An imperative statement is a sentence that states a direct command. It may end abruptly or it may be between exclamation points, depending on the strength of the command. For example: "You have to do your homework before 8 in the afternoon."
The main verb is in the imperative mood. Imperative sentences can also be known as exhortative sentences. These statements are used for a speaker to declare requests, commands, advice, or requests to the listener.
"Silence, it is forbidden to speak in the room" is an example of an imperative statement.
The imperative sentences can be adapted to two grammatical forms: if it is a familiar relationship, you can use “tú” or “vos”; in more formal opportunities or in opportunities where you have to show respect, you can use the treatment of "you".
In some cases, the imperative statement can be in a sentence form, so the main verb would be used in the imperative.
On many occasions, imperative statements are reflected in a hierarchical situation. They are common when one of the interlocutors is in a position to proclaim orders to another person. It is also quite usual that they are used as exclamatory.
Often they appear to have no subject and use a verb to begin the sentence. Actually, the subject is the person who is listening, or the audience to whom the statement is directed.
In other words, if an imperative statement is directed at you, then you are the subject of that sentence.
Examples of imperative statements
1- Don't eat my apples, please.
2- Do your homework.
3- You must restart the electronic device each time it does not respond.
4- Clean this house completely.
5- Don't stop me!
6- Order it from your trusted pharmacist.
7- Please take off your shoes when entering.
8- Do not write to me anymore.
9- Please come by me at 3:00 this afternoon.
10- Follow the instructions described in this manual.
11- Brush your teeth after every meal.
12- Do not cut the flowers in the garden.
13- Enjoy these fresh raspberries.
14- Respect the elderly and the elderly.
15- I suggest you take a few months to think about it.
16- Go clean your room.
17- Justify your answer correctly.
18- Don't be lazy Manuel.
19- Please come to the microphone and speak loudly.
20- You will not go out tonight.
21- Press the wound strongly.
22- Smile.
23- Send me the email as soon as you finish.
24- Do not wait for my answer.
25- Maintain the recommended speed.
26- Pass me the sugar from the table.
27- Order all your clothes in the closet.
28- You have to find my pink shoes.
29- Let me in.
30- Laura, be quiet.
31- Do not walk; wet floor.
32- Stay calm.
33- You must turn off the light before changing the bulb.
34- You are grateful not to feed the animals.
35- Delete all the messages that could incriminate you.
36- Finish cooking the food when finished.
37- I imply that you take me to the soccer game tomorrow.
38- Walk and open the kitchen window.
39- Do not step on the grass.
40- Leave as soon as the sun rises.
41- Forget everything and come with me.
42- Stand up and stand up.
43- It is forbidden to put your arms out the window during the walk.
44- Silence!
45- Buy the air ticket for next month.
46- Grandma, you must be in the park at 8:00 pm
47- Cell phones must remain off during the entire function.
48- Please buy bread when you leave work.
49- Answer the following questions logically and clearly.
50- You should wash your hands after going to the bathroom.
51- Respect the traffic signs.
52- Park your car in the nearby stands.
53- Give me freedom or give me death!
54- Take these coins, go to the store, and buy what your heart desires.
55- Thank you for not smoking.
56- Feel free to call me later.
57- Take a pill with water when you wake up.
58- Get out of my way.
59- Do not cry because I finish. Smile because it happened.
60- You will not go to the meeting with that coat.
61- Give me a few days to decide.
62- Let all who enter here abandon hope.
63- Cut the white rose from the garden.
64- Use the waste bins corresponding to the recycling material.
65- Pass me the peeled potatoes.
66- Imagine a world of infinite possibilities.
67- Paint your nails with white polish.
68- I don't want to hear a single word about it.
69- Go ahead, make my day.
70- Could you bring me the cup of coffee?
71- Go to the party tonight.
72- Look in the drawer for the money that you lost.
73- Clean this desk.
74- Drive to the roundabout and then turn left.
75- Please, get out of here.
76- Get three pants for the price of one.
77- Do not touch the hot oven.
78- I need you to give me the signed check right away.
79- They should leave their workspaces in order.
80- Give me three kilos of salt.
81- Always do what is right.
82- Do not enter the establishment with your pets.
83- Use more blue color in your painting.
84- We will leave first thing in the morning.
85- Keep your equipment close at all times.
86- Make your bed as soon as you wake up.
87- Build some Greek columns.
88- You must put on your boots before climbing.
89- Think long term.
90- Serve this cheese with a white wine.
91- Do not wonder what your country can do for you; ask yourself what you can do for your country.
92- You have to train this afternoon, you need it for Sunday's game.
93- Go eat with your brothers, the food is ready.
94- We are going to finish the report, prepare what is necessary.
95- Go clean the kitchen, I'll fix the rest of the house.
96-Forbidden to eat in the room.
97-Do not park / park.
98-Do not talk in the library.
99-Put on your seatbelt before you start driving.
100-Wash your hands, we will eat soon.
- What is an imperative sentence? Recovered from
- Imperative sentence. Recovered from
- Imperative sentence (grammar) (2017) Recovered from
- The imperative sentence. Recovered from