- Characteristics of erythrophobia
- Erythrophobia vs social phobia
- Symptoms
- Physiological plane
- Cognitive plane
- Behavioral plane
- Causes
- Treatment
- References
The erythrophobia is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by an irrational fear, extreme and unjustified to the fact blush. People who suffer from this alteration have a phobic fear of any situation that can cause a blush on their face, and experience the typical symptoms of blushing.
Fear of these situations causes a marked anxiety response every time the person blushes. In this way, erythrophobia can be highly annoying and unpleasant.
In addition, in order to avoid the fear and anxiety caused by blushing, the person can adopt a lifestyle in which they are permanently aware of the possibility of blushing.
Thus, erythrophobia, although it may seem like a minor psychopathological disorder, is a highly bothersome disorder that can significantly limit people's lives.
Characteristics of erythrophobia
Erythrophobia is an anxiety disorder known as a specific phobia. These alterations, which are correctly established in psychiatric diagnostic manuals, are characterized by presenting phobic fear of a specific element.
The feared elements or situations in specific phobias can be multiple. From animals such as spiders, to specific situations such as heights or closed spaces.
In the case of erythrophobia, the dreaded element is blushing or the situation of blushing at certain times. Blushing is a physical response that many people experience. This consists of the redness of the face in an involuntary and uncontrollable way.
The flushing of the face usually occurs when the person experiences some type of emotion related to shame or fear. At these times, the body responds by vasocompression of the facial blood vessels.
Socially, the fact of blushing is immediately associated with the emotions that cause it. For this reason, when someone blushes it is usually automatically interpreted that that person is experiencing feelings of shame.
Erythrophobia vs social phobia
Erythrophobia poses an important differentiation with a well-known disorder that is similar but at the same time different, social phobia.
Social phobia refers to an anxiety disorder in which the person has an excessive, irrational, uncontrollable and permanent fear of social situations. The type of fear experienced in both disorders is the same. In both erythrophobia and social phobia there is a phobic fear.
However, both psychopathologies differ by the feared element, that is, the object that produces both the fear response and the manifestations of anxiety.
In social phobia, the feared elements are social situations, relationships with others, and relational interactions. In contrast, in erythrophobia, the feared element is the physiological reaction of blushing.
It is true that blushing appears in social situations. For this reason, both disorders can be confused. In both erythrophobia and social phobia, fear can be experienced in similar situations.
However, in erythrophobia fear is clearly associated with the possibility of blushing, an aspect that is not main in social phobia.
The fear of blushing is not the only important element of erythrophobia. In fact, what makes it an anxiety disorder is the symptoms that derive from pathological fear.
In this sense, the typical symptoms of erythrophobia are related to the anxiety responses caused by the feared elements.
When the person with this disorder is exposed to situations in which they may blush, they respond with a marked anxiety response. This is usually high and severe, although it does not usually end up developing an anxiety attack.
The typical symptoms of erythrophobiaa affect three different components of the person: the physiological level, the cognitive level and the behavioral level.
Physiological plane
The first symptoms that appear in erythrophobia are the physical manifestations. These arise when the individual blushes and cause high discomfort.
The physical alterations that this disorder can cause can vary notably in each case, so there is no single clinical pattern. In fact, physiological symptoms can comprise any of the following manifestations:
1. Increased heart rate.
2. Increased respiratory rate.
3. Palpitations or tachycardias.
4. Feeling of suffocation or hyperventilation.
5. Dizziness and nausea.
6. Muscle tension.
7. Generalized excessive sweating.
8. Pupillary dilation.
9. Headaches and / or stomach aches.
10. Feeling of unreality, depersonalization.
Cognitive plane
Cognitive symptoms refer to the thoughts that the person with erythrophobia develops about blushing. These can be highly variable but always present negative and anxious characteristics.
Thoughts like if I blush, I will seem like an undesirable person, nobody will love me, everyone will reject me or make a fool of myself are some of the thoughts that a person with erythrophobia can develop.
These thoughts are usually constantly present in the mind of the individual. However, they become much more intense when the person blushes.
In these situations, negative cognitions are fed back with physical symptoms. These increase the thoughts of fear of blushing and, at the same time, cognitions increase the physical symptoms.
Behavioral plane
The intensity of the two previous symptoms is very high, a fact that causes considerable discomfort on the person. This discomfort is so marked that it directly affects behavior.
One of the main symptoms of erythrophobia is precisely this, the repercussion that fear has on the person's behavior. In this sense, the main behavioral symptoms of the disorder are: avoidance and escape.
The individual will gradually develop behavioral styles that allow him to avoid any situation in which he can blush. Through these mechanisms the person will be able to avoid the anxiety and discomfort that they experience when they blush.
Likewise, as it is often difficult or impossible to avoid the appearance of blushing, the person with erythrophobia will escape every time they blush, to prevent others from seeing them blushing and can reduce their anxiety level.
The element that seems to be most directly related to the development of fear is conditioning. Fears are learned emotional reactions that can be acquired through the different experiences lived by the person.
Direct conditioning appears to play an important role in erythrophobia. For example, having suffered continuous teasing or reproach when faced with blushing situations, especially during childhood and adolescence, can contribute to the development of phobic fear.
However, this is not the only factor that has been associated with specific phobias. Vicarious conditioning (observing rejection of blushing), the acquisition of negative information about the fact of blushing, genetic aspects and cognitive factors can also contribute to the development of erythrophobia.
The first choice interventions for the treatment of erythrophobia is psychotherapy, which has shown much higher efficacy rates than drug treatments.
Specifically, the intervention that allows to overcome erythrophobia and suppress its symptoms is cognitive behavioral treatment.
This type of intervention focuses on the main element that maintains phobic fears, that is, avoidance. In this way, through a hierarchy of graduated stimuli, the therapist gradually exposes the individual to his feared elements.
In the case of erythrophobia, the therapist will create situations in which the person blushes, so that the person becomes accustomed to them, overcomes his fear of them and learns to control the situations that cause him to blush.
- Barlow D. and Nathan, P. (2010) The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Psychology. Oxford University Press.
- Caballo, V. (2011) Manual of psychopathology and psychological disorders. Madrid: Ed. Piramide.
- DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (2002). Barcelona: Masson.
- Obiols, J. (Ed.) (2008). Manual of General Psychopathology. Madrid: New Library.
- Magee WJ. Effects of negative life experiences on phobia onset. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 1999; 34: 343–351.
- Muris P, Schmidt H, Merckelbach H. The structure of specific phobia symptoms among children and adolescents. Behav Res Ther 1999; 37: 863–868.
- Ollendick TH, Raishevich N, Davis TE, et al. Specific phobias in youth: phenomenology and psychological characteristics. Behav Ther, in press.