I leave you the best phrases of prosperity and abundance of excellent authors, such as Confucius, Marcus Aurelius, Lao Tzu, Mahatma Gandhi, Theodore Roosevelt, Wyne Dyer, Rumi and many more.
You may also be interested in these phrases about success.
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-Dress yourself with gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every aspect of your life. -Rumi.
-Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the emotion of winning. -Robert Kiyosaki.
-Plant the seeds of happiness, hope, success and love; everything will return to you in abundance. This is the law of nature. -Steve Maraboli.
-Believe that you can do it and you are already halfway there. -Theodore Roosevelt.
-The secret to having abundance is to stay focused on what you love and express it recklessly.
-Abundance is knowing that everything you need has been provided. -Shantidasa.
-Part of achieving abundance in life is consistently pushing yourself toward your goals.
-True prosperity is the result of a trust placed in ourselves and in our fellow men. -Benjamin Burt.
-Doing what you love is the cornerstone of abundance in your life. -Wayne Dyer.
- Prosperity depends more on wanting what you have than having what you want. -Geoffrey F. Abert.
-To find abundance, live in this world as if it were yours, and love everything as if it belonged to you. -Debasish Mridha.
-When you remain calm, positive and confident, life will open the door to abundance. -Debasish Mridha.
-Create an ambitious and great vision possible for your life, because you will become what you create. -Oprah Winfrey.
- Prosperity is a great teacher, and adversity an excellent one. -William Haslitt.
-Prosperity tests the fortunate, and adversity challenges the great. -Rose F. Kennedy.
-Rich are not those who have an abundance of material goods, but those who have a satisfied mind. -Mohammed.
-Don't look for more wealth, but simpler pleasures; not great fortunes, but deeper happiness. -Mahatma Gandhi.
-If a person wants to live a prosperous life, he must first discover what prosperity means to him personally. -Sunday Adelaja.
-Keep your best wishes close to your heart and watch what happens. -Tony DeLiso.
-The adventure to achieve financial freedom begins the minute you decide you were destined for prosperity, not scarcity; for abundance, not for lack. -Mark Victor Hansen.
-Anyone who contributes to prosperity must be prosperous in return. -Earl Nightingale.
-Where one sees scarcity, scarcity manifests itself. Where one sees abundance, abundance is provided. -Darwin Gross.
-Abundance is largely an attitude. -Sue Patton Thoele.
-Your ability to think is unlimited, therefore the things you can create are unlimited.
- Prosperity is a mentality, an expectation. Seek to expand your wealth, wealth of knowledge, relationships, income, and wisdom.
-The key to abundance is to combat limiting circumstances with unlimited thoughts. -Marianne Williamson.
-Don't let the fear invade you that scarcity exists in any corner of your life. There is enough love, enough time, enough healing to go on. Give what you want to receive. -Jewel.
-You can instantly become successful with a simple thought, but lasting and pronounced success comes to those who renew their commitment to an abundance mindset every minute, every hour, and every day. -Bryant McGill.
-What you think exists is what manifests itself and persists. -Jaclyn Johnston.
-Limiting beliefs about what we "deserve" reduce our growth. They prevent us from being abundant in every aspect of our life. -Hina Hashmi.
-When you wake up in the morning, think about how valuable the privilege of being alive, of breathing, thinking, enjoying and loving is. -Marco Aurelio.
-In the day of prosperity, rejoice, but in the day of adversity, reflect. -King Solomon.
-If you build an image of success, health, abundance, happiness, peace and well-being, nothing on earth can take those things away from you. -Joel Osteen.
-All the happiness, health and abundance that you experience in life comes directly from your ability to love and be loved. This ability is innate, not acquired. -Robert Holden.
-Start with big dreams and make life worth living. -Stephen Richards.
-Let yourself feel happy for the abundance you will have, because it will come. -Natalie Ledwell.
-Expensive clothing is a poor man's attempt to appear prosperous. -Mokokoma Mokhonoana.
