exchange.
-The presentation of a project, be it business, real estate or others.
-The conferences, which are usually led by professional speakers.
-A political speech in a campaign, in which the sender lists what he will do if they vote for him.
-The dictation of a class, in which the teacher explains his subject in front of the students.
-A legislative debate, in which each official gives his opinion on a certain topic.
-A job interview.
-Radial or television advertising.
-A sermon in a temple, in which there is a sender and many receivers.
-The launch of a commercial product or a business.
-A press conference.
-The presentation of a thesis by a student.
-An ebook, very useful for people with visual disabilities.
-The presentation of the news, in which professional speakers intervene.
-The presentation of a book, in which the writer exposes the characteristics of said book.
-The mediation of a judge before two parties in conflict.
-The narration of a story from a father to a son.
-A motivational talk in an organization.
-The performance of an oral trial, in which an attempt is made to convince the jury about the guilt or not of a subject.
-An informal conversation between two people who pass each other for certain reasons.
-A presidential speech.
-The reading of a will.
-A harangue from a coach to his athletes.
-A auction, in which the auctioneer receives the offers.
-A declaration of love.
-A traffic discussion, in which expletives are often said.
- «Development of oral language» in Santa Fé (July 2004). Recovered in October 2017 from Santa Fé in: santafe.gov.ar
- "Importance of oral language" in Importance. Recovered in October 2017 from Importance at: importa.org
- «What is oral and written language» in Que es el / la. Retrieved in October 2017 from What is the / la in: queesela.net
- «Oral communication, language and communication» in Icarito. Recovered in October 2017 from Icarito at: icarito.cl
- "Examples of spoken language" in Examples of. Retrieved in October 2017 from Examples of in: examplesde.net
- «40 examples of oral and written communication» in Examples. Recovered in October 2017 from Examples in: examples.co