- 20 career opportunities in psychology
- 1- Educational psychology
- 2- Legal and forensic psychology
- 3- Psychology of work, organizations and human resources management
- 4- Couples and sexuality therapy
- 5- Neuropsychologist
- 6- Sports psychology
- 7- Psychology of consumption, advertising and marketing
- 8- Clinical psychology
- 9- Social psychology
- 10- Environmental psychology
- 11- Coaching
- 12- Research in psychology
- 13- Psychology and new technologies
- 14- Psychogerontology
- 15- Intervention in disasters and emergencies
- 16- Psychology of traffic and road safety
- 17- Entrepreneurship and social innovation
- 18- Positive psychology
- 19- Psychology of disability
- 20- Psychology of drug addiction
- References
Among the professional opportunities in psychology are clinical psychology, educational psychology, legal psychology, sports psychology, among others. Many people when they think of psychology, a professional sitting in an elegant chair listening to the convoluted thoughts of a desperate patient comes to mind.
However, psychology is a profession that spans many areas of work, with many different opportunities today. The common thing that all these professions have is that they work with people and for this the psychologist will have to have certain skills.
Psychology studies behavior and mental processes from different perspectives, which is why its field of study is very broad. Different types of psychologists can apply their knowledge to areas as diverse as education, business, health, sports, sexuality, marketing, drug addiction, teaching, research, among others.
20 career opportunities in psychology
1- Educational psychology
In this field, the professional will deal with guidance and intervention in the school environment. As in the socio-educational, and in special education. The psychologist will treat the learning difficulties and special educational needs of the students.
Their work will also be focused on the professional guidance of students, the advice of teachers and families. As well as organizational aspects of the educational institution.
An important area of expertise may be special education. Psychologists can be in charge of the detection, guidance and monitoring of students with special needs in centers that provide this type of education.
The psychology of education is an area that will allow the psychologist to work in colleges, institutes and universities. Public or private institutions related to education, as well as teaching and research.
2- Legal and forensic psychology
Law and psychology have multiple relationships. This specialty studies the explanation, evaluation, and prevention of psychological phenomena that influence the legal behavior of people.
This specialty has many career opportunities. Not only be a forensic expert in the criminal field, but also work in penitentiary institutions, in psychosocial teams of Courts and Tribunals, in government institutions, in forensic clinics, etc. As well as in the attention to the victims of crimes and in the mediation of conflicts.
3- Psychology of work, organizations and human resources management
In this area the psychologist tries to explain behavior at work and in organizations. It seeks to improve productivity and performance, as well as to enhance personal development and quality of life at work.
The professional specialist in this branch of psychology can work in different fields. For example, counseling and career and professional guidance, in the management of human resources in companies (direction, selection, training) or occupational health.
They can also focus on the prevention of occupational hazards dealing with stress, mobbing (workplace harassment), employee care, expert reports, design of prevention systems… among many other areas.
4- Couples and sexuality therapy
More and more people consult psychologists when they have problems with their sexuality or with their partner.
In couples therapy, the psychologist can help the patient to face ejaculation and erection problems, difficulties in achieving orgasm, low sexual desire, phobias, sex addiction, paraphilias, problems related to sexual orientation, among others.
In addition, it helps to solve problems in the relationship with the couple or learn to handle complicated situations.
Professionally, the psychologist can work in public health centers or in private consultations specialized in these issues. These are very successful today.
5- Neuropsychologist
Neuropsychology is the study of the relationship between brain function and behavior. It is a modern science that is currently on the rise, receiving more and more attention from professionals and society.
The neuropsychologist may engage in neuropsychological evaluation to diagnose impaired or preserved cognitive functions after brain damage. Mainly from strokes, trauma, learning difficulties, epilepsy, dementia, etc.
This professional can design stimulation and rehabilitation programs for cognitive functions such as attention, memory, visuospatial function, language, orientation, etc.
You may also be doing research to create and test new assessment and treatment tools. As well as researching the characteristics of neuropsychological disorders.
From this perspective, the neuropsychologist can work in health centers, neurorehabilitation centers or research centers.
6- Sports psychology
This professional is in charge of assisting athletes, specific teams, coaches and teachers.
Their advice and advice can be very useful to enhance the athlete's personal resources. Specifically, it trains your skills to reduce your fears, stress and anxiety, seeking psychological well-being. In addition, it implements strategies to improve your concentration, performance and motivation.
7- Psychology of consumption, advertising and marketing
In this area, the psychologist can be essential to investigate consumer behavior. In this way, it helps in the design of advertising campaigns and values customer satisfaction.
This type of psychologist can work for large companies, in research centers, in consumer associations, etc.
8- Clinical psychology
This branch of psychology focuses on the research, development and application of treatments for pathological behaviors. That is, mental disorders that affect oneself or others.
The clinical psychologist then has a very broad field of action. May be responsible for evaluation, diagnosis, or therapy.
You can work in public health centers, or in private practice. You can also carry out your work in the area of training or research.
9- Social psychology
This branch of psychology deals with studying how psychological processes influence social activity. And, on the contrary, how the social context can influence psychological functioning.
As career opportunities, the social psychologist can work providing information and counseling in public and private community service centers. Like helping at home.
Its activity is fundamental in the development of care programs for immigrants, refugees and ethnic minorities. As well as action in areas related to gender diversity, in the prevention and treatment of violence, and in the care of families at risk of social exclusion.
