I leave you with the best phrases to give support and encouragement, which are ideal for when someone close to you or yourself may feel sad, disappointed or perhaps have lost the confidence that they previously possessed.
The reasons for being unmotivated and sad are a failure, a love disappointment, the loss of a friendship or another series of difficult situations. Providing or receiving support is key to being able to continue the course of life with positivity.
Source: pixabay.com
-The sweat dries, the blood coagulates and the bones heal. Everything is possible with effort.
- Courage, tomorrow will be another chance.
-If you're still breathing, then maybe it's not a bad day after all. -Darren E. Laws.
-Sometimes it takes an overwhelming collapse to achieve undeniable breakthrough.
-Don't be sad, every day is a new opportunity to fix things.
-You will never see a rainbow if you are looking down. -Charlie Chaplin.
-Maybe not every day is good. But there is always something good in every day.
-Being challenged in life is inevitable, but being defeated is optional.
-It is difficult to beat a person who never gives up. -Babe Ruth.
-There will be difficult days, but a day will come when everything will be fine.
-Everything you need to achieve your goals is already within you.
-Stars can not shine without darkness.
-Those who do not cry with all their heart, do not know how to laugh.
-Rejoice when night comes, because mornings always give us another chance.
-Sometimes you have to fight some bad days to earn the best days of your life.
-Things may be hard and sad right now, but soon, one day things will be fine.
-Do not be sad. Everything you lose will be returned to you in another way. -Rumi.
-If you really love something, let it go. If it comes back, it's yours, if not, then it wasn't for you.
-If “Plan A” didn't work, the alphabet has another 26 letters. So stay calm.
-The winners are not those people who never fail, but those people who never give up.
-Some people think that holding on to things is what makes us strong, but sometimes it is necessary to let go.
-Nothing is permanent in this crazy world, not even our problems. -Charlie Chaplin.
-When you are alone, have a cup of tea. Read a good book. Breathe Remember that even the saddest moments will come to an end.
-You are confined only by the walls that you have built on your own.
-Holding on to anger is like poisoning yourself and waiting for the other person to die.
-Adversities frequently prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. -CS Lewis.
-Think that there is a great power in silence working all things for your good, behave and do not worry about the rest. -Beatrix Potter.
-The moment you are ready to give up is usually the moment just before a miracle happens. Do not give up.
-Start this day with a wonderful smile on your face and with faith in your heart. Today you will be able to do what you propose.
-Everything that kills us makes us feel alive.
-We need to forgive to forget, and forget to feel again.
-You cannot create new beginnings until you have sincerely celebrated the endings that precede them.
-One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you cannot change.
-Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain. -Vivian Greene.
-Enjoy the little things and be happy, because one day you might remember and realize that those were the things that mattered.
-It does not matter what is coming if you can eat today, enjoy it, mix good spirits with friends; enjoy and bless God for it. -Henry Ward Beecher.
-Life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be enjoyed. -Joseph P. Dooley.
-Remember that not getting what you wanted, sometimes, is a wonderful stroke of luck. -Dalai Lama.
-He who has a reason to live for, can bear almost all things. -Friedrich Nietzsche.
-The man who radiates good spirits makes life happier wherever he is; he is always a man of vision and faith. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
-Stop chasing your goal because of a mishap is like cutting the other tires just because one of you has struck out.
-As we progress in life, it becomes more and more difficult. But it is by fighting difficulties that we develop the strength of the heart. -Vincent van Gogh.
-It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from. The ability to succeed always begins with you. Always. -Oprah Winfrey.
-If at first you are not successful, think about how many people you have made happy. -H. Duane Black.
-Sweet courage and beautiful girl. You will love again and it will be magnificent.
-Be positive. Stay happy and don't let the negativity of this world put you off. -Germany Kent.
-When it rains, it pours, but soon the sun will shine again. Stay positive. Better days are coming.
-Breaking up hurts, but losing someone who doesn't respect and appreciate you is actually a gain, not a loss.
-There was once a woman who said "fuck it all" and lived happily ever after.
-What has happened to you does not define you. You can be the person you decide to become.
-You cannot lose what you never had, you cannot keep what is not yours, and you cannot hold on to something that does not want to stay.
-Breaks are like a broken mirror. It's better to leave them broken than to hurt yourself trying to fix them.
-Anything is possible if you are bold enough. -JK Rowling.
-God gave you this life because He knew you are strong enough to live it. Do not give up.
-When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just imagine what the view will be like from the top.
-A small crack does not mean that you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and that you did not fall apart. -Linda Poindexter.
-Cheer up. Even if life may not seem easy today, in the end it will be worth it. Everything will get better with time, so smile.
"Take heart, weak-hearted warrior!" Christ has not only walked the path, but He has defeated your enemies. -Charles Spurgeon.
