I leave you the best phrases about the heart, which touch on topics as varied as love, dreams, feelings, and the endless struggle between emotions and reason. Some authors you can find are Anatole France, Audrey Hepburn, Marcel Proust, Honore de Balzac and Zig Ziglar.
You may also be interested in these emotional phrases.
Symbolic representation of the heart. Source: pixabay.com
-A good mind and a good heart will always be a formidable combination. -Nelson Mandela.
-Refuse to be average. Let your heart fly as high as it should. -Aiden Wilson Tozer.
-Don't let your brain interfere with your heart. -Albert Einstein.
-It is good that the heart is naive and that the mind is not. -Anatole France.
-I have seen your eyes with my eyes. And I've put my heart close to yours. -Pope John XXIII.
-Laughter is the broom that sweeps the cobwebs in your heart. -Mort Walker.
-I think we could have avoided a lot of problems if we had opened our hearts more. -Chief Joseph.
-A happy heart is as good as medicine. -King Solomon.
-You will never find peace of mind if you don't listen to your heart. -George Michael.
-No beauty shines more brightly than a good heart. -Shanina Shaik.
-It is not the size of the man that matters, but the size of his heart. -Evander Holyfield.
-If there is light in your heart, you will find your way home. -Rumi.
-The human heart is very similar to the sea, it has storms, it has its waves and in its depths it also has its pearls. -Vincent van Gogh.
-Let your mouth say what your heart feels. -Davy Crockett.
-A heart without dreams is like a bird without feathers. -Suzy Kassem.
-Love is the strongest of passions, since it simultaneously attacks the head, the heart and the senses. -Lao Tzu.
-Your heart is full of fertile seeds waiting to germinate. -Morihei Ueshiba.
-A heart, once stolen, cannot be recovered. -Marissa Meyer.
-The heart has its reasons, reasons that reason does not understand. -Blaise Pascal.
-The beauty of a woman must be seen through her eyes, since that is the door to her heart, the place where her love lies. -Audrey Hepburn.
-The heart makes its own decisions without measuring the consequences. He does not look to the future, he does not look at the lonely nights that await him. -Tess Gerritsen.
-Don't let arrogance go to your head and despair flood your heart; don't let compliments go to your head and criticism to your heart; don't let your successes go to your head and your failures to your heart. -Roy T. Bennett.
-Put your heart, your mind and your soul even in the smallest acts. This is the secret to success. -Swami Sivananda.
-It is easy to fool the eyes, but it is difficult to fool the heart. -Al Pacino.
-Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a garden without sun when the flowers are dead. -Oscar Wilde.
-If it weren't for the hopes, the heart would break. -Thomas Fuller.
-A heart well prepared for adversity in bad times has hope, and in good times it fears a change of luck. -Horacio.
-The heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others. -Frank Morgan.
-A heart cannot be more forced to love than a stomach can be forced to digest food by persuasion. -Alfred Nobel.
-Listen to God with a broken heart. It is not only the doctor who heals it, but also the father who wipes your tears. -Criss Jami.
-Whatever your heart clings to and trusts, that is actually your God. -Martin Luther.
-Follow your heart. Do what you love. If it's in your heart, go for it. Don't listen to other people. -Maz Jobrani.
-When you are downcast, look back into your heart and you will see that you are actually crying for what has been your delight. -Khalil Gibran.
-Don't follow trends. Follow your heart. -Krist Novoselic.
-Look for what captivates your heart, not what captivates your sight. -Roy T. Bennett.
-Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. -John Heywood.
-If my heart takes you a little more affection, I will have to jump from my chest to yours. -Olivia Cunning.
-Faith is an oasis in the heart that will never be reached by the caravan of thought. -Khalil Gibran.
-The heart of a mother is a deep abyss in whose depth you will always find forgiveness. -Honore de Balzac.
-The vocation of the artist is to shed light on the human heart. -George Sand.
-Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart. -Zig Ziglar.
-You can change your life by changing your heart. -Max Lucado.
-All roads are the same, they don't lead you anywhere. So choose a path with your heart! -Carlos Castañeda.
-Faith is having knowledge in your heart, beyond the scope of the demonstration. -Khalil Gibran.
-Whatever makes an impression on the heart, it seems adorable to the eyes. -Sa'Di.
-Work with everything your heart has to give and you will succeed. There is so little competition. -Elbert Hubbard.
-A broken heart is simply the growing pains necessary to be able to love more fully when true love arrives. -JSB Morse.
-A loving heart is the purest wisdom. -Charles Dickens.
-Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
-Never worry about your heart until it stops beating. -EB White.
-I always do what my heart tells me. -Neymar.
-The memory the heart gets rid of the bad and magnifies the good. -Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
-A friend is what the heart always needs. -Henry van Dyke.
