The proverbs and sayings Mexicans are derived from the wisdom of the people resulting from many years of collective experience. In Mexico, there is generally a saying for any daily event, which denotes the folklore in the spoken language of an entire people.
Sayings and sayings in Mexico are used to teach something with a touch of liveliness or suspicion. Therefore, most of these expressions are popular domain and are used within everyday jargon.
The sayings of this country have the characteristic that they mix traditional wisdom with a touch of mischief or a sense of humor. They are knowledge that Mexican people have been learning generation after generation.
Popular sayings and sayings of Mexico
-The money is paid, but the favor is not.
-Clean the field before adding new grain.
-A headache, eating straightens you.
-A satisfied cat, does not worry about the mouse.
-All by serving ends, and ends by not serving.
-A talker falls sooner than a lame man.
-The best horse needs spurs.
-Where he sends captains he does not rule sailors.
-What does not begin, does not end.
-Weed never dies.
-Taking the shortcut does not always save work.
-Life is short and does not sprout.
-Between chance and laughter, the sausage gets into it.
-A new acocote, old tlachiquero.
-From grain to grain, the hen fills the crop.
-The brave lives until the coward wants.
-Each one wears the crown that is carved.
-Chrunk cat, I jump safe.
-A bad worker does not use a hoe.
-The one who does not speak and God does not listen.
-Coal that has been ember, easily reignites.
-Doubtful is inheriting and safe to work.
-There is no pig that swallows the whole ear.
-The man is fire and the woman tow, the devil comes and blows him.
-Do not judge a book by its cover.
-If you're not going to bite, don't show your teeth.
-The lazy and the petty, walk the same path twice.
-No homework that they don't give you, no horse that you don't saddle up.
-If you want to meet Inés, live with her for a month.
-The chicken broth, it takes you out of the hole.
- Who wants it blue, that it costs him.
-The broth is more expensive than the meatballs.
-When the weather helps us, the dry logs sprout.
-Open the drawer, even the most honest is a thief.
-Each turkey gets its Christmas.
-On a palpated horse, never ride it confidently.
-In the way of holding the taco you know who is greedy.
-Gorgojo, smaller than a louse; that's how small it produces anger.
-He who is born for tamale, the leaves fall from the sky.
-The nap time is over, tomorrow is today.
-Where they cry, there is the dead.
-This life is a sweet potato, and he who does not swallow it suffocates.
-He who gets up early finds everything closed.
-Business discussed, business not fixed
-Where there is no smoke, there is no fire.
-Kisses sold, neither given nor received.
-Pot that boils a lot, its flavor loses.
-He who walks among the honey, something sticks to him.
-Time is a good advisor, and it knows how to disappoint.
- Full belly, warning of the stork.
-Tell me what you boast about and I'll tell you what you lack.
-From the plate to the mouth, the soup falls.
-Today's food pushes yesterday's food.
-To eat, drink, dance and enjoy, the world is going to end.
-What you must not be able to see, in your house you must have.
-The earlier one gets wet, the longer it has to dry.
-The luck of the mouse is wished by the lion.
- Feed yourself with intelligence, and you will do without the doctor.
-Patent leather shoes, neither for water nor for the sun.
-By force, not even the shoes enter.
-The horse and the friend, we must not tire them.
-Don't want to shoot fleas.
- In the absence of exercise, the scrubs replace his job.
-He who steals an egg one day, the next steals a beef.
-To fools and crazy do not count them in few.
-In wartime, any hole is trench.
-It is a virtue to work, as well as to keep.
-Everyone chews with their teeth.
-Love and interest went to the country one day and interest was stronger than
-He who knows the excellent, the good seems regular.
-Candil of the street, darkness of his house.
- Advice and compelling examples, those that the dead tell us.
-A good greed, good taco.
-It is worth more step that lasts, and do not trot that tires.
-What mortifies, is neither remembered nor discussed.
-The borrowed is little brother of the gift.
-With the silent man, be very careful!
-What you see does not ask.
-To eat well or eat badly, drink three times.
-The most stubborn pig grabs the best ear.
