- Known species
- characteristics
- Factors involved in the size and morphology of foraminifera
- Taxonomy
- Classes and orders
- Classification
- Athalamea
- Monothalamea
- Xenophyophorea
- Tubothalamea
- Globothalamea
- Morphology
- -Size
- -Protoplasm
- -Skeleton or shell
- -Types of Foraminifera
- Agglutinated (or sandy)
- Porcelain
- Hyalines
- -Pseudopodia
- Lifecycle
- Reproduction
- Nutrition
- Applications
- Case of Mauritius
- References
The foraminifera are a group of amoeboid protozoa, some other marine and freshwater. They appeared at the beginning of the Primary Era (Cambrian) and their successors have populated today's oceans. They can be found from littoral areas (hypo or hypersaline) to the ocean floor, and from the tropics to the cold Arctic and Antarctic oceans.
Its distribution depends on several factors. For example, there are species that support large and frequent changes in temperature, while others could not survive it, so the thermal structure of the oceans marks important differences between the foraminifera associations.
Foraminifera sand samples taken from Ngapali beach.
Likewise, depth is also a determining factor in the distribution of foraminifera due to its direct impact on the penetration of light. For its part, pressure is related to the previous factors (temperature and depth), directly intervening in the solubility of CO 2, which influences the secretion of calcium carbonate for the formation of shells.
On the other hand, the energy of water in shallow areas is a relevant element because it affects the type of substrate (hard or soft) and the distribution of nutrients.
Likewise, other factors such as salinity, water turbidity, pH, presence of trace elements and / or organic components, currents, sedimentation rate, can determine, at the local level, the distribution of foraminifera.
Known species
At present, more than 10,000 species are known, while some 40,000 have become extinct. Some species have the seabed as their habitat, that is, they are benthic organisms, many times they live camouflaged on the sand as part of the epifauna (epibetonic) or they can live under the sand (endobetonic). For this reason they are also known as living sand.
They can also live on plants, in which they rest as epiphytes and even many of them choose sessile life, that is, they live attached to a substrate throughout their existence.
While other foraminifera live floating at different depths in the ocean (between 0 and 300 m), that is, they have planktonic life forming part of the marine microplankton. These forms are rarer and less diverse.
Larger and more complex planktonic foraminifera are more common in tropical and subtropical environments. While in high latitude environments these organisms are usually scarce, smaller and of very simple shapes.
A characteristic that stands out in foraminifera is the skeleton or shell, a structure that has allowed extinct forms to have been studied in the form of marine microfossils, which are deposited on the bottom of the sea.
Thus, the shell constitutes the basic element to differentiate the foraminifera, and it is the only structure of the organism that fossilizes. These fossils are very abundant in marine sediment, also participating in the formation of sedimentary rocks.
The main chemical compounds in the shells are calcite, aragonite, and silica. The shape and dimension of the embryonic chamber depends on its origin, whether it is the product of sexual or asexual reproduction.
During their ontogeny, the foraminifera control the growth and size of the chambers. This control is done through the length and arrangement of the pseudopodial currents, since the pseudopods are responsible for the formation of the organic membrane that precedes the mineral shell.
This process is very important for the maintenance of cellular processes, since the chamber acts as a bioreactor.
Factors involved in the size and morphology of foraminifera
It should be noted that the size and final morphology that a foraminifer can adopt depends on various factors, including:
- The shape and dimensions of the embryonic chamber.
- The number of growth stages to adulthood (i.e., number of chambers of the foraminifer).
- The shape of the chamber and its modifications during ontogeny.
- The arrangement of the cameras.
Larger foraminifera have strategic growth patterns to keep chamber volume constant without exceeding optimal size. These strategies consist of dividing the cameras into various compartments called cliques.
These cliques are arranged in such a way as to ensure transport and regulatory functions between the protoplasm inside the chambers and the outside. That is, all the cameras and cliques are perfectly interconnected.
The arrangement of the chambers can follow a rectilinear or spiral axis. This will depend on the position of the pseudopodial currents and the location of the opening or openings in the chamber.
Domain: Eukarya
Protist kingdom
No Rank: SAR Supergroup
Superphylum: Rhizaria
Phylum: Foraminifera
Classes and orders
- Athalamea (Reticulomyxida)
- Monothalamea (Allogromiida, Astrorhizida, Komokiida)
- Xenophyophorea (Psamminida, Stannomida)
- Tubothalamea (Fusulinide, Involutinide, Milliolide, Silicoloculinide, Spirillinida)
- Globothalamea (Lituolida, Loftusiida, Schlumbergerinida, Textulariida, Trochamminida, Rotaliida, Buliminida, Globigerinida, Robertinida, Carterinida, Lagenida).