-The greatest enemy of success is the "fear of failure", so when fear knocks on your door, find the courage to open it and success will come.
-You cannot create new great beginnings until you sincerely celebrate the endings that precede them.
-Stand up and walk. Keep going. After all, you still have perfectly good legs with which you can do it. -Hiromu Arakawa.
-Be strong, be brave, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible if you have the right people supporting you. -Misty Copeland.
-In the midst of difficulties are opportunities. -Albert Einstein.
-Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Do it on tiptoe if you want, but take the plunge.
-No relationship is a waste of time. If it didn't bring you what you wanted for yourself, it taught you what it is that you don't want.
-Don't waste your words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all. -Buddha Gautama.
-No matter how you feel: get up, get dressed, stay present and never give up.
-A hopeful, buoyant and cheerful attitude is what wins. Optimism is a builder of successes and pessimism a killer of achievement. -Orison Sweet Marden.
-As of today, I need to forget what is gone. Appreciate what I still have left, and see what comes next.
-Failures destroy weak people and temper strong people. You are strong, so don't worry and keep going.
-It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop. -Confucius.
-Life is too short to spend it on sadness. Go ahead and live your life to the fullest. -Dexter Monterde.
-No one has control over your happiness; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life.
-Stay positive, work hard, and make it happen.
-Never bend your head. Put it on high. Look the world straight in the eye. -Helen Keller.
-Life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be enjoyed. Make the most of this day!
-What does not kill you makes you stronger.
-When you feel sad, remember that somewhere in the world an idiot is pushing a door that said "pull".
-Being happy does not mean that everything is perfect. It simply means that you have decided to see past the imperfections in your life.
-I will love the light because it shows me the way. However, I will endure the dark because it shows me the stars. -Og Mandino.
-Let's rejoice, remembering that the hardest misfortunes to bear are those that never come. -Amy Lowell.
-Cheer up. After the storm the sun will rise. Happiness awaits you.
-The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-This is just a bad day, not a bad life.
-Stop feeling sorry for yourself and be happy. -Stephen Fry.
-Sometimes, the reason why good things are not happening to you is because you are the good thing that should happen to other people.
-When you don't see your life moving in a certain direction, take another. Cheer up and keep walking.
-It is difficult to move on after a break with someone important due to memories and feelings. But remember, in love, turning around you go the way you came in.
-After the storm the sun will rise; There is a solution to every problem, and the unwavering duty of the soul is to maintain good spirits.
-Note to myself: I am allowed to cry. I am allowed to scream. But I'm not allowed to give up. I will manage to do everything somehow. Just breathe.
-Whatever happens to you in life, remember that a smile will always lighten your spirit and help you see things from a different perspective.
-Something is going to happen regardless of whether you do something or not. Even if left fallow, weeds and brambles will grow. Something will grow. -John Steinbeck.
-Look around you, the world has many things to offer, live every second of your life and do not think about the bad things.
-Sometimes the best thing you can do is not to think, not wonder, not imagine and not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out.
-No matter what challenges and difficult situations you experience in life. We all have, deep within us, the strength we need to overcome them. -Alana Stewart.
-God will not give you a burden that you cannot bear. So if you find yourself in a mess that seems impossible to get out of, take it as a compliment. God thinks you can handle him!
-People always put stones in your way. What follows will depend on what you do with them next, a wall or a bridge! So cheer up and move on.
-It is important to remember that those moments in which wisdom and strength are gained the most are often the most difficult. -Dalai Lama.
-Someday everything will make sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through your tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.
-The pain makes you stronger. Tears make you braver. A broken heart makes you wiser. And alcohol makes you not remember any of those things.
-Don't give up when the dark times come. The more storms you face in life, the stronger you will become. Wait. The best of you is coming. -Germany Kent.
-Accept the uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives will not have a title until a long time later. -Bob Goff.
-It is through falls that we learn to get up again. It is through adversity that we gain our strength to live the life we want and pursue our dreams.
-Life is not a waste, as long as at least one person in the world cares about you. So when things go wrong and you feel like giving up, remember that you have me.
-When we suffer something painful in our lives, we need time to heal. Moving on doesn't take a day. It takes small steps to free ourselves from our broken selves.
-Always remember, you are braver than you think. Stronger than you think. Smarter than you think. And twice as beautiful as you have ever imagined. -AA Milne.
-The secret to maintaining the health of both mind and body is not to worry about the future and to live the present in the wisest and most serious way possible. -Buddha Gautama.
-Life is a mixture of sun and rain, of tears and laughter, of pleasure and pain. Just remember, there has never been a rain in the sky through which the sun could not shine.
-An arrow can only be launched by pulling back. So when life leaves you behind with difficulties, it means that it will launch you forward. So focus and keep aiming.