I leave you the best phrases from Beauty and the Beast, a children's film based on a traditional French fairy tale. The first premiere was in 1991 as an animated film, and in 2017 it was released in real image, starring Emma Watson (Bella), Dan Stevens (Beast) and Luke Evans (Gastón).
You may also be interested in these quotes from The Lion King or these from Toy Story.
Source: flickr.com/photos/bagogames/31030554835
-Although he had everything his heart could desire, the prince was bitter, selfish and arrogant. -Storyteller
-There must be something more than this provincial life. -Beautiful
-This book is my favorite. Far places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise. -Beautiful
-Here in town, only she is as beautiful as me, that's why I plan to marry Bella. –Gaston
-Some people use their imagination. -Beautiful
-I hope you like it, the castle is your new home and you can go anywhere except the west wing. It's forbidden! -Beast
-Master, have you thought for a moment that maybe this girl is the one to break the spell? –Lumière
-The girl has lost her father and her freedom, all the same day. Please try to be patient.- Mrs. Potts
-She is so beautiful and I am… Look at me! -Beast
-If the master does not learn to control his temper, then he will never succeed in breaking the spell. -Mrs. Potts
-She is not a prisoner, she is our guest! We must make her feel welcome. –Lumière
-Promise or no promise, I can't stay another minute in this place! -Beautiful
-I can't believe it, I've never seen so many books in my whole life, it's wonderful! -Beautiful
-It is obvious that there is a spark between them, but there is nothing wrong with fanning the flame a bit. - Cogsworth
-There was never a story as sad as this… the story of Romeo and Juliet. -Beautiful
-Of course I care, I care more than anything. -Beast
"If only I could see my father again, just for a moment… I miss him so much." -Beautiful
-You should go with him. I release you, you are no longer my prisoner. -Beast
-I had to let her go… I love her. -Beast
-Don't let appearances fool you, true beauty resides within us. -Old woman
-This rose will live until your 21st birthday. If by then you can learn to love others and be able to receive their love in return before the last petal falls, then the spell will be broken. Otherwise, you will be condemned to remain a beast for the rest of your life. -Sorceress
-Small city is a quiet town, every day like the previous one… every morning like the morning we come from. -Beautiful
-The girl is strange there is no doubt, giddy and distracted you can say. She is never part of any group because her head is always in a cloud, but there is no denying that Bella is a funny girl. –Elderly women
-That book?! But if you've already read it twice. Well if you like it so much then it's yours, I insist. -Librarian
-That girl is so peculiar, I wonder if she feels good; with that dreamy and distant look and her nose always stuck in a book What a puzzle for the rest of us Bella is! –Lugareños
-This is wonderful, this is my favorite part, you see? Here she meets Prince Charming but it is not until chapter three that she discovers who he really is. -Beautiful
-It is not surprising that her name means beauty, her appearance has no comparison, but behind that facade I am afraid she is quite strange, very different from us. –Lugareña
-Wow! You don't miss a shot, Gaston, there is no living beast that has a chance against you, and neither does any girl. –Lefou
-I have my sights set on that girl, she is the lucky one who is going to marry me. She is the most beautiful girl in town, that makes her the best! And don't I deserve the best? –Gaston
-Look at her, there she goes, a girl who is strange and beautiful at the same time, the most peculiar lady; It's a shame and a sin that she doesn't fit in between us because that Bella is really funny and beautiful. -Beautiful
"I'm going to make Bella my wife!" –Gaston
-How can you read something like that, you don't have photos? –Gaston
-It is not correct for a woman to read, she soon begins to have ideas and to think. –Gaston
-Don't talk like that about my father, my father is not crazy, he is a genius. -Beautiful
-You weird !? Where did you get a crazy idea like that? –Maurice
-It's handsome yes. Handsome, rude, cocky and… and it's not for me. -Beautiful
-This invention is going to be the beginning of a new life for both of us. –Maurice
"Oh, Cogsworth, have a little mercy." –Lumière
-I demand that you stop right now! –Cogsworth
"So you've come to contemplate the beast, right?" -Beast
-I thank you all for coming to my wedding, but first… I must go and propose to the girl. –Gaston
-What do you know about my dreams? -Beautiful
-Imagine this: a rustic cabin, my last game roasting in the fire and my little wife massaging my feet; while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs. We will have six or seven. –Gaston
-Bella will be my wife, don't you dare question it. –Gaston
-No sir, not me. I want more than this provincial life. -Beautiful
-Don't you see it? She is the one, the one we have been waiting for. She is the one who can end the spell! –Lumière
-There is nothing you can do, he is my prisoner. -Beast
- I'll let him go, but you must promise that you will stay here forever. -Beast
"You didn't even let me say goodbye to him, and now I'll never see him again." -Beautiful
"You will join me for dinner and it is not a request!" -Beast
-That girl messed with the wrong man, nobody says no to Gastón! –Gaston
