- Flora of Jujuy
- Llareta (
- Habitat and utility
- Privet (
- Pig (
- Jujuy fauna
- Sacha-goat (
- Vicuña (
- Chingolo (
- References
The flora and fauna of Jujuy is represented by species such as the llareta, the privet, the sacha-goat and the chingolo, among others. Jujuy is part of the 23 provinces that exist in Argentina. It is located in the northeast of that country, thus limiting to the north with Bolivia and to the west with Chile.
In this region three geographical areas are distinguished: the Altiplano, the Rio Grande de Jujuy and the Gran Chaco. Also, some desert areas stand out, such as the Yungas and the Salinas Grandes.
Llareta. Source: erdbeernaut Vicuña. Source: pixabay.com
However, despite this diversity, the terrain in Jujuy is mainly semi-arid and arid, except for the San Francisco Valley.
Flora of Jujuy
Llareta (
This phanerogamic shrub, which belongs to the Apiaceae family, is native to South America. Likewise, it is distributed in Bolivia, Peru, Argentina and Chile. The height of this camephyte species can reach 1 meter, with an approximate diameter of 1 to 2 meters.
During its growth it forms a compact, rounded mass. This is made up of several fasciculate stems, converging in a basal root structure. At the terminal end of these, the leaves form rosettes.
The leaves are simple and resinous, measuring 3 to 6 millimeters long and 1 to 4 millimeters wide. Those that die remain inside the plant, thus forming a filling known as detritus.
In the terminal inflorescences of the yarita, as is also known in this species, the peduncles emerge from the same point, all rising to the same height. Thus, they form a figure similar to an umbrella.
In relation to the flowers, they can appear alone or in groups of 2 to 5 of these. They are hermaphroditic and greenish-yellow in color. The fruit is a dry schizocarp that has two pericarps, with one seed each. This can measure between 4 and 5 millimeters.
Habitat and utility
The Azorella compacta is a long-lived species that grows very slowly. It is located in habitats in high mountains and in highland areas, at altitudes between 3200 and 4800 meters above sea level.
The kind of compact cushion that forms the llareta is hard and contains many resins. Because of this, it is used by peasants as firewood.
Privet (
The privet is part of the Oleaceae family, native to Southeast Asia. This plant has been introduced worldwide, becoming an invasive species in some countries.
The height of this tree could be between 3 and 8 meters. The bark is grayish brown in color, with a smooth texture. However, over time it may present some fine cracks.
The leaves are opposite and dark green, measuring 3 to 8 centimeters wide and 5 to 15 centimeters long. Its shape is oval, with a sharp point and the entire margin. They have the peculiarity of being shiny on the top and without luster on the underside.
During the summer, henna, as this species is also known, forms conical panicles. Each has numerous small, ivory-white flowers. These come to cover almost the entire glass and infuse the environment with their pleasant fragrance.
In autumn, those flowers that were fertilized, originate globose berries, dark purple, almost black. These are part of the diet of some birds, such as starlings and blackcap.
Pig (
This evergreen tree belongs to the Rutaceae family. It is native to Bolivia and Argentina, growing naturally in the sub-Andean mountains and in the pampeadas, with a height of up to 1,300 meters above sea level.
The cochucho is an orophilic species that grows between 5 and 11 meters tall. It has a straight stem, with a yellowish or grayish brown bark, covered with thorns. The branches are tortuous of a greyish brown color. These also have conical spines, arranged irregularly.
In relation to the foliage, it is abundant, with odd-pinnate leaves that have very notable spines, arranged in a paired manner. Likewise, they have a serrated margin and lanceolate leaflets.
This species, also known as the smelly elderberry, can be monoecious or dioecious. The flowers are imperfect, greenish-white. In addition, they have five sepals and five petals and can measure around 5 millimeters in diameter. They occur in a panicular inflorescence 10 to 25 centimeters long.
The fruit is a spherical, rough follicle, purple in color when ripe. It grows in pendulous clusters and contains a shiny black seed.
Jujuy fauna
Sacha-goat (
This deer is native to America, inhabiting from Mexico to Argentina. It is normally found, singly or in pairs, in semi-open or open wooded regions. There, it feeds on leaves, young shoots, fruits and fungi.
Its body color is brownish-brown, grayish-brown or sepia, however, the flanks are lighter. Contrary to body color, the belly, chin, top and back of the thighs, and the bottom of the tail could be white, orange, or light sepia.
The rump is higher than the shoulders. The tail is short, measuring 8 to 15 centimeters. The males have short antlers, with a length of 7 to 15 centimeters. These structures have sharp, rear-facing ends. They appear when the animal is one year old.
The antlers lack branching, although in adults they may be bifurcated. They have longitudinal gutters of brown color. The fall of these usually occurs after mating, but sometimes it could be maintained for more than two years.
The length of the brown corzuela, as this species is also known, is between 82 and 125 centimeters, weighing 8 to 25 kilograms.
Vicuña (
This artiodactyl mammal is a South American camelid that lives in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru. As for its weight, it could be between 40 and 50 kilograms, reaching up to 80 centimeters long.
The color of the head, neck, back and sides is beige or light reddish brown, as well as stripes that enter each extremity. The chest and the entire lower body is white. However, the tones may vary depending on the geographic area you live in.
Those that live in the north are darker and have a body tuft, with long white hairs. The coat is dense, the fibers of which grow together. Thus, they protect the animal from the wind, cold and rain.
The vicuña has long, slender legs, with terminal pads. These allow it to walk on various types of soil, including stony ones, typical of its natural habitat.
Its distribution is the open plains, surrounded by rocky cliffs and hills, located in cold, windy and dry climates. Their diet is grass-based, thus preferring herbaceous and short grasses. They rarely eat hard grass, however, they do like lichens.
Chingolo (
The chingolo is a neotropical bird, measuring approximately 15 centimeters long. This species can inhabit from steppes and open grasslands to forests, urban environments and agricultural plantations.
The cachilo, as the Zonotrichia capensis is also known, is characterized by having a black striped pompadour. The throat is white, with a kind of "collar" in orange or cinnamon. The ventral region and the chest are white or light brown, with dark reflections and gray sides.
The back is brown, with black spots. However, the tail and wings are darker. The young chingolo has a more uniform plumage, with dark streaks on the chest.
It is a solitary animal, which forms pairs in the reproduction stage. Its habits are diurnal, remaining active until dusk. Although it is an arboreal species, it usually goes down to earth to collect worms and seeds, which form its main food.
The chingolo song is exclusive to the male. This is composed of a theme, with three beats and a trill. Although the theme is different in each species, the trill could be typical of a population. In this way, the female could identify her partner.
- Wikipedia (2019). Jujuy province. Recovered from en.wikipedia.org.
- Encyplonedia britannica (2019). Jujuy, province Argentina. Recovered from britannica.com.
- Richard, Enrique, Julia, Juan Pablo, Samaniego, J, Aceñolaza, Pablo. (nineteen ninety five). The brown corzuela: Mazama gouazoubira. Recovered at researchgate.net.
- Government of Jujuy (2017). Jujuy protects its cultural and landscape heritage. Recovered from prensa.jujuy.gob.ar.
- Jujuy online (2018). Geography of Jujuy. Recovered from jujuyenlinea.com.