10- Environmental psychology
An environmental psychologist analyzes the interrelation of people with their socio-physical environment. Human behavior in relation to the environment is then studied.
The environmental psychologist can work in areas that are related to urban planning, for example, urban mobility, public safety management, public space management, environmental awareness, etc.
This professional may work as an official of public entities in charge of environmental policies. Therefore, they can study the impact of works in the community, develop social strategies to promote the protection of the environment, etc.
You can also be responsible for the environmental management of a company. Either to comply with legal obligations or because of the growing awareness of environmental protection.
Furthermore, in this area of psychology education is essential. These psychologists can transmit teachings about the importance of respect for the environment. Being able to be autonomously, or forming part of organizations dedicated to environmental issues.
11- Coaching
This career outlet is relatively new. In this area, the psychologist can work as a personal advisor helping to enhance the resources of an individual and exploit their capacities to the maximum.
This career path involves the advice of employees, managers, students, unemployed people, etc. To achieve greater personal growth, and properly manage your skills and emotions in order to achieve your goals.
12- Research in psychology
After completing a degree in psychology, one of the options is to pursue research.
Generally, a few more years of training may be necessary to complete the doctorate, which will allow the incorporation to university research centers or other private ones that require certain research skills.
13- Psychology and new technologies
New technologies have expanded the field of action for many professions, and psychology is not far behind.
Many psychological services are provided through online tools, where there is direct interaction with the patient.
New technologies also allow the psychologist to dedicate himself to the dissemination of interesting topics. Like the creation of content such as articles, videos, online courses… Through websites, blogs and social networks.
Psychologists can also specialize in new psychological disorders related to the use of new technologies. Such as addiction to online games, internet or smartphones, cybersex, sleep disorders due to abuse in the use of the internet, as well as anxiety due to the use of mobile phones (nomophobia), etc.
14- Psychogerontology
This is a discipline that studies aging to apply such knowledge in improving the quality of life of older people and their caregivers.
Professionals dedicated to this area are useful in promoting active aging, advising on the implementation of policies to have a positive impact on health, as well as caring for people in the process of dependency and their families.
Psychogerontologists can work in government agencies, health centers, geriatric residences, and day centers. As well as home help services, telecare, individual and family counseling, with NGOs, etc.
15- Intervention in disasters and emergencies
The psychologist can work helping people affected by potentially traumatic events, so that they can cope with the critical situation they have experienced. You can also collaborate with the psychological needs of other professionals involved in these situations such as firefighters, rescuers, doctors and volunteers.
For all this, the psychologist can work mainly for public institutions (government, security forces, emergency agencies), NGOs or voluntary associations.
16- Psychology of traffic and road safety
Traffic accidents are one of the most serious public health problems today. In this area, psychological factors are essential. That is, the study of the processes involved in driving, such as motivational and emotional variables, cognitive factors and possible errors.
All this is important for the design of prevention measures. That is why a “psychological aptitude” is required to be able to drive. The psychologist can be part of the recognition centers where the person's ability to drive is evaluated and certificates of aptitude are obtained.
Their work in public and private institutions can also be very important, designing strategies to reduce traffic accidents and improve road safety.
17- Entrepreneurship and social innovation
An entrepreneurial psychologist is the one who decides to start his professional project or create a company independently in any of the branches of psychology. There is increasing support from public and private institutions to promote entrepreneurship.
Closely linked to entrepreneurship is social innovation. The latter means the search for innovative solutions to certain social needs that are not covered. This includes the generation of changes in social behavior to enhance the resolution of great collective challenges.
18- Positive psychology
In principle, psychology has been concerned with studying the negative aspects and pathologies of the human being.
However, positive psychology is directed to the scientific study of what makes individuals and communities progress satisfactorily. That is, that there is an optimal human functioning. In short, positive psychology studies strengths and virtues.
19- Psychology of disability
Services related to disability have not stopped growing in recent years, with the psychologist being a fundamental pillar in their development. There is also a greater involvement of public institutions to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities.
Psychologists can work in the intervention of people with disabilities in day centers, residences, leisure services and free time… Either in public entities or private associations.
20- Psychology of drug addiction
Drug addiction is one of the main public health problems. This affects the whole of society, especially the youngest. And it causes serious consequences that affect not only health, but individual development.
This problem has led to the demand for professionals who work in an interdisciplinary environment to prevent, treat and improve the quality of life of drug addicts.
Psychologists specializing in this discipline may work in public and private centers. And exercise their work in drug addiction intervention, specifically in areas such as prevention, education, directing individual or group therapies, etc.
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- Careers in the field of psychology. (sf). Retrieved on March 5, 2017, from Careerinpsychology: careersinpsychology.org.
- Cherry, B. (April 16, 2016). Top 10 Psychology Career Trends. Obtained from Verywell: verywell.com.
- Maharaj, V. (June 13, 2016). 14 Career Options for Psychology Majors. Retrieved from Psychology Today: psychologytoday.com.
- Tucker, L. (2014, October 14). What Can You Do With a Psychology Degree? Obtained from Topouniversities: topuniversities.com.
- UNED, DF (May 2015). Professional fields of psychology. Obtained from Universitat de Les Illes Balears: estudiois.uib.cat.