- The 19 main animals of Europe
- 1- Wild boar
- 2- Marta
- 3- Golden Eagle
- 4- Camargue horse
- 5- reindeer
- 6- Green lizard from Europe
- 7- Raccoon dog
- 8- Eurasian brown bear
- 9- Saiga
- 10- Arctic fox
- 11- Red deer
- 12- European black widow
- 13- Lemming vulgaris
- 14- Eurasian Lynx
- 15- Puffin
- 16- Carcayú
- 17- European mink
- 18- Bulgarian polecat
- 19- Alpine long-eared bat
- References
The animals of Europe are exceptional. The birds, mammals, and reptiles of this region have unique methods of hunting and keeping warm in cold climates.
Some of the most representative animals of this continent are the European tortoise, the Italian wolf, the red deer, the Alpine long-eared bat, the badgers, the wolverine and the Eurasian otter.
Golden Eagle
Europe doesn't have many animals, but the ones there have special methods of keeping warm.
Since most of Europe is made up of cold alps, staying warm is essential for European creatures.
Regardless of the area, diverse animals can be found throughout this continent. To conserve these creatures, many countries have set aside a significant amount of land to protect their habitat.
In fact, many European countries are among the countries with the highest proportion of areas reserved as protected lands.
You may also be interested in the flora and fauna of Europe.
The 19 main animals of Europe
1- Wild boar
This wild boar is omnivorous and belongs to the same family as the domestic pig. It has a snout like a pig and its teeth are visible when its mouth is closed.
This animal can weigh between 66 to 272 kilograms; has thick black, brown or white fur.
A wild boar can live in any habitat except extremely cold or extremely hot places.
2- Marta
It is a member of the Mustelidae family, which includes badgers and weasels. It is the size of a cat, has a brown, light orange or cream colored coat and a long, bushy tail.
They are common in Scotland and Ireland as they like habitats with lots of wooded vegetation.
3- Golden Eagle
This bird was worshiped by ancient Europeans and was used as a symbol on the banners of the Roman legions.
Overhunting has led to their extinction in many countries, but thanks to conservation programs, populations have begun to emerge again.
4- Camargue horse
These horses are calm and develop a strong bond with the person who rides them. They ride almost any terrain and can swim.
They tend to be pale gray or white in color. They originated in the Camargue region of France; this area has its ideal climate.
5- reindeer
It is a herbivore native to Greenland, Finland, Norway, Mongolia, and Russia. Both males and females have branch-like horns on their heads.
These animals live in groups in the tundras and in the mountain ranges.
6- Green lizard from Europe
It mainly lives in southeastern Europe; It is found on the Black Sea coasts of Ukraine and Austria.
This lizard has a large head and can usually be found on rocks in gardens.
7- Raccoon dog
These animals have smooth black and gray fur with white spots. They have a dog-like muzzle, small eyes, and round ears.
They measure 38 to 50 centimeters; They can weigh up to 6 kilograms in summer and up to 10 kilograms before hibernating in winter.
It is native to Siberia, but can currently be found in northern, eastern, and western Europe.
8- Eurasian brown bear
It is a subspecies of brown bear found mainly in northern Eurasia, but populations are located from Spain and France to Ukraine.
Although at one time this bear existed in practically all of Europe, today they are extinct in all the British Isles.
9- Saiga
It is an antelope characterized by its large long and protruding nose. It once existed from the Carpathians to the Caucasus, but today it is only possible to find it in Russia.
It weighs 26 to 69 kilograms and its coat is brown or light brown.
10- Arctic fox
They are the only domestic wild animals in Iceland; it is even believed that they existed in this region before the Vikings arrived.
This animal is very shy and almost never comes out of its hiding place, so it has a lower risk of facing its predators.
11- Red deer
It inhabits most of Europe and is the fourth largest deer species in the world.
Its reddish brown fur grows thicker during the fall and is hunted by its greatest enemies: the gray wolf and the Eurasian brown bear.
12- European black widow
It is one of the 10 most dangerous spiders in the world and lives in the south of France, in Corsica, in Mediterranean territories and in Russia.
They are particularly active during summer nights and are black with cream, red or yellow spots.
After experiencing a bite, a person experiences little pain, but after 6 hours of severe pain the venom spreads to the muscles, chest, and extremities.
Its name comes from the fact that males die after mating.
13- Lemming vulgaris
This endemic animal to Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia is a mouse-like rodent.
It measures 8 to 17 centimeters and weighs between 20 and 130 grams. Their fur is brown or black, with golden spots.
14- Eurasian Lynx
It is a medium-sized wild cat found in Siberia and Eastern Europe.
This lynx is powerful, large, and has one of the largest habitat ranges of any wild cat species.
15- Puffin
This bird is about 10 inches tall and is a very good flier, as it can flap its wings at up to 55 miles per hour.
When a puffin lays an egg, both the male and female take care of it and feed it, which is unusual for birds.
16- Carcayú
This carnivorous mammal is also known as a glutton; it is similar to a bear.
These animals prefer cold environments and since the 19th century their population has been decreasing, which is why they are currently in danger of extinction.
17- European mink
These minks like rivers and are great swimmers; in fact they have webbed feet to carry out this activity. They mainly eat fish and some rodents.
Unfortunately they are in danger of extinction because people hunt them for their warm and furry fur.
18- Bulgarian polecat
They are very hyperactive creatures both in the day and at night. They have very poor vision but have a great sense of smell.
These animals are characterized by being black with a body mottled yellow with black, similar to the spots of a leopard.
19- Alpine long-eared bat
It was discovered in 2003 in the Austrian Alps. It is around 4 centimeters tall and has large, well-developed ears.
Its range includes from the Pyrenees to the Alps, and Greece, Slovenia, and Crete. They live in colonies of up to 50 bats and generally feed on moths.
- What animals live in europe? Recovered from wordatlas.com
- Europe. Recovered from strangeanimalsoftheworld.weebly.com
- Wolverine. Recovered from wikipedia.org
- 10 wild animals and amazing fauna of europe. Recovered from walkthroughindia.com
- Badger. Recovered from wikipedia.org
- Wildlife. Recovered from eurowildlife.org