I leave you the best phrases of Charles Chaplin (1889-1977), British humorist, actor and director, considered one of the great actors and humorists in the history of cinema.
You may also be interested in these quotes from Groucho Marx.
-Tomorrow, the birds will sing. Be brave, face life.
-We think too much and feel too little.
-Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the cessation of pain.
-A day without laughter is a wasted day.
-The world belongs to those who dare to go after what they want.
-Life laughs at you when you are unhappy, it smiles at you when you are happy, but greets you when you make others happy.
-The true character of a man comes to light when he is drunk.
-This is an unforgiving world and one must be unforgiving to endure it.
-You will never find a rainbow if you look down.
-Your naked body should belong only to those who fall in love with your naked soul.
-Imagination does not mean anything without action.
-That is the problem of the world, we all detest ourselves.
-You need power only when you want to do something harmful, otherwise love is enough to do everything.
-Life is a work that does not accept essays. So sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends without applause.
-The mirror is my best friend because he never laughs when I cry.
-Think of yourself at least once in your life, otherwise you could miss the best comedy in the world.
-Be more concerned about your conscience than your reputation. Because your conscience is what you are, your reputation is what others think of you. And what others think of you is their problem.
-My only enemy is time.
-People applaud you because nobody understands you and they applaud me because everyone understands me. (to Albert Einstein).
-If people know how to do it, all magic disappears.
-Time is the best author, it always finds the perfect ending.
-There is something as inevitable as death and it is life.
-All I need to do a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl.
-Nothing is permanent in this twisted world, not even our problems.
-To truly laugh, you must be able to bear the pain, and play with it.
-I am at peace with God, my conflict is with man.
-The saddest thing I can imagine is getting used to luxury.
- Dictators free themselves but enslave the people.
-Movies are a fad, audiences really want to see actors live on stage.
-Why would poetry have to make sense?
-I suppose one of the ironies of life is to do the wrong thing at the right time.
-Desperation is a narcotic, calm the mind towards indifference.
-We all want to help each other, human beings are like that, we want to live together with the happiness of the other, not with their misery.
-The man as an individual is a genius, but men en masse form a headless monster, a great brute who goes where they push him.
-Words are cheap, the biggest thing you can say is elephant.
-Remember, you can always bend over and not pick anything up.
-Life is a beautiful and magnificent thing, even for a jellyfish.
-If you smile, you will discover that life is still worthwhile.
-My pain may be the reason for someone's laughter, but my laughter should never be the reason for someone's pain.
-When I began to love myself I discovered that the anguish and emotional suffering are only warnings that I was living against my truth.
-Perfect love is the most beautiful of all frustrations because it is more than one can express.
-In the light of our ego, we are all dethroned monarchs.
-I like to walk in the rain, so that no one can see me cry.
-I believe in the power of laughter and tears as an antidote to hatred and terror.
-Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cunning harsh and cruel.
-In this desperate way, I started many comedies.
-Simplicity is not something simple.
-There are more valid facts and details in works of art than in history books.
-My lips never know my problems, they always smile.
-That's all we are: amateurs. We don't live long enough to be anything else.
- By simple common sense I do not believe in God, in none.
"Sooner or later, instead of wearing white silk for the play, you will have to wear black to visit my grave."
- I am not a politician nor do I have political convictions. I am an individual and a believer in freedom, that's all the policy I have.
-In terms of politics, I am an anarchist. I hate governments, rules and shackles; I cannot tolerate caged animals, people must be free.
-I don't need interesting camera angles, I'm interesting.
"What a sad business to be funny!"
-There is greatness in everyone.
-The ability to think, like the violin or piano, requires daily practice.
-Don't judge a man by how he treats his equals, but by how he treats those inferior to him.
-I like friends as I like music, when I'm in the mood.
-The best thing in life is to go ahead with all your plans and dreams, face life and live each day with passion, lose and still keep the faith, and win being grateful.
-Life is too short to be insignificant.
-Egoism has intoxicated the spirit of men, it has filled the world with hatred, it has plunged us into misery and bloodshed.
-The misery that is now upon us is nothing more than the passage of greed and bitterness of men who fear the path of human progress.
-More than new machinery and implements for development, what we need most is humanity.
-The rancor of all men will pass, at some point the dictators will die and the power they took from the people will return to the people.
-Don't fight for slavery! Always fight for the cause of freedom!
-I apologize, but I don't want to be an emperor. I don't want to rule or conquer any person. I would love to help everyone regardless of whether they are Jewish, Gentile, Black or White male. The purpose should be to always help us.
-Let's fight for a world full of truths and reasons, let's fight for a world where science and progress transport the happiness of all men.
-In this world full of perversions, nothing is forever, not even our own problems.
-The true personality of a man comes out when he is drunk.
-Failure is not relevant in the end. It takes a lot of courage to make a fool of yourself.
-When I began to love myself, I stopped pretending to be always right and since then, I was wrong less times.
-Life can turn into a tragedy when viewed from the foreground, however, what we never consider is that it is a long-running comedy.
-This is the conflict with the rest of the planet. We are all capable of despising ourselves.
-Life can be surprising if you are not afraid of it. All you need is courage, creativity… And a little strength.
-Let's deal with the impossible. The great fruits throughout history have been partly thanks to the conquest of what at first seemed incredible.
-In this universe there is room for everyone. The land is rich, good, and can supply everyone. There are many beautiful ways to live, but we have lost our way a bit along the way.
-The world is not full of heroes and villains, but rather men and women with great passions that God has given them.
-The ignorant punish, however the wise always have mercy.
-I have realized over time that ideas are formed thanks to an intense desire for them.
-The stalking of any minority is inhuman and unnatural. That belief is fleeting and goes beyond change.
-I hope that the fun I offer has a result in people. I hope you see the beauty that I discover myself.
-What at first glance is apparent, usually ends. What is subtle in the beginning is usually endless.
-This world in which we live is cruel and we must be relentless to endure it.
-You always give in, because you live continuously between illness and death. There is something that you will never be able to avoid: death, but you must understand that this is life.
-You will be considered a good man depending on the woman you have by your side.
-I don't need to take drugs to become a genius, all I need is your smile to be happy.
-Life could be wonderful if people left you alone.
-I can't help being in favor of the people.
-Why do you want an explanation? Life is an aspiration, not a meaning.
-I always wonder if a purpose has been served when an extra performance is needed by someone other than the creator.
-I will continue to be one thing and that is to be a clown. However, my condition and occupation places me on a higher plane than any politician.
-In the formulation and creativity of the comedy, it is strange to recognize that the tragedy itself is responsible for stimulating the spirit of ridicule.
-Ridicule is always an attitude of defiance. We must always laugh at our inability or else, we will go crazy over time.
-From so little trivial expression, I consider that my soul was born.
-I am a citizen of the world.
-I hope we can abolish war and manage to resolve all differences at a conference table.
-Time is capable of healing you and experience teaches you that the secret of prosperity is found in service to others.
-Nothing surprises me because I am an ancient sinner.
-Helping a friend in need is simple, but giving him part of your time is not always opportune.
-To formally know a person is like seeing a house without going inside.
-I didn't have to read hundreds of books to know that the content of life is based on conflict and suffering.
- Bad luck and fortune behave like a game of chance similar to the uncertainty generated by clouds.
-There is camaraderie in all those people who passionately want to know.
-Do we live to reason or do we reason to live? This is the dilemma.
-Education is the route to revelation. Teach the alphabet and you will gradually sow the seeds of rebellion. The free thinker always travels along the direct path to the truth.