-Loose lips sink ships.
-Although the changa dresses in wax, maranga stays!
-Only the casserole knows how boiled it is.
-What was not in your year, is not your damage.
-Full belly happy heart.
-Money disguises the asshole as a wise man.
-A hollow thing, it sounds a lot.
- Forewarned man, he never looks downcast.
-Some people cackle a lot, and never lay an egg.
-To give him that it is mole de olla!
-In any job or work, the one who doesn't help gets in the way.
-Many cooks can ruin soup.
- Luck belongs to the bold.
-It is not the fault of the Indian, if not the one who makes him compadre.
-Whoever rides a bay horse, either has a wife or is killed by lightning.
-A pig shrieks, butcher's ears.
-Simplicity is the credential of the smart.
-Everything that goes up has to go down.
-He who dines with wine, has breakfast with water.
-Between joke and joke, the truth appears.
-When you go bad, even the dogs piss.
-You have to learn to lose, before knowing how to play.
-What you hate the most, you have in the house.
-The miller bull, or brave or treacherous.
-If the milk is little, the child's turn.
-What is done without effort and laziness, cannot last or have beauty.
-It is more difficult to remove a trick than to cure a straw.
-Who works with love, has an advantage over the other.
-The offered is like the rotten thing, nobody wants it.
-For the wedge to tighten, it must be of the same suit.
-The one that is sweet, the ants eat.
-Bottle of sherry, everything you tell me will be the other way around.
-The skinniest sow is the first to break the pigpen.
-With his skill, he catches the spider fly.
-He who plants his corn, let him eat his pinole.
-You have to take the pan by the handle.
-Eat to live, and not live to eat.
-Tree that is born crooked, its trunk never straightens.
-When hunger enters through the door, love leaves through the window.
-To the woman, not all the love, not all the money.
-For one who wakes up early, there is another who does not sleep.
-At work for his old age, they do not fool him once.
-When the dog licks a lot, it ends up drawing blood.
-There are times when the duck swims and sometimes it doesn't even drink water.
-He who is a good rooster sings wherever he wants.
-What more work costs, the sweeter it is.
-Old the hills and they are still green.
-God does not fulfill cravings, nor straighten hunchbacks.
-The colt that neighs, is because it tightens the girth.
-The dead and the close, after three days stink.
-The man who walks, flies do not stop on him.
-The sea is old and still makes waves.
-When the alms are large, even the saint distrusts.
-My teeth are closer than my relatives.
-To whom God does not give children, the devil lends nephews.
-To foolish words, merchant's ears.
-He who kills with stabs cannot die with kisses.
-The cold beer and the hot soup.
-Marriage is like lime, sweet at the beginning and bitter at the end.
-Better once red than a hundred faded.
-The ignorant and foolish man causes annoyance and contempt.
-Whoever does more is thanked less.
-Never missing a broken shoe for a rotten foot.
-Everyone who is the owner of making his life a kite.
-What is eaten and what is enjoyed is the only thing taken advantage of.
-The taco of others is the best.
-God does not give wings to scorpions.
-Eating and talking little, should never hurt.
-What is hard earned, is eaten with satisfaction.
-Work without profit is to do what is done.
-The pistols are operated with the fingers and are fired with the eggs.
-Chocolate that does not stain, of course.
-Vanity belongs to fools.
-Whoever runs away from work runs away from rest.
-The one who was burned with milk, even blows the jocoque.
-He who hugs a good tree, a good shade shelters him.
-He who slips from a saint, even the devil does not stop.
-Whoever walks with wolves is taught to howl.
-Nobody knows who she works for.
-To leave the skin, the same is today as tomorrow.
-Two dogs can kill a lion.
-He who works out of necessity, has little and little earns.
-The man does not have to be of sayings, but of facts.
-If you already know the devil, why are you going to cocore him.
-To the misstep hurry.
-Millionaire and hardworking father, lazy and wasteful son.
-Everything fits in a jar knowing how to accommodate it.
-What time is left, time remains.
- Better to be on time than to be invited.
