- Origin
- Characteristics of linguistic intelligence
- Hobbies of people with linguistic intelligence
- Examples
- Compatible professions
- Study tips for people with good linguistic intelligence
- Activities to improve linguistic intelligence
- References
The linguistic intelligence is the ability to use words and others express different concepts and thoughts, speaking or writing. For example, a person with this type of intelligence would be able to speak in public, explain difficult concepts in a simple way, or write books.
It is one of the 8 types of intelligence that Gardner defined. According to this psychologist, "linguistic intelligence is sensitivity to the meaning of words, their order, sounds, rhythms, inflections, the different functions of language, phonology, syntax and pragmatics."
This type of intelligence, also called verbal, allows us to converse with other people, write texts, even write letters or emails.
There are people who have this more accentuated intelligence, as can happen with writers, journalists, lawyers, poets, translators, teachers, etc. However, linguistic intelligence can be enhanced through various activities that you can start today. They will be discussed later.
This intelligence arises from the theory of multiple intelligences developed by Howard Gardner in 1983. His theory has constituted a fundamental contribution in psychology, revolutionizing the field of education.
Howard Gardner
In it, Gardner explains that there are different abilities that are present in all people to a greater or lesser extent. There are people in whom one or more types of intelligence predominate, so they learn better if they use learning pathways associated with that intelligence.
However, it is possible that through proper training these intelligences can be enhanced in all people.
Linguistic intelligence together with logical-mathematical intelligence are the most important ones in traditional education given in schools and institutes.
Thought is a predominantly linguistic phenomenon. In other words, as we learn language, our way of seeing the world and of elaborating thought is enriched.
Linguistic intelligence appears to be associated with the left hemisphere of the brain in most individuals. Specifically, the two key structures are Broca's area, which is dedicated to expressive language planning; and Wernicke's area, which helps us understand language.
Characteristics of linguistic intelligence
Linguistic intelligence is characterized by a great ability to use language, as well as to learn new languages. People who have this accentuated intelligence have a great facility to express what is in their mind using words, they speak fluently and they are good at understanding others.
People with great linguistic intelligence are drawn to words, they enjoy reading and poetry. For them, writing a paper or a story is an attractive and enjoyable activity, rather than something tedious. In addition, they obtain high scores in tests that evaluate components associated with language.
Some of the characteristics of people with linguistic intelligence are:
- Good communicators.
- They enjoy reading and writing.
- They have good spelling skills and quickly identify errors of this type and grammatical inconsistencies.
- They have a wide vocabulary and are good at combining words. They like to use varied, unusual words and even make up their own.
- They know how to listen. Specifically, they have the ability to pay attention to the language patterns of others, as they are sensitive to linguistic expression.
- Show preference for words, their meaning, derivations…
- Play word games and rhymes with ease.
- They are people who have a great capacity for persuasion through rhetoric.
- They have a good verbal memory for general knowledge.
- They are organized and systematic people, so they have good skills to express themselves.
- Adequate ability to choose words in order to generate the desired emotional tone. For example, knowing how to write letters, poems, stories and reports.
Hobbies of people with linguistic intelligence
If you have this type of intelligence, you may enjoy reading, writing stories, letters and poems, narrating events, listening to debates…
You are sure to like word games like crossword puzzles and you even enjoy speaking in public and conversing on any topic.
These people can have fun learning new languages and trying to communicate with people who speak other languages.
The great writers, journalists, poets, composers, and politicians have been noted for having great linguistic intelligence.
For example, the English poet and writer William Shakespeare, the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes, the Russian writer Fiódor Dostoiveski, the English writer Charles Dickens, the poet Pablo Neruda, the journalist and writer Ernest Hemingway, etc.
Also here we find great speakers such as the Athenian politician Pericles, the British Winston Churchill, the American president Abraham Lincoln, the Indian politician Mahatma Gandhi and the American pastor Martin Luther King, among others.
Compatible professions
- Writer.
- Journalist.
