- characteristics
- Exponential growth
- Specific goal
- Coherence, cohesion and adequacy
- Unique character
- Formal contexts
- Prioritization of written speech
- Examples
- Music
- Computers and electronics
- International Trade
- Finance
- References
The technical language is one type of communication means belonging to trades, professions or specific areas of human knowledge. Although it is not alien to the language of the community in general, its proper use and management is only known by those who are engaged in activities related to that knowledge.
Within this definition, very varied and also very wide areas are covered. This brings as a first consequence that the fact of handling a technical language in particular does not guarantee the dominance of others. A second consequence is that specific training is needed in each of these languages.
Technical language is used mostly by professionals from different sectors and areas of knowledge
Sometimes, erroneously, technical language is considered the same as scientific language. This conception does not take into account the fact that there are activities such as administration, music and finance, among others, that without being strictly scientific have their specialized language.
Since the 18th century, technical language has maintained a constant development alongside the advancement of human knowledge. At the beginning of that century, words like thermometer, telescope and barometer appeared. Starting in the 20th century, the amount of new words that appeared has made it difficult to update technical dictionaries.
Exponential growth
Based on the background, the development of technical language tends to increase each year. Areas such as electronics, computing and electronics, among others, contribute appreciable amounts of new expressions each year.
Many of these new terms are even incorporated into common language due to the specificity of the meaning.
Specific goal
Technical language or language of specialization is a specialized variety. Your goal is specific. And it serves as a communication instrument between specialists in very particular subjects.
Coherence, cohesion and adequacy
In the first place, coherence consists of monothematic dedication. Technical language is focused on a specific topic and all ideas serve the goal of creating a global idea.
On the other hand, cohesion ensures that the various ideas that are built are sequential and connected to each other. Finally, the contents are ideal for specialist readers.
Unique character
The main characteristic of technical language is its uniqueness. This means that its terms have only one meaning or sense. Consequently, there is no possibility of interpretations being presented due to polysemy, synonymy or connotations.
The meaning of the words is denotative (strict reference to the object). The language is objective and there are no lateral equivalences for aesthetic or expressive purposes. There is also no contextuality. The term always has the same meaning in whatever context it is used.
Formal contexts
Technical language is designed to be used in formal contexts. Its characteristics favor the impersonal character and non-affective communications.
The aesthetic and expressive values are subordinated to the objective and the effectiveness. In this way, the use of language is privileged to express order, clarity and conciseness.
Ideas are expressed with less affective involvement. This distinctive feature of technical language limits its usefulness as a language for everyday use. It also does not serve to transmit emotional states or sensitive charges.
Prioritization of written speech
Although it can also be used in oral discourse (classes, lectures, talks and others), technical language works more efficiently in written mode.
In the occasions in which it is used orally, the tendency is generated to complete the ideas with the language of common use. This limits or neutralizes its semantic rigidity.
The written version of the technical language allows the use of specialized terminology in the meaning that corresponds to it. Legal texts, business letters, technical specification sheets have their own format that distinguishes it.
In all of them, the terminology is used with the least possible support from everyday terminology and leaving the technical terms to explain themselves.
“A scale is a group of tones (scale degrees) arranged in ascending order. These tones span one octave. Diatonic scales are scales that include middle and whole steps. The first and last note is the tonic. It is the most 'stable' note, or rather the easiest to find.
Because of this, diatonic melodies often end on the diatonic note. The other notes on the scale also have names. The second note is the supertonic. The third is the through, halfway between the tonic and the dominant. The fourth note is the subdominant. The fifth note is the dominant… ”.
Computers and electronics
"Inductance is a key parameter in electrical and electronic circuits. Like resistance and capacitance, it is a basic electrical measurement that affects all circuits to some degree.
Inductance is used in many areas of electrical and electronic circuits and systems. Components can be in a variety of shapes and can be called by a variety of names: coils, inductors, coils, transformers, etc.
Each of these can also have a variety of different variants: with and without cores and the core materials can be of different types. Understanding inductance and the different shapes and formats for inductors and transformers helps to understand what happens inside electrical and electronic circuits. "
International Trade
“The certificate of origin is a document issued by an exporter that confirms and certifies the country of origin of its products. The certificate of origin can be a statement added to the commercial invoice that supports the inclusion of the country of origin per line item.
Alternatively, it could be a separate letter or form incorporating a statement indicating that the country of origin is the one on the commercial invoice, certifying that the document is true and correct, and then signed by the exporter's employee. "
“Using detailed sales data from more than two million transactions in the Indian online retail market, where price promotions are very common, we documented two types of strategic customer behavior that have not been considered in previous research.
First, customers who monitor product prices after purchase can initiate opportunistic returns due to falling prices. Second, customers who anticipate a future return can strategically choose a payment method that facilitates product returns. "
- Madrigal López, D. (2002). Administrative communication. San José de Costa Rica: Editorial EUNED State Distance University.
- Santamaría Pérez, I. (2007). Slang and jargons. Alicante: Liceus, Servicios de Gestión y Comunicación, SL
- Castillo Pereira, I. (s / f). About the scientific-technical language. Its characteristics and classification. Taken from files.sld.cu.
- Pérez Gutiérrez, M. (1985). Dictionary of music and musicians. Madrid: AKAL Editions.
- González Gallego, RE (2007). Dictionary of computing and electronics. Mexico DF: Continuous training system.
- Salinas Coronado, G. (2009). Dictionary of International Trade, Maritime Terms, Customs. Lima: Lulu Press, Inc.
- De Lorenzo, J., De Murga, G. and Ferreiro, M. (1864). Madrid: Typographic Establishment of T. Fortanet.