- The 10 most relevant animals that start with J
- 1- Horse mackerel
- 2- Jicotea
- 3- gerbil
- 4- Jochi pintao
- 5- Wild boar
- 6- Jabirú
- 7- Jaguar
- 8- Jineta
- 9- Giraffe
- 10- Goldfinch
- References
Among the animals that begin with J, the horse mackerel, the jicotea, the gerbil, the jochi, the wild boar, the jabirú, the jaguar, the genet, the giraffe and the goldfinch stand out.
Some are little known for coming from specific regions, such as the jochi, a typical Bolivian animal; or the jabirú, a species of large stork that has been declared in danger of extinction.
Others are more popular, such as horse mackerel, a fish with tasty meat; or the giraffe, whose height is the most particular and attractive of this animal.
The 10 most relevant animals that start with J
1- Horse mackerel
It is a small fish that is abundant in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic and also in the Mediterranean Sea.
It is part of the group of blue fish highly valued for its high content of healthy fats.
Its appearance is striking: it is elongated, it has shiny scales and its coloring is bluish.
As it is considered a very healthy food, its commercialization has increased and it is also processed to be sold in cans.
2- Jicotea
It is a variety of turtle with a brightly colored shell that is found in Colombian towns and in some towns in northern Venezuela.
It lives in swampy lands and is considered the staple food in certain regions where they hunt them and destroy their eggs.
3- gerbil
Although little known, it belongs to the group of animals that can be considered domestic pets.
They are physically characterized by being small, slightly larger than a mouse, with a long sensitive tail.
They are not aggressive, but require wood to gnaw on as their teeth and nails grow rapidly.
4- Jochi pintao
With that name it is known in Bolivia, although it has many names such as paca, lapa and picuro, among others.
It belongs to the genus of small-sized rodents. It is frightened by the presence of humans or other animals and hides in burrows or jumps into the water, because it is a great swimmer.
5- Wild boar
It is from the same family as domestic pigs; in fact, it is considered a pig in the wild. It differs in certain features from its relatives, especially in its thick fur.
In some countries, wild boar hunting is famous since the meat is highly valued. The trophy is usually the fangs that protrude from the animal's jaw.
This practice has been regulated in some nations but not in others.
6- Jabirú
It is included in the group of storks and stands out for its height: it measures more than five feet. The spread of its wings is three meters in length; It is the largest bird in Mexico.
It is also classified within the genus of birds that do not emit a special song; they are the so-called dumb birds. It is an endangered species.
7- Jaguar
At present it is another of the animals with the threat of disappearing, since it has been the victim of a great extermination and indiscriminate hunting to obtain its skin and teeth.
It is included in the genus phantera; of the felines it is the third in size and ferocity. It is a skilled hunter, climber and swimmer, which is why it tends to catch its prey.
8- Jineta
It is a wild and carnivorous animal that feeds on rabbits, rats, mice, and other rodents. Its habits are mostly nocturnal and it stands out for its great ability as a hunter.
In some regions it is called a wildcat, but it is not a domestic animal nor can it be kept as a pet at home. It is very widespread in southern Europe.
9- Giraffe
It comes from Africa. It is the tallest animal species on the planet, since it can reach 6 meters.
It has horns like those of cows and a long black tongue with which it takes its food (herbs, branches and thorns) and other objects.
It is very sociable and usually shares spaces with other species such as zebras, who benefit from the size of giraffes to see danger from a distance.
10- Goldfinch
Classified as a songbird, it is a small bird very common in tropical forests. It stands out from other species for its plumage of showy and striking colors.
It is a bird of great popularity for its sonorous and melodic song, but for that reason it is captured to be kept in captivity.
- Animal crossing, “Horse mackerel” in Peces del mar. Retrieved: November 22, 2017 from animalcrossing.wikia.com
- Aguilar M. (2013, December) «Horse mackerel» in Beautiful aquatic animals. Retrieved on: November 22, 2017 from acuarioviejo.blogspot.com/
- Santa Cruz Zoo. «Jicotea Turtle (Trachemys scripta)« in Education for conservation. Retrieved on November 22, 2017 from zoosantacruz.org.
- Bekia Pets, “The gerbil. Do you know this curious domestic rodent? " in Articles. Retrieved on November 22, 2017 from bekiamascotas.com
- Bolivian species. "Jochi" in Bolivian Species, oxygen, shade and food. Retrieved on November 22, 2017 from spicesbolivianas.info
- Science info students "Wild Boar" in your youth space. Retrieved on November 22, 2017 from Estudiantes.info
- Trophy hunting «Wild Boar» in Trophy, hunting and conservation. Retrieved November 22, 2017 from trofeocaza.com
- Naturalist. "Jabirú stork Jabiru mycteria" in: Endangered in Mexico. Retrieved November 22, 2017 from naturalista.mx
- Morales J. (2007, 09) "The sad fate of the jabirú: shy giant in danger of extinction" in La Jornada. Retrieved November 22, 2017 from día.unam
- Of animalia. «Jineta» in Animal Encyclopedia Wild Animals Retrieved November 22, 2017 from deanimalia.com
- Examplede.com, “Characteristics of the giraffe” (June, 2017) Retrieved November 22, 2017 from examplede.com
- sierradebaza.org, «El Jilquero (Carduelos carduelis)» in Bird files of the natural park 'Sierra de Baza' Retrieved November 22, 2017 from sierradebaza.org