- Philosophical questions
- Questions without scientific answer
- Funny unanswered questions
- Unanswered questions about life
- Stupid unanswered questions
- Curious questions (this one does have an answer)
I leave you with a list of unanswered questions, ideal for reflecting on our existence, morals, feelings, beliefs, society, ideals such as freedom, on the enigmas of the universe, science and life.
In the same way, two sections of questions (funny and stupid) are also included that will allow us to have a fun time, as well as the "curious questions" section, where we will reveal some questions that you thought had no answer but they do.
Source: pixabay.com
Philosophical questions
-Can machines have consciousness?
-How can we discern what is real from what is not?
-Can we understand good without evil?
-Is it necessary that we have evidence to know what the truth is?
-How did humans evolve over other animals?
-When can the beginning of the existence of human consciousness be considered?
-If the knowledge is based on real events, could an opinion that has been formed after concluding based on false premises also be called knowledge?
-How did language come to be?
-Are emotions rational or irrational?
-Do numbers exist or are they really a creation of man?
- Is it justified that a woman can abort? Why or why not and in what situations?
-Is there a reason for the existence of life?
-Can torture be justified?
-Defining people according to a race, is it a social construct or a biological category?
-Is there a cause for every event or consequence?
-Is it always wrong to lie?
-Should the amount of money that people can earn and save should be limited to avoid an unequal distribution of wealth?
-Is order more perfect than chaos, or is chaos simply a higher form of order? How do we know this?
-Does beauty have rules?
-Are religion and science compatible?
-What is the soul?
-Is there life in other parts of the universe?
-Why are there lifeguards under the airplane seats instead of parachutes?
-What is consciousness?
-What happens to people after they die?
-If God is "good", why is there so much evil in the world?
-When will the world end?
-Can there be such a thing as eternal peace?
-Does everyone's life have the same value?
-Are there parallel universes?
-What is the reason for this time? Why do we come into this life with limited time?
-How much freedom should people be allowed to have?
-If someone is killing himself and you are simply a spectator, without taking any action, are you responsible for that death?
-Why do we have to die?
-How and when did everything originate?
-Could we know what happiness is without sadness?
-What existed before the Big Bang, before creation and before God?
-How much does our decision making depend on our free will?
-God exists? How do you know if it exists or not?
-Is love different from sexual desire and passion? Why?
-Should terminally ill people be allowed and / or encouraged to commit suicide?
-What is the truth? Is truth the same as reality?
-If our minds are made of atoms and particles that behave in a probabilistic way, how can we think that we have free will?
-Are we capable of forging our own destiny or does everything happen based on a predetermined destiny?
-Does democracy work in all countries?
-Can full freedom be achieved?
-Why do we compose and play music?
-What is the meaning of life?
-Would we be happier if we knew the meaning of life?
-How is it possible that a newborn can barely see and can neither speak nor walk, but only five years later can make calculations, create stories, swim or ride a bicycle?
-What does the universe consist of?
-How can democracies be protected from becoming totalitarian regimes?
-Does the soul exist before life and does it continue to exist after it?
-When a person observes something, can this alter what really happens?
-Why do we keep making the same mistakes?
-Why is a mustache considered attractive in a man, but not in a woman?
-How did life come into being?
-Why do logic, reason and religion fail to explain what is true?
-Is there such a thing as truth or can it be relative?
Questions without scientific answer
-How resistant are the oceans to chemical pollution?
-How can we eradicate cancer?
-Why can our brains no longer learn as fast as children, once we have grown up?
-How can bicycles stay stationary when they are in motion?
-After the Big Bang and the expansion of the universe, will one day everything start to contract again?
-Is time travel possible?
-Is there a limit to computing power in the long run?
-What connection exists between aging and death, if it exists at all?
-Why does space have only three dimensions?
-How can we do to eliminate excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere introduced by the excessive use of fossil fuels?
-How can we solve the crisis of resistance to antibiotics and fight against bacteria?
-Is it possible to replace damaged parts of the brain with computational devices?
-What exists at the bottom of the ocean?
-How can the giant sea sponge, Anoxycalyx joubini, live for 10,000 years, and only die from external agents, that is, accidents?
-What makes us human?
-Where did the original mass that caused the Big Bang explosion come from?
-Is there such a thing as getting infected with cancer?
-Is there a limit to how smart individuals and communities can be?
