I leave you the best phrases from Under the Same Star, a film based on John Green's love book The fault in our stars . Its main characters are Hazel Grace, Augustus Waters, Isaac and Peter.
This story tells how a teenager of just sixteen, Hazel Grace, learns to cope with lung cancer. In an attempt to make her suffering more bearable, her parents convince her to attend a support group for young people with cancer.
There he meets a former basketball player who has lost a leg as a result of osteosarcoma, Augustus Waters. This moving story shows us the melancholic reflections of characters who know they are near the end. You may also be interested in these romantic movie phrases or these from Love, Rosie.
-My thoughts are stars that I cannot accommodate in constellations. -Augustus.
-You cannot choose if they are going to hurt you in this world, but you can choose who does it to you. -Augustus.
-I will not tell you our love story, because - like all real love stories - it will die with us, as it should be. -Augustus.
-I know that the Sun will swallow the only land we have, and I am in love with you. -Augustus.
-I fall in love with the way you fall asleep. Slowly, and then suddenly. -Hazel.
-Some infinities are larger than other infinities. -Hazel.
-The marks that humans leave are commonly scars. –Augustus.
-The only thing worse than dying of cancer is that a child dies of cancer. -Hazel.
-I wouldn't mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege if my heart was broken for you. -Augustus.
-Sometimes people do not understand the promises they make when making them. -Hazel.
-The world is not a factory to fulfill wishes. -Augustus.
-The pain doesn't change you, Hazel. It reveals you. -Augustus.
-Hazel Grace. I can't stop thinking about this damn book. However, I think we need closure, don't you think? -Augustus.
-I went to the support group. Not because I wanted to or because I thought it would help me. But for the same reason that I would do anything these days, to make my parents happy. -Hazel.
-One cannot decide whether or not to be hurt in this world, but you can choose who hurts you. I like my decisions, I hope she likes hers. -Augustus.
-I can't believe I like a girl with such trite desires. Terrible. -Augustus.
-I'm a grenade, and at a certain moment I'm going to explode, and I'd like to minimize the victims, okay? -Hazel.
-All right lungs, keep your affairs in order for a week. -Hazel.
-Appreciated Ms. Lancaster, I cannot answer your questions, at least not in writing. But if you want to know and you are ever in Amsterdam, you can visit me at your convenience. -Van Houten.
-They also have doctors in Amsterdam. And cancer. -Hazel.
-There is no shortage of guilt to be found among our stars. –Peter Van Houten.
-Peter Van Houten. He is the only person I have ever encountered in my life who really knows what it is to be dying, but has not actually died. -Hazel.
"Funerals, I have decided, are not for the dead." They are for the living. -Hazel.
-Mr. Lancaster! How is it going? They did not let me pass, it is something like only for relatives. Could you tell him that I was here? -Augustus.
-What happens if you get sick in a foreign country? Not all cancers are created equal, and yours is particularly unusual Hazel. -Dr. Maria.
-So, what's your story? No, no, no, no, your true story. Your hobbies, your passions, your weird fetishes. -Augustus.
-Augustus Waters was a conceited son of a bitch. But we forgive him. Not because he was handsome in a superhuman way, or because he was only 19, when he should have been more -Isaac.
- "Always" is like his phrase, they always say that "always" they will love each other and others. They've probably “always” written to each other about fourteen million times this year. -Augustus.
"You do know that Gus talks about you all the time?" -Isaac._- We are just friends. -Hazel.
-Isaac! The pillows don't break. You need to break something. I've been looking for a way to tell my dad that I hate basketball. Ahead! -Augustus.
"It's not like I'm going to give you my wish or anything like that, Hazel." You know, I also want to meet this Mr. Peter Van Houten. I spoke to the Geniuses and they agreed. We are leaving in a month. -Augustus.
-It was unbearable, every second worse than the last. I remember that I couldn't breathe and my chest burned like fire. The nurse asked me to rate my pain. And even though I couldn't speak, I held up 9 fingers. -Hazel.
-Look, I like you. And I like hanging out with you and everything. But we cannot let this continue. -Hazel.
-The important thing is not the nonsense that the voices tell you, but what the voices are feeling. -Van Houten.
-One day my lungs filled with water and it must have been the end, but something strange happened. The antibiotics did the trick and drained my lungs. Then I was in an experimental study. -Hazel.
-I made plans with Augustus Waters. -Hazel.
-Let's go to Amsterdam. We found a solution to the problem, let's go! We spoke with Dr. Maria, everyone knows. But only for three days, not six. We even have an oncologist there. -Frannie.
-Maybe "in agreement" will be our "always". -Augustus.
"In case you were wondering, that's why I like you, Hazel Grace." You are so busy being you that you don't realize that you are unprecedented. -Augustus.
-My name is Augustus Waters. I've been in remission for about a year and a half. My fears? Oblivion
-He said that the PET was encouraging. I'm not seeking political asylum, it's a few days, it's just a vacation. -Hazel.
-I thought we were in the basement of a church, but we are apparently in the heart of Jesus. -Augustus.
-Forgetfulness is inevitable. And if that scares you, then I suggest you ignore it. God knows that's what everyone else does. -Hazel.
-Oh my God, I'm flying. Oh my god, we are flying. We are… we are flying! Look down! Nothing has ever been seen like this in all of human history! -Augustus.
-The good news is that there is no tumor growth, nor are there new tumors in your body. We are so relieved. -Michael.