Although there are still many things to clarify, so far 5 classes can be distinguished:
Here are the foraminifera that do not have a shell or that are naked.
Betonic foraminifera that have an organic or agglutinated shell with a single chamber are included.
In this case, the foraminifera are of the large specialized betonic type, multinucleated and with an agglutinated shell. They are usually detritivores or saprophagous, that is, they obtain their food from detritus or decomposing organic matter.
This includes betonic foraminifera, which have multiple tubular chambers at least in the juvenile stage, which can be spirally coiled, with an agglutinated or calcareous shell.
This classification covers both betonic and planktonic foraminifera with multi-chambered globular, agglutinated or calcareous shells. The shells can be uniseriate, biseriate, triseriate or trocospiralate.
However, this classification is constantly evolving.
The size of foraminifera is normally between 0.1 and 0.5 cm, with some species measuring from 100 µm to 20 cm.
Foraminifera are formed by a protoplasmic mass that constitutes the cell of a foraminifera.
Protoplasm is usually colorless, but can sometimes contain small amounts of organic pigments, lipid material, symbiotic algae, or color-giving iron compounds.
The protoplasm consists of an internal part called endoplasm and the external part ectoplasm.
In the endoplasm it is protected by the shell and in it the organelles are distributed as digestive vacuoles, nucleus, mitochondria, granules, Golgi apparatus or ribosomes. This is why it is sometimes called granular endoplasm. The ectoplasm is transparent and the retractile pseudopods start from there.
The protoplasm is externally circumscribed by an organic membrane made up of superimposed sheets of mucopolysaccharides.
The protoplasmic mass expands out of the shell through one or more openings (pores) and covers it externally (extracameral protoplasm), and this is how pseudopodia are formed.
-Skeleton or shell
Foraminifera fix their cell surface, permanently, by building a mineral skeleton (the shell).
The shell is made up of chambers separated by septa but at the same time they communicate with each other through interconnection holes called foramina, hence the name foraminifera. The chemical composition of the skeleton or shell makes them structures that fossilize very easily.
The interior of the chambers is covered by an organic material very similar to chitin. In addition, the shell can have main openings; it may also have outward pores or lack them.
The mineral shell can be formed by a single compartment (primitive foraminifera or monothalamus), or chamber, which grows continuously, or by several chambers that are formed in successive stages, in a complicated discontinuous growth system (polythalamic foraminifera).
This last process consists of adding new skeletal material to the previously formed shell, and in strategic places.
Many foraminifera are able to select the material to form their shell according to its chemical composition, size or shape, since the marginal pseudopodial currents that are in contact with the substrate are able to recognize it.
-Types of Foraminifera
According to the form of construction of the shell, they can be classified into three main types of Foraminifera:
Agglutinated (or sandy)
In this type of shell, the foraminifera collect with their pseudopods a large amount of organic matter available in the environment in which they live, which later agglutinates, such as mineral grains, sponge spicules, diatoms, etc.
Most agglutinated foraminifera cement their shell with calcium carbonate, but if this compound is not present in the medium, such as those that live in deep ocean areas where calcium does not exist, they can do so with siliceous, ferruginous, organic cements. etc
In this case, the shell is formed through needles of magnesian calcite that are synthesized in the Golgi apparatus of the foraminifera.
These needles are transported and accumulated abroad, and can serve as connecting elements of foreign structures (Cement) or directly form the external skeleton. They are found in hypersaline environments (> 35% salinity).
They are generally imperforate, that is, they tend to have pseudo-pores that do not completely cross the shell.
These are formed by the growth of calcite crystals thanks to an organic template, formed by a process called biomineralization (mineralization in situ), carried out outside the protoplasmic body.
They are characterized by being transparent, due to the thinness of their wall. They are also drilled where the location, density and diameter of the pores is variable according to the species.
This structure is used for mobilization, fixation to substrates, capture of prey and creation of the skeleton. For the retraction and extension of the pseudopods, the foraminifera have a sophisticated network of microtubules arranged in more or less parallel rows.
The extension of the pseudopodia can reach two or three times the length of the body and can even be up to 20 times its length. This will depend on each particular species.
The type of movement during displacement is directly related to the shape of the shell and the position of the openings (where the pseudopods emerge).
