- Definition according to various authors
- Zoila Rosa Vargas Cordero
- Ezequiel Ander-Egg Hernández
- Main characteristics of applied research
- Examples
- Knowledge about axolotls sheds light on regenerative medicine
- Studies on the plantaviva could cure pterygium
- Design Thinking, a form of applied research
- Robotics at the service of the elderly
- Reduction of suicide attempt in adolescents
- Themes of interest
- References
The applied research is the kind of research in which the problem is set and is known by the researcher, so it uses research to answer specific questions.
In this type of research the emphasis of the study is on practical problem solving. It focuses specifically on how general theories can be put into practice. Their motivation goes towards solving the problems that arise at a given moment.
Applied research is closely related to basic research, since it depends on the discoveries of the latter and is enriched by these discoveries.
But the most prominent characteristic of applied research is its interest in the application and practical consequences of the knowledge that has been obtained. The goal of applied research is to predict a specific behavior in a defined situation.
This research is also known as empirical, since it seeks to apply the knowledge acquired with the idea of consolidating knowledge to solve a situation.
Definition according to various authors
Zoila Rosa Vargas Cordero
According to Zoila Rosa Vargas Cordero (2008), teacher of the Master's degree in Orientation at the University of Costa Rica, applied research is a way of knowing the realities with a scientific test.
Ezequiel Ander-Egg Hernández
For his part, the Argentine pedagogue, philosopher, sociologist and essayist Ezequiel Ander-Egg Hernández indicates that applied research is an efficient and well-founded solution to a problem that has been identified.
Main characteristics of applied research
-Applied research depends on basic research. This is because it is based on your results.
-Basic research is pure research, based on a theoretical framework, which has the purpose of formulating new theories through data collection.
-Also, applied research necessarily requires a theoretical framework, on which it will be based to generate a solution to the specific problem to be solved.
-On the other hand, applied research focuses on the analysis and solution of problems of various kinds of real life, with special emphasis on the social.
-In addition, it draws on scientific advances and is characterized by its interest in the application of knowledge.
Knowledge about axolotls sheds light on regenerative medicine
Researchers from the National Center for Oncological Research (CNIO) in Spain conducted experiments with mice and have made an important advance in favor of regenerative medicine after achieving a “reprogramming” of mature cells.
The goal is for the cells to one day be used to repair damaged tissues without having to remove them from the body, as axolotls do.
Axolotls are organisms also known as "water monsters" found in the Valley of Mexico. These have the ability to recreate limbs and external organs.
Research on this ability of axolotls has helped lay the foundations for regenerative medicine, and could even generate an alternative treatment for some diseases of the respiratory system.
Manuel Santos is the one who directs the research, and he managed to “reprogram” human cells to their original state (stem cells), but they were not reprogrammed outside the body, but directly at the site of the injury.
That is, if it can be achieved in vitro (inside a test tube), it is likely that they can also do it in vivo.
Studies on the plantaviva could cure pterygium
At the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey they work with the evergreen plant to create a medicine that treats an eye disease known as pterygium.
This disease consists of an atypical growth in the eye that can cause blindness as it spreads from the white part to the corneal tissue. It is common in people who spend a lot of time in the sun.
The immortelle is a wild plant that has been used to treat eyesight, irritated eyes, and cloudy eyes. In home use, the leaf is usually squeezed directly into the affected eyes.
Based on this, Dr. Judith Zavala, professor and researcher at the Medical School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, explained that the most important thing in generating this remedy is to create a medicine that is easily accessible to patients.
In addition, it indicates that a good treatment to the plant would avoid collateral diseases generated by its contamination, generated by insects or microorganisms, which could create other ailments in the patient.
Design Thinking, a form of applied research
The Design Thinking methodology, also known as design thinking, was created at Stanford University, United States, in the 1970s.
It is a method oriented towards solving specific problems. It is about knowing and understanding the needs that people have, in order to offer them concrete solutions fully adapted to those needs.
In this methodology, teamwork and the implementation of prototypes are promoted, under the premise that all innovation in any area must be tested to determine if it is effectively useful and responds to the identified needs.
The Design Thinking method bases its actions on five steps: empathize with present needs, identify them, create ideas for possible solutions, create prototypes through which these ideas are brought to reality and, finally, test them effectively.
Design Thinking can be considered an applied research since it seeks to solve a specific problem through the identification of needs.
Robotics at the service of the elderly
The field of robotics has undergone important advances. In practically all areas of life the presence of this type of technology has increased.
Japanese scientists have shown the importance of creating prototypes that provide help to the elderly population.
The Japanese government estimated that its population is aging and that by 2025 370,000 caregivers will be needed to respond to the elderly population. Given this, the solution found is the creation of robots whose function is to care for the elderly.
The intention is that these robots fulfill basic care functions, such as helping them get up from a chair or bed, and that they are also able to anticipate certain things, such as when they should go to the bathroom, as well as being a support at the time of get a shower.
This initiative will represent an important solution for the elderly community in Japan, since it will increase the possibilities of offering a better quality of life to the elderly, and even extend their life expectancy.
The high costs of robots have meant that only a small group of elderly people can count on the help of these devices. However, in this case it has been sought to reduce costs by eliminating, for example, physical characteristics similar to human beings.
Reduction of suicide attempt in adolescents
Yanet Quijada has a Ph.D. in Psychopathology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a professor at the University of San Sebastián in Concepción, Chile. Quijada is dedicated to research on early care for cases of psychosis in adolescents.
The specific idea of the study is to inquire about some elements considered risk factors that have to do with the context, with psychological and social factors, and even of a clinical nature related to the suicide attempts of adolescents in school.
This research will take into account contextual information from the region that can serve as a background for this phenomenon.
Based on this, the researcher will seek to link this general information to the specific case of suicide attempts in young people of school age.
It is hoped that the results of this research will shed light on the factors that most affect adolescents, and thus achieve a reduction in the suicide levels of young people in this population, especially in the areas near Concepción.
Themes of interest
Documentary research.
Field research.
Exploratory investigation.
Scientific method.
Explanatory research.
Descriptive research.
Observational study.
- Applied research vs pure (basic) research. Embrace. Recovered from abraza.wordpress.com
- Applied research. Calameo. Recovered from es.calameo.com
- Design Thinking in the classroom: what it is and how to apply it. Universia. Recovered from news.universia.es
- Examples of applied research. DPP 2013. Recovered from dpp2013.wordpress.com
- Applied research. Redalyc. Recovered from redalyc.com