- TV presenter.
- Radio announcer.
- Editor.
- Professor.
- Lawyer.
- Political.
- Actor.
- Commercial and customer service.
- Librarian.
- Blogger.
- Screenwriter.
- Publicist.
- Translator.
Study tips for people with good linguistic intelligence
If you think you have good linguistic intelligence and you are a student, you can use this ability to improve your academic performance. Some techniques are:
- Write short summaries of each study topic.
- Underline or surround key words or important concepts in your texts.
- Record yourself reading the most important or most complicated information for you, and then listen to it several times.
- Use acrostics to memorize essential words of a topic.
- Try to have a conversation with someone or explain what you are studying.
- Memorize your lessons and then try to recite them out loud as if you were giving a speech.
Activities to improve linguistic intelligence
Developing linguistic intelligence has many advantages. In the first place, language is a powerful tool for transmitting knowledge and emotions; in addition to persuading, debating, public speaking, negotiating, selling, etc.
It is also very useful during the school period, as exams are usually based on memorization and expression of verbal information.
Here is a list of activities you can do if you want to improve your linguistic intelligence:
- Learn a new word every day and try to add it to your everyday vocabulary.
- Listen to the radio more frequently and if you dare, participate expressing your point of view.
- Try to make up a little story and tell it to someone else.
- Begins to read all kinds of novels, stories and jokes.
- Always carry a notebook to write stories, jokes and poems when they occur to you.
- Create your own blog dedicated to a topic that interests you.
- Aim to write emails or letters to your loved ones or friends instead of short messages.
- Spend time talking and debating with other people. Join discussions on topics that interest you and master, and participate as much as possible.
- Try to express yourself in an orderly and clear way whenever you speak.
- Do the exercise of listening to others with all your attention. The ability to listen is something that is being lost.
We usually think about what we are going to respond while we superficially listen to what the other says. When you talk to another person, try to focus on all of their words and their emotional tone.
- Try to tell stories, jokes and anecdotes to other people. Try to organize them in a way that is interesting and entertaining for the listeners.
- Play memory games or those in which words such as crosswords, anagrams, scrabble, etc. are handled.
- Record yourself speaking and then listen to the result. Identify what you can improve in your speech.
- Visit the library regularly and lend a book of interest to you. You can propose to read one book a week, starting with those most enjoyable for you.
- Start a journal and take a few minutes a day to write down the things you feel like. There are programs and applications in case you prefer to use new technologies.
- Memorize your favorite poem or some passages that you like.
- If while reading you come across words that you do not know or are not sure of their meaning, underline them and look for them. The Internet can be of great help.
- Try to write all the words that you can think of for a minute. It uses criteria such as: that it begins with a specific letter or syllable, that it does not contain a certain vowel, or that it belongs to some semantic category such as “kitchen tools”. You can do small competitions with friends or family.
- There are audiobooks that you can borrow or buy so that you can listen to them while you are walking down the street or in your spare time.
- Make your own reviews of books, stories or poetry and communicate it on your blog or literature forums.
- Join a book club that can be found at your local library or on the internet.
- Try to identify the literary figures of certain texts and even create your own when you write.
- Use videos and articles from the internet on tips for public speaking, negotiating, communicating more assertively, etc.
- Learn new languages. Currently there are courses, academies, private teachers and even applications that can help you.
- Linguistic Intelligence. (sf). Retrieved on April 20, 2017, from Brain Box: brainboxx.co.uk.
- Linguistic-Intelligence. (sf). Retrieved on April 20, 2017, from Wily Walnut: wilywalnut.com.
- Multiple Intelligences. (sf). Retrieved on April 20, 2017, from Inspiring Breakthrough: inspiring-breakthrough.co.uk.
- Verbal / Linguistic Intelligence. (sf). Retrieved on April 20, 2017, from My Personality: mypersonality.info
- Verbal / Linguistic Intelligence. (sf). Retrieved on April 20, 2017, from Edu Nova: edu-nova.com.