- 10 topics to develop in monographs
- 1- Climate change
- 2- Sexuality
- 3- Drugs
- 4- Minority groups
- 5- Species in danger of extinction
- 6- Religion
- 7- Technological advances
- 8- School violence
- 9- Feminism
- 10- Dangers on the Web
- References
There are thousands of topics for monographs. In fact, for every theme that human beings can imagine, there are hundreds of different approaches that can constitute the central idea of a monographic work.
The selection of the subject and the delimitation of it is one of the most difficult steps when writing a monograph or any other type of text.
Keep in mind that there are no correct or incorrect topics. That is, there are no limitations of any kind when choosing a topic.
In some cases, it is recommended that the selected topic is of importance to the author, so that he can feel motivated to write and identify with the final work.
At other times, it is best if the subject is foreign to the author. This will make the writer have to try harder, being forced to carry out a more exhaustive research work. This will get you out of your comfort zone, which can be beneficial.
10 topics to develop in monographs
Sometimes it is difficult to select a topic to write a monograph, either due to lack of time to choose or because it is considered that a sufficiently relevant topic is not known, among other reasons.
Here is a list of 10 current and interesting topics based on which monographs can be written:
1- Climate change
In the 21st century, climate change is one of the most recurrent themes due to the weather conditions that all countries have had to face: abrupt increase or decrease in temperature, scarce rainfall, floods, among others.
According to the approach that is given to the subject, you can also talk about the impact that the climate generates on the Earth. For example, many natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts, among others) are the product of abrupt climate changes.
Another approach to the subject could be to write about the measures that each country should take to cope with such changes and prevent their progress, if possible.
2- Sexuality
The issue of sexuality is causing an impact in today's society. Especially the issue of sexual orientation.
Various advances have been made in this field. For example, definitions have been created to refer to new realities, such as non-binary and cis-gender.
Writing a monograph on this topic could be beneficial, as it would shed light on elements that have not been studied in depth.
3- Drugs
Drug addiction is a social problem that affects all communities equally, mainly the younger members.
Despite the legislation that various countries have developed to regulate these substances, drug use continues to increase.
This topic offers various study perspectives. For example, one can talk about the effects that drugs have on health, about the social consequences generated by the consumption of these substances (crime, unemployment, among others) or about the type of drugs most consumed.
4- Minority groups
Minorities have existed since mankind organized into societies. There has always been a group that is subjected by another, directly or indirectly, for the simple fact of being different.
This topic offers several points of view from which it can be approached. For example, one could talk about minority groups in general: their characteristics, the treatment they receive, the conditions in which they live and what makes them a minority.
You could also write about a specific minority group: members of the LGBT community, women, Roma, immigrants, among others. For this reason, writing a monograph on this topic could be a good option.
5- Species in danger of extinction
Human activities, natural selection, and climate change put a species at risk of extinction.
The desire of human beings to expand into new territories, creating urban centers, has made animal and plant species threatened today more than ever.
This topic is relevant for those interested in the environment and the functioning of ecosystems.
6- Religion
Religion is one of the most controversial topics out there, so it would be an interesting topic to write a monograph. Some of the approaches that could be written about are:
- Types of religions in the world.
- Characteristics of a specific religion.
- Unconventional practices of some religions.
7- Technological advances
Technology reinvents itself every day. Every day there are news about new technological devices that have been developed to make life easier for human beings.
The fact that the subject is at the forefront makes it ideal for writing a monograph.
8- School violence
School violence is a reality from which no society escapes. Any member of the educational community is prone to being a victim of this type of harmful behavior.
Some of the approaches that could be taken around this issue are:
- Figures within school violence: aggressor, victim and witnesses.
- Types of school violence: intimidation, exclusion, coercion, vandalism, harassment, among others.
- Consequences of school violence on the victim and the aggressor.
9- Feminism
In the last two centuries, women have struggled to improve the living conditions that have been imposed on them by society.
The right to autonomy over one's own body and equality in the workplace are some of the most popular demands in the 21st century.
Added to this, since 2010 the feminist struggle has intensified, mainly in European societies. The fact that the subject is so current makes it more interesting to write about it.
10- Dangers on the Web
Advances in the Internet have brought various benefits. However, as the benefits increase, so do the dangers of the Web.
In recent decades, a particular phenomenon has occurred that is affecting users of social networks. This is the creation of false profiles in order to harm another person: scam them, make fun of them, take revenge, among others.
This topic is novel since it is relatively new and represents a sociotechnological problem, which can affect people psychologically and economically.
- 25 Great Essays Topics for Students. Retrieved on September 29, 2017, from edgegalaxy.com
- Choose a topic. Retrieved on September 29, 2017, from library.ucsc.edu
- Marmaryan. Minority Concept and Related Issues. Retrieved on September 29, 2017, from conf-uni-ruse.bg
- Monograph. Retrieved on September 29, 2017, from bibliotecas.suagm.edu
- School violence and Bullying. Retrieved on September 29, 2017, from study.com
- The monograph. Retrieved on September 29, 2017, from helsinki.fi
- Writing a Monograph Dissertation. Retrieved on September 29, 2017, from thesishub.org