-Why is the death rate for rock stars especially high in the early years of your career?
-Can the laws of physics be universally generalized?
-What exists at the bottom of a black hole?
-Why do humans only have 25,000 genes, little more than the nematode worm, Caenorhabditis elegans?
-Can you get energy from nothing (from a vacuum)?
-How can the problem of overpopulation be solved (limited resources: food, energy, etc. for a growing population)?
-Did Neanderthals die because, unlike Homo sapiens, they didn't practice procreation much?
-How much will we be able to increase our life expectancy?
-Why does the temporal flow go forward?
-What are the limits of the universe?
-Why is there sexual procreation with two genders if it reduces the capacity for evolution by 50%, compared to asexual procreation, practiced by nematodes and other forms of life?
-Is it possible to cure dementia?
-Can computers have imaginative / creative capacity? Will this manage to surpass ours?
-Is aging inevitable?
-How many species are there on earth?
-What is antimatter?
Funny unanswered questions
- If a police officer arrests a mime, should he tell you that he has the right to remain silent?
- The world is round and we call it planet. If it were flat… would we call it round?
- If the water is colorless, why is the part of a towel that has been submerged in water darker in color than the dry part?
-Can vegetarians eat cookies shaped like animals?
-Why do we call a drink “drink”, even before drinking it?
-Why do establishments open 24 hours a day have locks?
-Why is heat called good weather and cold bad weather?
-Who do the guards ask when they get lost?
-Why is it that if you talk to God, people think it is spiritual, but if God talks to you, people think you are crazy?
-Why are phones mobile and laptop computers?
-How do the blind know when they have finished cleaning their asses?
-Because there is a style of swimming called butterfly, if they cannot swim?
-If someone is going to shoot a mime, do you need a silencer?
-Why do we eat our nails when we are nervous? Are they the ones that cause us fear?
If snot is unpleasant, why when we blow our noses, do we open the tissue to see what we have put in?
-If money is the cause of all evil, why do we have to work?
-If the pool is deep, is the sea Toyota?
-Can I keep my computer mouse in the trunk of the car next to the jack?
-What happens if by mistake, when you put a suppository, you make the wrong packaging and you put a candy?
-When you take a picture next to Mickey Mouse, is the man inside the costume smiling?
-Why are things always found in the place where they are least sought?
-Can we live without telling lies?
-Why do we always sing in the bathroom and never when we are out of it?
-Why do they call the dresser comfortable, if the bed is more comfortable?
-Did Adam and Eve have a navel?
- If you are not part of the solution, are you part of the problem?
-If there is an “beyond”, is there also a “more here”?
-If nothing sticks to the Teflon, how did they stick it to the pan?
-Why is Mickey Mouse wearing pants and Minnie wearing a blouse only?
-Why does Donald Duck have nephews without siblings?
- Why do we have to wear terribly uncomfortable shoes to be presentable?
Unanswered questions about life
- Does it make sense that we lock people up in prisons?
-Do animals believe in God or in some supernatural being or superior to them?
-Is it more important to be a leader or a follower?
-Is it possible / feasible to achieve our dreams?
-Why is there always an exception for every rule, if it is assumed that in a perfect world there should be no exceptions?
-Why do things exist?
-Why do we experience pain and suffering?
-When is silence better than words?
-Does humanity exist for a greater purpose in the universe?
-What thing needs to be changed in the world to make it better?
-Will we ever live on the moon or on another planet?
-Is world peace something we can aspire to?
-Are you making your own decisions or are you letting others make them for you?
-What is the difference between living and existing?
-Are we humans important to our ecosystem?
-Why do people watch the cell phone so much and let life simply pass them by?
-What is the difference between being alive and really living?
-What are the five most important values for you?
-What is the correct age to get married?
-What is easier, to love or to be loved?
-How do you want to be remembered in your life when you die?
-If you knew that tomorrow you would die, what would you do today?
-How old would we be if we didn't know our age?
-If life is so short, why are there so many things we don't like and so many things we don't do?
-Is it better to have loved and lost it than never to have loved at all?
-Why do the poor stay poor and the rich stay rich?
-They say that money cannot buy happiness, but can one be completely happy without money?
-Is there such a thing as true love?
-Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?
-Is there such a thing as absolute truth?
-What is the point of our struggle for survival and development as humans if in the end we will die?
-What would you not do even if you receive a million dollars in cash?