-Support groups will be a great way for you to connect with people who are on the same adventure. Give it a chance. Who knows? Maybe you find understanding. -Dr. Maria.
-Hazel Grace, like many before you, I will say this with all the affection in the world, you used your wish stupidly. The good thing was that I kept I kept mine. -Augustus.
-That was my life. Reality shows, doctor's appointments, eight prescription drugs, three times a day. But worst of all, a support group. -Hazel.
-Some tourists think that Amsterdam is the city of sin, but in reality it is the city of freedom. -Frannie.
-As I tell Geniuses, either I travel with style, or I don't travel at all. -Augustus.
-Come on, just think of something to tell me. The first thing you think about, something you love. -Augustus.
-Have you ever wondered why you care so much about your silly questions? -Van Houten.
-This is where you bring all your love conquests? -Hazel._- Yes, everyone. Maybe that's why I'm still a virgin. -Augustus.
-Hey, Gus, listen. Why don't you go home? Rest, okay. -Michael.
-You think that the only way to live a meaningful life is for everyone to remember you. May everyone love you! Guess what, Gus, this is your life! This is all! You will have me, your family and the world. -Hazel.
-I think we have a choice in this world about how we tell sad stories. We can sweeten them. But that is simply not the truth. This is the truth. -Hazel.
-She told me that she wanted to break up with me before the surgery because she couldn't take it anymore. I'm about to lose my sight and she can't take it. -Isaac.
"Hazel Grace, I hope you realize that trying to keep your distance from me does not in any way diminish my affection for you." All your efforts to get away from you are going to fail. -Augustus.
-When I started to feel better, the nurse told me I was a fighter. "Do you know how I know?" He said. "You gave a 9 to a pain of 10." I didn't do it to be brave. I was saving my 10. -Hazel.
-OMG! Stop flirting with me! -Hazel.
-Wow! A high school girl! Well, that explains the air of sophistication. -Augustus.
-I am Augustus Waters, I am 18 years old. I got sick with osteosarcoma a year and a half ago, and I lost this baby as a result. I'm part cyborg now, which is great. -Augustus.
-I love when you speak to me with medical words. -Augustus.
-That's the detail about pain. It demands to be felt. -Augustus.
-I know what you're thinking. Which is not fair to him. It is not. He doesn't need this in his life. I mean, nobody needs it. I am more trouble than I am worth. -Hazel.
-My name is Hazel Grace Lancaster. And Augustus Waters was the unfortunate love of my life. Our story is an epic love story, and I probably can't say more without breaking down in tears. -Hazel.
-I have a question. Can I still go to Amsterdam? -Hazel.
-I'm not deaf, just blind, so I can listen to them when they laugh at my disability. -Isaac.
-Gus, my love, I can't finish telling you how grateful I am to our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. You gave me a forever with my days numbered. I'm gratefull. -Hazel.
-This is an opportunity that you may not have again. Never. Even if the medicine is working, I don't understand why… -Hazel.
-To be completely honest, I think that's very genuine. You know? You just die in the middle of your life. We die in the middle of a sentence. -Hazel.
-This is a good life, Hazel Grace. -Augustus.
-You are the secondary effect of a process of evolution that does not care about the lives of individuals. You are a failed experiment in mutation. -Van Houten.
-I had been trying to tell you, I'm great. -Augustus.
-I'm in love with you. I know that love is just a cry into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we are all doomed. -Augustus.
-Even though you have cancer, are you willing to give money to a company for the opportunity to acquire even more cancer? Let me tell you, not being able to breathe sucks. -Hazel.
-That is incredible. Hazel, that's beautiful. And a little crazy. She just met you and is giving you her wish! That's sweet, unless…. is your boyfriend? -Frannie.
-Come on Hazel Grace, take a chance with me. -Augustus.
"I'm so excited I can barely breathe!" -Hazel.
-My intention is to live an extraordinary life. To be remembered. -Augustus.
-Welcome to my abode. My old men call them "stimuli." Do not ask. This is Augustoland. This is my room. -Augustus.
-My cancer was originally thyroid, but now I have an impressive colony in my lungs. Besides terminal cancer? I'm fine I guess. -Hazel.
-The most important thing in an MRI is not to move at all. But that day, it was almost impossible. -Hazel.
-I don't want to see a world without Augustus Waters in it. -Isaac.
-I want to go to Amsterdam, Gus. And I want Van Houten to tell me what happened after this book. But I don't want this particular life either. I guess everything is wrong. -Hazel.
-I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend. -Augustus.
-Mom, if you want me to be a teenager, don't send me to a support group. Better get me a fake ID so I can hit the clubs and have cocktails and smoke pot. -Hazel.
-Because you are beautiful, and I decided long ago that I will not deny myself the simplest pleasures of existence. -Augustus.
-Pamphlets and websites always list depression as a side effect of cancer. Depression is not a side effect of cancer, it is a side effect of dying. -Hazel.
-They don't kill you unless you turn them on. I've never lit one. It's a metaphor, you see. You put something that can kill you between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do it. -Augustus.
-He was thirteen when they found him. Practically the worst case. Stage 4 thyroid cancer. Not much to do, but it didn't stop them, sure. Surgery, radiation, chemo. More radiation. -Hazel.
- "Dear Mr. Waters, I am writing to thank you for your correspondence." It could be that I found Van Houten's assistant and wrote to him. She may have forwarded the mail to Van Houten. -Augustus.
-I had been wanting to call you for a few days, but had been waiting until I had a coherent opinion about 'An Imperial Pain'. -Augustus.