- Examples of positive attitudes
- List of 20 negative attitudes to avoid
- 1-Speak negatively
- 2-Perceive the negative of any situation
- 3-Compare yourself with others and always get hurt
- 4-Thinking too much about the past ... and not learning
- 5-Say that it is difficult and do not try
- 7-Blame others for your misfortunes
- 8-Tell others that they cannot
- 9-not be grateful
- 10-despise others
- 11-Have it all and still complain
- 12-Criticize those who surpass you in something
- 13-Believe that others owe you something
- 14-Spread the bad attitude
- 16-Not respecting and speaking rudely
- 17-Wanting others to be like you
- 18-mocking
- 19-Always want to please
- 20-Do not do what you want
The negative attitudes are dispositions and behaviors that a human being negative sample temporarily or constantly. In other words, if a person has a negative attitude, they will tend to show behaviors that harm both themselves and others.
These characteristics are shown in life in general, as a couple, with children, friends, work… Human attitudes towards others can therefore be beneficial or harmful.
In life, the most important thing is often the will and avoiding negative attitudes. I believe that the human being with the best attitude, positive qualities, willpower and capacity for sacrifice will always come forward and will overtake anyone who is complaining.
Training and intelligence are important, although I believe that attitude and work will always overcome it. Then there is also luck, but in reality it is sought, it never comes alone.
Perhaps it is a perfect combination of training plus attitude. If you don't have some training - which can be practical - you probably won't be able to work or have a business, and if you don't have an attitude, no matter how much training you have, you won't try anything.
Examples of positive attitudes
Anyway, I always like to provide data. Look at the facts of some of the most influential, wealthiest, and top donors in the world:
-Richard Branson stopped studying at 16. He is the founder of the Virgin Group and the first company to offer space travel.
-Francoir Pinault, the third richest man in France dropped out of high school in 1947. He owns Gucci, Samsonite and Puma.
-Bill Gates, who has been the world's first or second richest man for 10 years, did not finish his career at Harvard.
-Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, did not finish his career at Harvard.
-Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, did not finish the race either.
-Amancio Ortega stopped studying at age 14. He is the founder of Inditex, the richest person in Europe and the third in the world.
In fact, of the 5 richest men in the world - Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, Amancio Ortega, Warren Buffett, and Larry Elison - only Slim and Buffett have college degrees.
I am aware that there are people who will criticize them, even though they probably use their products. On the other hand, these are some details of your donations:
-Of their 76,000 million dollars, Bill and Melinda Gates will leave 10 million dollars to their children. The rest will be donated to charitable causes.
-Of the 74000 million that Warren Buffett has, 2000 will be left to his children, the rest will be donated to charitable causes.
-Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Elison have also pledged to donate half of their fortune.
-Carlos Slim has donated more than 2000 million dollars.
-In 2014 Amancio Ortega donated 20 million euros to the NGO Cáritas.
These people have worked hard to get their wealth. The problem lies in the organizations, institutions and public figures (let each one think of who comes to mind) who want to cover themselves from public money, revolving doors (from the government to the company) and fraudulent contacts.
I have already made my opinion on attitude clear. Which is yours? Comment at the end of the article. I'm interested!
List of 20 negative attitudes to avoid
Negative attitudes often show up at work, school, and in everyday life. Below I show you some of the most frequent.
You may also be interested in this article about toxic people.
1-Speak negatively
If they insult you on the street, does it bother you? Would you worry if you get up and find in the mailbox of your house / apartment a page saying that you have one day to live?
Such is the power of language. So use it to your advantage, talk to yourself in a kind and lively way.
2-Perceive the negative of any situation
There are people who rain and say that the weather is bad. Then there is sun and she says what unpleasant heat.
In reality, the situation does not matter as much as your interpretation of it. A rainy day can be great to rest or enjoy the rain and a hot day can also be great to rest and enjoy the sun. It all depends on your interpretation.
3-Compare yourself with others and always get hurt
Comparison with others usually results in discomfort; it can cause stress, depression or anxiety.
However, in my opinion it does not make much sense, because it does not lead to any results, only psychological discomfort.
