I leave you the best phrases of Jack Sparrow, one of the protagonists of Pirates of the Caribbean, the successful Disney film series. Played by Johnny Depp, he is a charismatic character, with somewhat strange customs, independent and eccentric.
You may also be interested in these phrases of Johnny Depp.
-The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you get it?
- Crazy people don't know they are crazy. I know I'm crazy. Therefore, I am not crazy. It's not crazy?
-Your face is familiar to me, have I threatened you before?
"I'm afraid you have the misfortune to face Captain Jack Sparrow!"
-Nobody move! My brain fell off.
-My spirit will live forever.
-Why does rum always run out?
-Why fight when you can negotiate?
-Wherever we want to go, we will go.
-Not all treasures are silver and gold, friend.
-If you decide to lock your heart, you will surely lose it.
"This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow."
-The seas can be rough, but I'm the captain. No matter the difficulties, I will always prevail.
-My tremendous intuitive sense of the female creature informs me that you are in trouble.
-I don't regret anything, ever.
-You have stolen from me and I am here to take myself back.
-Did no one come to save me just because he missed me?
-The only rules that really matter are the following: what a man can do and what a man cannot do.
-It is better not to know what moment may be the last.
-Why should I sail with any of you? Four of you tried to kill me in the past and one succeeded.
-You have the need to rescue me and I am not sure I am in the right mood for the rescue.
-I love those moments. I love to fire them as they pass by.
"You're not a eunuch, are you?"
-You can kill me, but never insult me again.
-If you were waiting for the right moment, that was the moment.
- Worry about your own destiny, gentlemen. The deepest circle of hell is reserved for traitors and rebels.
"When you abandoned me on that piece of land forgotten by God, you forgot one very important thing, my friend: I am Captain Jack Sparrow."
-Your insults don't hurt me, darling. I saved your life and you saved mine. We are in peace.
-Do you have the courage and strength to follow orders and remain faithful in the face of danger and almost certain death?
-It's funny what a man can do to avoid his final judgment.
-We have come for help and we will not leave without it.
"There must be a 'captain' around here somewhere."
-There will be dangers on the road… first of all, mermaids, zombies… and Blackbeard.
-I understand everything… except the wig.
-Shoot. Take away the trouble of having to fall.
- In view of the fact that you are still alive, I think that so far everything has been a great success.
-The crime in which you have been found guilty is being innocent of being Jack Sparrow.
-Death is presented before us, as we sail towards the fountain of youth.
-Captain, I want to report a riot. I can name the fingers and point to the names.
-Who can say that I will not live forever?
-The destination we are heading to is not as important as the path we travel to reach it, some say.
-Did you lie to me telling the truth?
-Good man. Raise the anchor, all hands! Get ready to sail!
-Up is down. That's just infuriatingly useless. Why are these things never clear?
-You have to fight… to flee.
-My ship is magnificent and fierce and huge.
"I have no sympathy for you fetid worms, and I have no more patience to pretend otherwise." Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this oddity.
-You know, by all the pirates who are called intelligent, we are a lot without imagination when it comes to naming things.
-Think like the puppy, think like the puppy, think like the puppy…
-Death has a particular way of reorganizing one's priorities.
-I am free forever. Free to navigate the seas beyond the edges of the map, free from death itself.
-Just once, I would like to find a treasure chest that does not have a curse.Just once!
-I don't know who these organizers are, but I have to say that they make pirates look like all gentlemen.