-Don't let yourself be shaken by the fears in your head. Let yourself be guided by the dreams in your heart. -Roy T. Bennett.
-The true wealth is not that of the pockets, but that of the heart and mind. -Kevin Gates.
-The heart of a woman is a deep ocean of secrets. -Gloria Stuart.
-The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller.
-Of all music, the one that has reached the farthest in heaven is the beating of a loving heart. -Henry Ward Beecher.
-The intellect is always deceived by the heart. -François de La Rochefoucauld.
-The best gifts come from the heart, not from the store. -Sarah Dessen.
-Home is where the heart is. -Pliny the Elder.
-When the heart speaks, the mind finds objection indecent. -Milan Kundera.
-I don't follow the stipulations, I lead with my heart, not with my head. -Princess Diana (Lady Di).
-A joyful heart sees and reads the world with a sense of freedom and grace. -John O'Donohue.
-The only beauty that lasts is the beauty of the heart. -Rumi.
-Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, and stop caring what others think. -Roy T. Bennett.
-Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen carefully. -Walt Disney.
-A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. -Thomas Carlyle.
-A good heart is better than all the heads in the world. -Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton.
-You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel. -Johnny Depp.
-Smile from the heart; nothing is more beautiful than seeing a woman be happy for being herself. -Kubra Sait.
-Music is the literature of the heart; begins when speech ends. -Alphonse de Lamartine.
-If in your heart you find that someone matters to you, you will have succeeded. -Maya Angelou.
-I have not broken your heart, you have broken it, and by breaking it, you have broken mine. -Emily Brontë.
-When the heart is full, the eyes overflow. -Sholom Aleichem.
-No one has been able to measure, not even poets, how much the heart is capable of supporting. -Zelda Fitzgerald.
-Never regret anything you have done with sincere affection; nothing that is born from the heart is lost. -Basil Rathbone.
-A kiss makes the heart young again and shakes the years off. -Rupert Brooke.
-Start every day with a positive thought and a grateful heart. -Roy T. Bennett.
-Wherever you go, go with all your heart. -Confucius.
-Live your life with your heart. Share from your heart. And your story will touch and heal people's souls. -Melody Beattie.
-A dream lies within each heart, and the designer knows it: every woman is a princess. -Christian Dior.
-Only he who has a heart to help, has the right to criticize. -Abraham Lincoln.
-Live your life in such a way that the fear of death never reaches your heart. -Tecumseh.
-Do what your heart feels is right, since you will be criticized in the same way. -Eleanor Roosevelt.
-You are at the same time the calm and the confusion of my heart; imagine my heartbeat when you're in this state. -Franz Kafka.
-Anger, resentment and jealousy do not change the heart of others, only change yours. -Shannon Alder.
-Do what you love, love what you do, and with all your heart give yourself to it. -Roy T. Bennett.
-Have a heart that never hardens, a state of mind that never tires, and a touch that never hurts. -Charles Dickens.
-There is only one thing that can heal the heart… It is called love. -Masashi Kishimoto.
-Nothing makes a person happier than having a happy heart. -Roy T. Bennett.
-Time and memories are the true artists; they reshape reality as close to the desires of the heart. -John Dewey.
-Have a strong mind and a soft heart. -Anthony J. D'Angelo.
-Never let difficult lessons harden your heart; difficult lessons are supposed to be to help you improve, not to make you bitter. -Roy T. Bennett.
-You are not rich until you have a heart full of wealth. -Roy T. Bennett.
-And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: only with the heart can one see correctly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes. -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
-Do only what your heart tells you. -Princess Diana (Lady Di).
-If I can prevent a heart from breaking, then I will not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson.
-The words of kindness are more healing for a fallen heart than a balm or honey. -Sarah Fielding.
-The greatest test of bravery in the world is to endure defeat without losing heart. -Robert Green Ingersoll.
-Follow your heart, but take your brain with you. -Alfred Adler.
-There is no charm that equals a loving heart. -Jane Austen.
-Our heart always transcends beyond us. -Rainer Maria Rilke.
-The face is the mirror of the mind, and the eyes, without speaking, confess the secrets of the heart. -St Geronimo.
-The falsehood bothers the heart, but the truth brings a blissful tranquility. -Rumi.
-The goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with their heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation. -Rumi.
-Let my soul smile through my heart, and let my heart smile through my eyes, so that I can spread abundant smiles to sad hearts. -Paramahansa Yogananda.
-Hearts live being hurt. -Oscar Wilde.
-A willing heart puts wings on your heels. -Joanna Baillie.
-A kind heart is the source of all joy, making everything in its proximity turn into smiles. -Washington Irving.
-The first love is something that lasts forever in your heart. It is something that marks you. -Elodie Yung.