It would only make sense to compare yourself if you want to improve and with a good attitude, without negative feelings. It would be the case, for example, if you compare yourself to Michael Jordan, if you study him a lot, because you want to go as far as him. So Michael Jordan would be a role model and you would look up to him (positive feeling), you wouldn't be envious of him.
4-Thinking too much about the past… and not learning
I believe that it is much more appropriate to reflect in order to learn, act and establish what has been learned in behavior than to continually regret thinking about the past.
I much prefer someone who steals 1000 euros from me and who returns it to me asking for forgiveness than someone who steals 1 euro from me, asks for my whole life and does not return it to me. Does it sound like a public figure to you?
5-Say that it is difficult and do not try
As Nelson Mandela said: «It seems impossible until it is done». And even if it's not done, it's also worth a try. The worst thing is not trying because it is difficult.
7-Blame others for your misfortunes
Put on the following case of Manuel and Antonio:
- Manuel says that he is doing badly because of the state, because his parents are humble and because things are very bad.
- Antonio says that the government is a disaster, but that he also has responsibility for his situation. He has gone to Australia to look for work and has found it.
Manuel, has blamed everyone except himself. Therefore, believing that he could not do anything, he has not mobilized.
Antonio, believing that part of his situation is his responsibility, has mobilized and has had results.
Cases like these there will be millions around the world. Thousands throughout Latin America and in Spain.
8-Tell others that they cannot
I think this is the worst of all, in fact it touched me and in particular it was a woman who did not contribute to anything.
This goes both ways. You should not tell others that they cannot do something, much less if they want to achieve it, but - much more importantly - you should not tell yourself that you cannot achieve something.
9-not be grateful
Everyone likes to be treated well, and don't forget to be grateful.
After all, no one is obliged to be nice to someone, so the minimum is a "thank you" and a positive attitude. Nor would it be wrong not to forget the favors that some people do.
10-despise others
Actually looking down on someone is a sign of low self-esteem. Someone is despised to feel above him and thus elevate the ego, although in reality he would be building a self-esteem with feet of clay.
You have to love yourself, but without despising people.
11-Have it all and still complain
The highest representative of this is the typical "potato boy" who has everything but always complains. The problem is that this extends in some cases to almost 30 years or more.
I believe that in many cases it is the responsibility of the parents, although from a certain age adults are 100% responsible for themselves.
12-Criticize those who surpass you in something
Isn't it smarter to admire someone than to criticize them? If you want to be a designer, isn't it smarter to admire the greats of fashion? That way you would learn from them.
Do not fall into this trap and do not get carried away by what other people usually do. Admire people who have achieved what you would like and you will learn from them.
13-Believe that others owe you something
The reality is that nobody owes anything (unless you have borrowed something). You don't have to wait for someone to smile at you or ask how you are. You may not feel like it, this sad or so, although in any case you don't have to.
Therefore, I think it is better to forget about thinking bad in these cases. Then you yourself will decide if you "give something" with a good attitude or not, but you are not obliged either.
14-Spread the bad attitude
Isn't it unpleasant when someone tells you something negative about your personality or behavior and never says something positive?
Surely it has happened to you, it is something that happens very often because we are used to complaining, but not to communicating the positive of others. As if the positive is taken for granted.
16-Not respecting and speaking rudely
This I think is also in very bad taste. It is very unpleasant to hear someone speak in a bad tone, excessively loud or insulted.
However, it is something that can be easily viewed on TV on many channels. But that doesn't mean you fall too.
17-Wanting others to be like you
You do not have to be like others, much less please others, but others do not have to be like you.
Each person has the right to be as they want, as long as they do not harm anyone, of course.
This is a negative attitude, albeit towards others, which can be even worse.
19-Always want to please
Seeking approval is also a bad attitude that is difficult to realize.
It is negative because it will make you feel bad, because you will live for others instead of for yourself. It is very well described in Wayne Dyer's book.
20-Do not do what you want
Like the previous one, it is also difficult to discover because we do not usually realize it.
And what is worse than not doing something you want out of laziness or simply not knowing what will happen when it carries minimal risk?
I'm not perfect, in fact I often fall into these kinds of attitudes, although I always tried to correct them and improve little by little.