-If you want someone to meet, give them power.
-The truth does not sin, but uncomfortable.
-Love from afar, it's assholes.
-Marriage and shroud, from heaven come down.
-Doing the ingrate a favor is as much as offending him.
-Water that you don't have to drink, let it run.
-The children and the husbands, by their works are loved.
-In the land of the bald, the hairy ones are braided.
-The one that is born pa 'pot does not go beyond the corridor.
-God punishes, but gives food.
-In hot, do not feel.
-Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you how much you have.
-Love sickness hurts, but it doesn't kill.
-The pantheons are full of fat and greedy.
-When the manger is full, you do not have to jump the bars.
-Lampared deer, it is difficult to hunt.
-In the absence of bread, tortillas.
-The one who went to the villa lost his chair.
-There is no abyss blacker and deeper than the mouth of a gossip.
-In life everything is missing, in death everything is superfluous.
-Before danger, think and reflect; once in it, despise it and act.
-In the absence of love, some tacos al pastor.
-If the child is loud, why do they pinch him?
-Two, to love each other, must resemble each other.
-Even if you see a lawsuit won, be careful.
-To an animal that you do not know, do not tempt its ears.
-The hen that sings first laid the egg.
-He suffers to know, and works to have.
-No one buys the cow if they give him the milk.
-You have to measure the water of the sweet potatoes.
-It is necessary to think to speak, and not to speak to think.
-The cactus is only approached when it has tunas.
-The sayings of the old men are little gospels.
-Favor offered, commitment contracted.
-Gossip found, it is never finished.
-Better late than never.
-Only the one who carries the drawer knows what the dead man weighs.
-He who gives and takes, with the devil retaliates.
-Old love and royal road, they never stop walking.
- Those who have not worn huaraches, the straps draw blood.
-Sadness comes after joy.
-You better say a hen ran here, a rooster died here.
-You can hide the drawing hand, but not the spending hand.
-To idle youth, laborious old age.
-We see faces, we don't know hearts.
-A mouth of jug, only the china and the charro.
-Not so much that it burns the saint, not so much that it does not illuminate him.
-Giving and giving, little bird flying.
-The one who is afraid of thorns, should not enter the nopalera.
-The starting is hard, but not very safe.
-Whoever runs away from work, work follows him.
-Son of a tiger, pintito.
-In the mouth of the liar, the truth becomes doubtful.
-More hands, less work.
-In the words of a drunkard, the ears of a jicarero.
-If lemons fall from the sky, learn to make lemonade.
-With a bull that has already fought, go very carefully.
-Don't ask the elm for pears.
-The deaf person does not hear but composes.
-When there is no love, neither the blankets warm.
-On Mondays, not even the chickens lay.
-Water and oil do not mix.
-He who is a parakeet, wherever he wants is green.
-Whoever does wrong, the tamale rots.
-His violin knows nothing and he plays all the sounds.
-Any inn is a restaurant, if it has clean dishes.
-The Lion believes that everyone is like him.
-Old Chango does not learn new tricks.
-Look for a woman for what it's worth, and not just for the buttock.
-A lot helps the one who does not interfere.
-The closest friend is a traitor, and the truest lies.
-There are foals that jump the bars, even if the spikes are stuck in them.
-Master of what you keep silent and slave of what you say.
-The one who has never had and does have, crazy wants to return.
-When misfortune enters your house, offer it a seat.
-What you know how to feel, you know how to say.
-He who lived by illusions, does not reach God's forgiveness.
-You don't have to look for noise in the pork rind.
-Don't ask the elm for pears.
-Before you finish, don't praise yourself.
-Garlic, onion and lemon, and stop injecting.
-By the mouth dies the fish.
-Dog that is an egg, even if they burn its snout.
-By force, not even the chickens lay.
-Under the calm water is the worst current.
-The dead to the well and the alive to the joy.
-Where the heart leans, the foot walks.
-Boys and drunkards tell the truth.
-He who does not cry, does not breast.
-You are looking for the donkey and you are riding on it.
-For all bad, mezcal; for all good, too.