-There is no man in town who is more admired than you, you are everyone's favorite boy. - Lefou
-Nobody is as smart as Gaston, nobody is as fast as Gaston, nobody has a neck as strong as Gaston! –Lefou
-When I was a boy I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me grow big. Now that I'm grown, about five dozen eggs, so I'm about the size of a barge. –Gaston
-I lost my father, my dreams… I lost everything. -Beautiful
-You can start by looking more presentable, stand up straight, try to act like a gentleman and yes; when she comes, try to give her a beautiful smile. –Lumière and Mrs. Potts
-Either you come or I'll break the door! -Beast
-Master, I may be wrong but maybe that's not the best way to win the love of a girl.-Lumière
"Then starve yourself!" If you don't eat with me, then you won't eat anything. -Beast
-I was fooling myself. She will never see me as anything but a monster. -Beast
-We invite you to relax, make yourself comfortable in your chair while we in the dining room present you… your dinner. –Lumière
-If you don't believe me, ask the dishes! They can sing, they can dance after all, miss, this is France, and here a dinner is never second best. –Lumière
-You are alone and scared but the table is already set, nobody is melancholic or hurt, while the cutlery entertains… if you are under stress, having dinner is what the chef suggests. We invite you, we invite you, we invite you! –Lumière
-For 10 years we have been rusting with no need other than just dusting. –Lumière
-There's no way I'm going to bed now, it's my first time in a haunted castle. I figured it out for myself. I'd like to take a look around, sure if it's okay. -Beautiful
-There is nothing, absolutely nothing interesting in the west wing; dusty, sloppy, very boring! - Cogsworth
"So this is the west wing!" I wonder what he is hiding there. -Beautiful
-Maybe you prefer to see the bookstore, we have a bookstore with thousands of books. –Lumière
-How dare you come here? I warned you not to come to this part of the castle! Outside! Outside! -Beast
-Please forgive me, I didn't mean to cause you any harm. -Beautiful
-By the way… thanks for saving my life. -Beautiful
-I don't usually leave the nursing home in the middle of the night but your friend said it would make it worthwhile. –Madman
-Everyone knows that his father is a lunatic. –Gaston
-So you want me to lock up Bella's father and not release him unless he agrees to marry you… that's despicable, I love it! –Madman
-If nobody agrees to come with me, then I'll go alone. No matter what it costs me, I'm going to find that castle and somehow get him out of there. –Maurice
-I've never felt this way about someone… I want to do something for her. -Beast
-Well, there are always the usual things: flowers, chocolates, promises that you will not be able to keep. - Cogsworth
-If you like it, then it's yours! -Beast
-There is something sweet and almost kind about him. Although before he was evil, cruel and without manners. Now he is so kind and insecure. I don't understand how I couldn't see that before. -Beautiful
"She looked at me like that… I thought I saw it, and when we touched she didn't flinch from my paw. But it cannot be, it is best to ignore it. -Beast
-Who would have thought this could be true? He's not Prince Charming, but there's something about him that I've never seen before. -Beautiful
-A few more days and maybe there is something that before was not between them. - Lumière, Cogsworth and Mrs Potts.
-Very good, everyone knows why we're here. We have exactly 12 hours, 36 minutes and 15 seconds to create the most magical, spontaneous and romantic atmosphere that any person or beast has ever seen. - Cogsworth
-Do I really need to remind you that if the last petal of this rose falls then the spell can never be broken !? - Cogsworth
-When I am human again… a girl under each of my arms; girls and sports again. –Lumière
"I can't wait to be human again!" –Enchanted objects
-When I'm human again, when the world makes sense again, I'm going to relax and enjoy the change. –Enchanted objects
-I can feel it, I can say it; someone may be able to break the spell at any time today. –Enchanted objects
-Wipe your eyes of tears and dust and throw them away, we will be human again! –Enchanted Items
-Tonight is the night, you no longer have time to be shy, you must be bold and daring. There will be romantic music, candlelight provided by myself, and when the time is right, you must confess your love. –Lumière
-Your maid is waiting for you. -Cogsworth
-You hear a song that makes you sigh and a feeling great like the sea. Something between the two changes unintentionally, an illusion is born, they tremble with emotion… Beauty and Beast are. -Mrs. Potts
-Always as always, always a surprise, always as before and always as sure as the sun will rise. –Mrs Potts
-Some as the sun rising in the east, a tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the Beast are. -Mrs. Potts
-Thanks for understanding how much he needs me. -Beautiful
-After all this time he finally learned to love. –Mrs Potts
-It's a shame about your father Bella, I could help you clear up all this misunderstanding if… if you marry me. –Gaston
-He would never hurt anyone, I know he looks cruel but he is really kind and gentle, he is my friend. -Beautiful
"She is as crazy as her father!" The beast will tear her children to pieces, she will come for them in the night, we will not be safe until her head hangs on a wall! I say we kill that beast! –Gaston
-If you are not with us, you are against us! –Gastón.