Andrés Caicedo's main phrases refer to music, love and death. Andrés Caicedo was a Colombian writer who in a few years achieved success and acquired quite a bit of fame.
The Colombian was born in 1951 and died in 1977 with just 25 years of age, committing suicide by ingesting 65 sleeping pills.
Several critics attribute his success to the impact his premature death had on the youth of the time.
Some even comment that, had he lived for more years, he would not have been as recognized as a talented writer with a high influence on Colombian literature.
The 17 main phrases of Andrés Caicedo
1- «To hate is to love without loving. Wanting is fighting for what you want and hating is not being able to achieve what you fight for. To love is to want everything, to fight for everything, and still, to continue with the heroism of continuing to love. »
2- "To love is to go with you until you die."
3- «Everything was the same as the other times. A party. Something in which one tries desperately to change the tedious routine, but never can. "
4- "My dreams have become light."
5- «And someday, in spite of myself, I will get the theory that the book lies, the movies exhaust, burn them both, leave nothing but music. If I go there, it is because we go there. »
6- "A song that does not age is the universal decision that my mistakes have been forgiven."
7- "We do not know what your presence obeys, but you are there, love, totally uprooted from what surrounds us."
8- "If you leave work, die in peace, trusting a few good friends."
9- "And gouty sweat that I would have sucked from him to turn them into tears of my emotion."
10- «You are there only so that we can love, willing nothing more than that our bodies kick, sparked in yours and wallow in turn, or at the same time, in your sweet and juicy entrails.»
11- "I will dedicate my life to hustle and bustle and disorder will be my master."
12- «And you see, I'm talking about you again, I know it can't be done, it's impossible, but it doesn't matter, I like to invent.»
13- "Whatever I did, whatever I decided, whatever the rest of my days, that anger would always be there to hinder any action, a final exam for which I would never study, an oral lesson not given."
14- "The truth is that those who dream only during the day, know many things that escape those who dream only at night."
15- "Get ahead of death, give him an appointment."
16- "It is wise to listen to music before breakfast."
17. «You, don't worry. Die before your parents to free them from the gruesome vision of your old age. And find me there where everything is gray and there is no suffering. »
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- "Andrés Caicedo" in: Good Reads. Retrieved on: December 15, 2017 from Good Reads:
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