-Jealous man, is he cuckold or wants to be.
-He who sows cocoa, reaps cocoa, as long as the land is good.
-The mule is a mule, and when it does not kick, it recoils.
-If the devil takes you, let him take you on a good horse.
-To bad weather, good face.
-He who bets out of necessity loses out of obligation.
-To the good one, lettuces; and to the bad, breasts.
-The comb that scratches the most is the best to remove dandruff.
-Fans in summer, and weights in hand.
-The fox can't see her tail.
-The bird that is canary can be recognized from afar.
-When someone, or someone, looks at you, sell your lice dearly.
-The lazy person works double.
-There is no evil that lasts a hundred years, nor a body that can endure them.
-The donkey always brays, even if they put horns on it.
-When it touches you, not even if you take off; when it doesn't touch you, not even if you wear it.
-The one who kills the cow sins as much as the one who grabs the leg.
-With two who love each other, one who eats is enough.
-Good muleteer or bad muleteer, the bed makes first.
-It makes more an ant walking than a giant standing.
-The one that is paunchy, not even if they wrap it.
-There are many bankruptcies that are worth more than a whole.
-Where there is a will, there is a way.
-Hunger is so masterful that it even trains animals.
-He who knows how to speak also knows when to shut up.
-As the cart passes the pumpkins are accommodated.
-A given, no side is sought.
-Guajolote that comes out of the corral, ends in mole.
-What you cannot find in your house, go out to look for it.
-Everyone brings water to their mill.
-Horse of good walking, neither sweats nor tires.
-It's better than over and not missing.
-Every mule likes his feeder.
-I already ate, I already drank, I am no longer here.
-The biggest rooster is the one that crows the loudest.
-Who does not deal, does not go.
-Hen who gets up early, catches the best worm.
-He who gets wet early has time to dry.
-The cat when tied, dies of desperation.
-You have to forgive the past, to enjoy the present.
-The one who takes out and does not put in, seeks and does not find.
-To amend is to know.
-I must, I do not deny; payment, I don't have.
-When one branch dries up, another is turning green.
-When the dog is brave, even the house bites.
-God takes time, but does not forget.
-He who does not know God, prays to any saint.
-He does more than he wants than he can.
-A bad musician, even nails get in the way.
-Idleness is the mother of all vices.
-Even the best cook loses a whole tomato.
-It is worth more step that lasts, and do not trot that tires.
-The heart does not age, the leather is the one that wrinkles.
-You have to be close to the one who pays and away from the one who commands.
-Everything that runs and flies goes to the pot.
-The devil knows well who he appears to.
-He who does not speak, God does not hear.
-He who fights the bull, has to endure the goring.
-Whoever enters the church endures mass.
-Cacara is easy, the difficult part is putting.
-Man puts, God disposes; the devil comes, and breaks everything.
-Only the spoon knows what is at the bottom of the pot.
-When the wine comes in, the secret comes out.
-When the mule is a mule, even if it is loaded with saints.
-Where you eat one, you eat two.
-Stone that rolls, does not grow mold.
-To whoever does it, you pay it; If you can't today, tomorrow
-Each monkey to his rope.
-Each one has to choose the spoon with which to eat.
-Of relatives and the sun, the further away the better.
-Only the one who carries the sack knows what is inside.
-What is going to be cooked, that is peeling.
-Where there is no will, there is no force.
-Shrimp that falls asleep, is carried away by the current or wakes up in a cocktail.
-Cacaraquienta hen, is the one that is taken into account.
-The man who knows, soon excels.
-He who has more saliva, swallows more pinole.
-By spoiling you learn.
-Even the best cook's pot burns.
-In the table and in the game, education is seen first.
-The one that for pleasure is ox, until the joint licks.
- It is necessary to be frank, but not so much.
-Don't be turning the winch because your whistles get tangled.
"Pretty women and good horses are spoiled by assholes."
Themes of interest
Short sayings and their meaning.
Spanish sayings.
Venezuelan sayings.
Argentine sayings.
Sayings of love.
Sayings with rhyme.