-By forgiving we are free to renew ourselves and we open the doors of abundance. -Debasish Mridha.
-We achieve abundance in life when we break down the walls and fill our lives with light. -Seth Adam Smith.
-The cause of poverty is not scarcity. It is fear and thinking small. -Alan Cohen.
-Abundance is a natural state, anything else is unnatural. -Roxana Jones.
-I can't give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure: try to please everyone. -Herbert B. Swope.
-Honor your longing for a new life. Say yes to the little flashes of interest and curiosity that come your way every day. -Lynn A. Robinson.
- Borrowing and spending are not the way to prosperity. -Paul Ryan.
-Abundance comes in different forms, do not limit abundance by trying to control how it comes to your life, be aware that it will come. -Shelly Sullivan.
-The one who has achieved success, has lived well, has laughed persistently and has loved a lot. -Elbert Hubbard.
-Some fail after choosing the direction of their careers because they spend a lot of time doubting their decision. -Kim Ha Campbell.
- Prosperity begins with a state of mind.
-Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. -Herman Cain.
-Have an abundance mentality: When people are genuinely happy because of the successes of others, their life becomes more enjoyable. -Stephen Covey.
-Life in abundance only comes through a large amount of love. -Elbert Hubbard.
-The only barrier that prevents us from living an abundant life is our unwillingness to share what we have. -Dragos Brastasanu.
-To fill life with abundance, give with love and accept with gratitude. -Debasish Mridha.
- Prosperity does not exist without fear and displeasure, and adversity does not exist without consolation and hope. -Francis Bacon (Father).
-You are, at the moment, standing in the middle of your own diamond deposit. -Earl Nightingale.
-You must find a place within yourself where nothing is impossible. -Deepak Chopra.
-Wealth does not consist in having a large amount of possessions, but in having few desires. -Epicetus.
-Abundance is not a chapter in life or learning. It is simply the recognition of sufficiency. -Alan Cohen.
-The lack of money is not an obstacle. The lack of ideas is an obstacle. -Ken Hakula.
-You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life will be in harmony with your dominant thoughts. -Brian Tracy.
-Life in abundance only comes through great love. -Elbert Hubbard.
-Be moderate in prosperity, and prudent in adversity. -Periander.
-Choose the blissful abundance in your heart and get rid of all barriers, be free and relaxed. Be ruthless with your choice and you will make your mark. - Amy Leigh Mercree.
-The first step to achieving wealth and prosperity is learning to appreciate what you already have.
Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on tomorrow's opportunities instead of yesterday's problems. -Brian Tracy.
-What we are, and not what we know, is what brings us prosperity. -Talidari.
-All prosperity begins in the mind, and depends only on the use of our creative imagination. -Ruth Ross.
-If you are not willing to serve God with the abundance He has provided, then you will have to serve your enemy hungry. -Sunday Adelaja.
-Visualize yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works, it always works with everyone. -Bob Proctor.
-Perceive and rejoice that life is abundant, that beauty and goodness are widely available, and that happiness is in your hands. -Paul Hodges.
- Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, not only having money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things. -Eric Lutterworth.
-Success is managing to jump from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill.
-The abundance is not the absence of scarcity; it is the abundant presence of mind. -Debasish Mridha.
-True abundance is not based on our material worth, it is based on our self-esteem. -Gabrielle Bernstein.
-To live a more abundant life we must think in endless terms of abundance. -Thomas Dreier.
- Prosperity is earning enough through your efforts to be able to get up the next morning and do it again. -Scott Perry.
-If you look at what you already have in your life, you will always have more. But if you look at what you don't have in life, you will never have enough. -Oprah Winfrey.
-Abundance consists not only in material possessions, but in having a generous spirit. -John Selden.
-Life is just a mirror, and what you see reflected you must first see inside yourself. -Wally Amos.
- Prosperity belongs to those who learn things faster. -Paul Zane Pilzer.
-An opportunity today is the prosperity of tomorrow. -Julián Castro.
-The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf. -Shakti Gawain.