-How much money do you need to earn per month to consider that you can live comfortably?
-Do our achievements have any long-term significance?
-What is the purpose of death and why do we fear it so much?
-How can I make someone happier?
-How different would it be if you were born of the opposite sex?
-Why are we not able to know or predict what will happen in the future?
-How different would it be if you were born in a different country?
-What is worse, failing to try or never trying?
-What will be the next step in evolution for humans?
-How can we define success?
-How can I be happy?
-If life expectancy was 40 years, how different would you live your life now?
-To what degree do you consider that you have controlled the course of your life?
-Would you break the law to save someone you love?
-Who has inspired you the most in your life?
-Is poverty something that we can ever eradicate?
-If happiness were the currency of the world, what kind of work would make you rich?
-Why, if we are the species with the most developed brain on the entire planet Earth, are we so prone to making mistakes?
-What is good and what is evil?
Stupid unanswered questions
-If men are all the same, why do women choose so much?
-Why do space battle films have such noisy explosions, if the sound does not propagate in a vacuum?
-Why in the United States do you need a driver's license to buy alcohol if drinking and driving are prohibited?
-Why is there no mouse-flavored cat food?
-Why, if wines and champagnes are liquid, are there some that are classified or called dry?
-Why do the moons of other planets have names, but ours is called the moon?
-Is there the possibility that there is someone exactly like you in another part of the planet?
- Why Tarzan if he had long hair, did not have a long beard or mustache?
-If we are composed of 80% water, how can we drown?
-It is said that only ten people in the whole world understood Einstein. If nobody understands me, am I a genius?
-Why are babies so ugly when they are born?
-Do infants enjoy childhood as much as adults do adultery?
-Why did the Flintstones celebrate Christmas if they lived in a time before Christ?
-Why do people wake up others to ask if they were sleeping?
-If we are clean after showering, why do we wash the towel?
-If humans count sheep to sleep, what do sheep count? humans?
-Why should a person who is already right still have it?
-Why when you blow a dog in its snout does it get angry, but it loves to stick its head out the window to be hit by the wind?
-Why are people usually attracted to those more emotionally unstable people?
-Why when the control runs out of batteries, do we press the buttons harder in the hope that they work?
-How do I know how many lives my cat has left?
-If the wool shrinks with humidity, why don't the sheep shrink when it rains?
-What was the first; the egg or the chicken?
- If the black boxes of the airplanes are designed to resist the destruction of the plane, why not build their cabins with these same materials?
-Why is making one woman happy is well seen, but making many happy is not?
-Why do we continue looking for love when most love experiences indicate or lead us to believe that such a thing does not exist?
-Why do we call it “Planet Earth”, if more than 70% of its surface is water?
-Why is “separate” written all together and “all together” written separately?
-When someone is a masochist, isn't it a reward to go to hell?
-If geniuses usually don't have friends, and I don't have friends, could you consider me a genius?
-Why when a person is lying down and is scared, does he clothe himself?
-When a new brand of improved flavor dog food comes on the market, who tests it?
-Where is the other half of the Middle East?
-Why in an open bar party the only thing that is never free is the bar?
Curious questions (this one does have an answer)
-What is dark energy?
-What is love?
-If they say that love is blind, why do attractive people tend to achieve it more easily?
-Where does the compass point when we are at the North Pole?
Why do we usually wake up a little time before alarms?
-Where does creativity come from?
-Why do we dream while we sleep?
-Why do cats purr?
-Why is it impossible for us to sneeze leaving our eyes open?
-Why are our body and physiological functions, as well as other living beings, governed by circadian rhythms?
-Why do we always open our mouths when we look at the sky?
-What is time?
-How does the brain generate human consciousness?
-What makes prime numbers different from other numbers and what makes them appropriate for certain applications such as encryption?
-How do we know that electrons and black holes exist if we cannot see them?
-How do anesthetics work?
-How can we extract energy from the sun efficiently to be able to use it as a renewable energy source?
-Why is static electricity generated?
-Why are moths attracted to light?
-What is crystal?
-How are bodies capable of repairing themselves?
-Why do we have to sleep?
-Why is ice slippery?
-How are rays generated?
-Why are black plums when green are red?
-Why do women open their mouths when they are putting some cream on their face?
-Why do headphone cables always get tangled / knotted?
-Why can we walk on frozen water?
-Why is yawning contagious?
-What happens to the body physiologically when it dies?