But most foraminifera move in the following way: the pseudopods attach to a substrate and then push the rest of the cell. Moving in this way they can advance with a speed of approximately 1 to 2.5 cm / hour.
On the other hand, the pseudopodia of the foraminifera are called Granurreticulopodia, because inside the pseudopodia there is a bidirectional cytoplasmic flow that carries granules.
The granules can consist of particles of various materials, mitochondria, digestive or waste vacuoles, symbiotic dinoflagellates, etc. For this reason one of the synonyms of the group is Granuloreticulosa.
Another important characteristic of pseudopodia is that they are usually long, thin, branched and very abundant, thus forming a network of reticulopodia by stacking (anastomosis).
The life cycle of foraminifera is generally short, usually a few days or weeks, but in large forms the life cycle can reach two years.
The duration will depend on the life strategy that the foraminifera take. For example, small forms with simple morphology develop a short opportunistic strategy.
Whereas, the large forms and with an extraordinarily complex morphology of the shell develop a conservative life strategy.
This last behavior is very rare in unicellular organisms; allows them to maintain a uniform population density and slow growth.
Most foraminifera have two morphologies, with generational alternation depending on the type of reproduction, sexual or asexual, with the exception of planktonic foraminifera that only reproduce sexually.
This change in morphology is called dimorphism. The resulting form of sexual reproduction (gamogony) is called gamonte, while from asexual reproduction (schizogony) the schizont form is obtained. Both are morphologically different.
Some foraminifera coordinate the reproduction cycle with the seasonal cycle, in order to optimize the use of resources. It is not uncommon to see several continuous asexual reproductions occur before a sexual generation occurs in the betonic forms.
This explains why the forms of schizont are more abundant than those of gamontes. The gamonte initially has a single nucleus and then divides to produce numerous gametes.
Whereas the schizont is multinucleated and after meiosis it fragments to form new gametes.
Reproductive cycle of Foraminifera
Foraminifera are characterized by being heterotrophs, that is, they feed on organic matter.
In this case, foraminifera feed mainly on diatoms or bacteria, but other larger species feed on nematodes and crustaceans. Prey are trapped through their pseudopods.
Also these organisms can use symbiotic algae of various types, such as green, red and gold algae, as well as diatoms and dinoflagellates, and there may even be a very complex variety of many of them in the same individual.
On the other hand, some species of foraminifera are kleptoplastic, which means that the chloroplasts from ingested algae become part of the foraminifera in order to continue performing the function of photosynthesis.
This represents an alternative way of producing energy for living.
The abundance in the fossil record of foraminifera over geological time, evolution, complexity and size makes them a preferred instrument for studying the present and past of the Earth (geological clock).
Therefore, its great diversity of species is very useful in biostratigraphic, paleoecological and paleoceanographic studies.
But it can also help prevent ecological disasters that may affect the economy, since changes in foraminifera populations indicate changes in the environment.
For example, shelled foraminifera are sensitive to environmental change and respond rapidly to alterations in the environment around them. For this reason they are ideal indicator species for studying the quality and health of reef water.
Case of Mauritius
Also, some events have made us think about it. Such is the case of the phenomenon observed in Mauritius, where part of the white sand of the beach disappeared and now they must import it from Madagascar to maintain the tourist flow.
And what happened there? Where does the sand come from? Why did it disappear?
The answer is the following:
The sand is nothing more than the accumulation of calcium carbonate shells of many organisms, among them the foraminifera that are washed ashore. The disappearance of the sand was due to the progressive and sustained decrease of the carbonate producers.
This occurred as a consequence of the pollution of the seas with nitrogen and phosphorus, which reach the coasts due to the excessive use of fertilizers in the planting of certain products such as sugar cane.
For this reason, the study of foraminifera in the social sciences is important to prevent environmental disasters, such as the one described above, which directly influence the economy and society.
- Wikipedia contributors. Foraminifera. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 2018. Available at es.wikipedia.org.
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- Humphreys AF, Halfar J, Ingle JC, et al. Effect of seawater temperature, pH, and nutrients on the distribution and character of low abundance shallow water benthic foraminifera in the Galápagos. PLoS One. 2018; 13 (9): e0202746. Published 2018 Sep 12. doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0202746
- De Vargas C, Norris R, Zaninetti L, Gibb SW, Pawlowski J. Molecular evidence of cryptic speciation in planktonic foraminifers and their relation to oceanic provinces. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1999; 96 (6): 2864-8.