-There are many paths to prosperity, but one must be taken. Inaction leads nowhere. -Robert Zoellick.
-The gratitude builds a bridge to abundance. -Roy Bennett.
-It's easy to be humble when your life is prosperous. Nothing can be denigrated when life is so poor. -Toba Beta.
-Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it with your hands. -Bob Proctor.
-The most important factor in the prosperity of consciousness is self-esteem: believing that you deserve it, and believing that you will have it. -Jerry Gillies.
-Wealth is born from energy and ideas. -William Feather.
-We must become prosperous, working hard and giving generously. -Atharva Veda.
-When you realize that you do not lack anything, the whole world belongs to you. -Lao Tzu.
- They expect few things, and therefore they obtain little. -Ben Sweetland.
-Making a dream come true begins with what you have, not with what you are hoping to have. -TF Hodge.
-When I was after money, I never had enough. When I found my life purpose and focused on myself and everything that came into my life, then I became prosperous. -Wayne Dyer.
-Your life is measured not in what you accumulate, but in what you give. -Wayne Dyer.
-Abundance is not something that is acquired. It's something that you get in tune with. -Wayne Dyer.
-Positive thoughts and attitudes attract prosperity, peace and happiness. It also leads us on the path of achievement and success. -Anurag Prakash Ray.
-We frequently visit the well of divine abundance with a cup, rather than a bucket. -Elinor MacDonald.
-When you despise who you are, the world will despise what you do, and vice versa. -Suze Orman.
-I am filled with abundance, success and love each day as I inspire those around me to do the same. -G. Hendricks.
-To fill your life with more abundance, learn to value and share your abundance. -Debasish Mridha.
-Don't chase money, let money follow your purpose. -Manuel Corazzari.
-Passion is the way to abundance.
-Recognizing the good things that you already have in your life are the foundations for all abundance. -Eckhart Tolle.
- Prosperity, in the form of wealth, works exactly the same as all other things. You'll see her come into your life when you stop looking for her. -Wayne Dyer.
- Prosperity is just an instrument to be used, not a deity to idolize. -Calvin Coolidge.
-It is the heart that makes a rich man. Someone is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has. -Henry Ward Beecher.
-Abundance is the process of letting go, what is empty is capable of receiving. -Bryant H. McGill.
-Do what you love, and love and money will follow. -Marsha Sinetar.
-The essence of life does not consist in the abundance of possessions, but in the wealth of the heart. -Roy T. Bennett.
-Money will come to you when you are doing the right thing. -Mike Phillips
-Greatness is an open door to abundance. -Harbhajan Singh Yogi.
-The will to be successful must be powerful. The willingness to set yourself up for success is crucial. -Kieran Revell.
-You cannot attract prosperity without discouraging saving. -J. Paul Getty.
-There are three keys to living a prosperous life; caring for others, taking risks for others, and sharing with others. -William Arthur Ward.
-Where one sees scarcity, scarcity manifests itself. Where one sees abundance, abundance is provided. -Darwin Gross.
-Passion precedes prosperity. -Andrew Hildreth.
-The greater your efforts, the greater your prosperity. -Euripides.
-When prosperity comes, don't spend it all. -Confucius.
-There is no way to prosperity. Prosperity is the way. -Wayne Dyer.
-Everything in this world can be supported, except continued prosperity. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
-True prosperity lies in learning to value what you have. -Bill Ferguson.
-Abundance is about being rich, whether or not you have money. -Suze Orman.
-It is not what we have, but what we enjoy that contributes to our abundance. -Epicurus.
-Why are you so enchanted with this world, when a gold mine lies within you? -Rumi.
-When we are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears. -Tony Robbins.
-Abundance is more than your money, your title or your profession. -Kim Ha Campbell.
-If there is a will, prosperity cannot be far behind. -WC Fields.
-If we didn't have winters, the springs would not be so pleasant. If we didn't have a bit of adversity at times, prosperity would not be welcome. -Anne Bradstreet.