- What is Enterogermina for?
- Benefits
- Composition
- Uses and recommended dosage
- Side effects
- Contraindications
- References
Enterogermina is the trademark of a probiotic to be ingested orally and is made up of Bacillus clausii spores, non-pathogenic microorganisms that are part of the intestinal microbiota.
The intestinal microbiota or normal microbial flora is the set of microorganisms that are located in a normal way in different parts of the human body. These have a very important role in the performance of the body's functions.
Enterogermina is a registered trademark.
Enterogermina® is often used to treat the imbalance in the intestinal microbiota and in the treatment of diarrhea. It is also indicated for intestinal infections and, in general, to strengthen the microbial balance after a treatment with antibiotics or chemotherapy.
These spores also induce the production of vitamins, mainly those of the B complex. This helps correct their deficiency.
Enterogermina® is available in both capsules and oral suspension. Its consumption must be associated with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle habits.
What is Enterogermina for?
The main therapeutic indication is the treatment and prophylaxis of alterations in the qualitative and qualitative composition of the intestinal bacterial microbiota, which for various reasons is reduced or is in competition with pathogenic microorganisms.
Diarrhea is one of the symptoms of the imbalance of the bacteria that inhabit the intestinal tract and the most common use of Enterogermina® has been to restore this balance.
More than 400 species, mainly bacteria, make up the intestinal microbial flora. These microorganisms are especially found in the colon, where they reach a concentration of more than 100 billion per gram of tissue. In other words, they reach a much higher number than all the cells that make up the human body.
Many of these species reach the intestine during the first year of life. Many others are ingested continuously, throughout existence, even through food, drink, etc.
The functions performed by the microbial flora are mainly the maintenance of the integrity and physiological balance in the intestinal environment, the development of the immune system and the defense against harmful bacteria, among others.
Currently, it is believed that alterations of the normal intestinal microbial flora lead to a transformation of the ecosystem found in the intestine and lead to the development of diseases both at the gastrointestinal level and outside the intestine itself.
These include enteritis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases (likely including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis), and various imbalances in the microbiota related to taking antibiotics or chemotherapy treatments.
The most common symptoms that characterize many of the diseases are abdominal pain, bloating (which can be accompanied by flatulence), diarrhea and constipation, but vomiting, loss of appetite and nausea may also eventually be present.
When bacteria negatively affect the body, it is necessary to take antibiotics to eliminate them. The restoration of the balance of the normal components of the intestinal microbiota is favored by an adequate diet (rich in prebiotics) and by the intake of probiotics.
These encourage the proliferation of beneficial bacteria necessary for the functioning of the human body. Taking probiotics is recommended after the disturbance in the body's bacterial ecosystem that follows taking antibiotics.
Enterogermina® is one of these probiotic preparations that contain live microorganisms in large quantities that restore normal balance in the intestinal microenvironment, bringing a healthy benefit to the host organism.
In addition, it helps the correct absorption of nutrients and stimulates the body's natural defenses to protect it against attacks by pathogenic microorganisms.
Similarly, its effectiveness in its use as part of treatments against gastrointestinal problems such as gastroenteritis and in cholesterol regulation is being evaluated.
Enterogermina® is administered exclusively orally, it should not be injected. It is presented as a drinkable suspension in 5 ml bottles or in capsules. Each bottle or capsule contains 2,000,000,000 non-pathogenic Bacillus clausii spores as active ingredient.
It does not contain sugar or gluten, nor does it contain significant amounts of energy value (carbohydrates, proteins, total fats, fiber).
The bottles contain purified water with the spores in suspension. The capsules have as an excipient, in addition to purified water, gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose, kaolin, magnesium stearate and titanium dioxide (E171).
Its use is comfortable and practical when it comes in bottles. Once they have been shaken, their contents are ready to drink. The suspension is tasteless and can be mixed with water or other beverages such as tea, milk, or fruit juice.
Uses and recommended dosage
The dosage recommends the administration in adults of 2 to 3 vials of 5 ml per day with regular intervals of 3 to 4 hours between each one. In children and infants from 1 to 2 per day, unless otherwise stated by the treating physician.
If the presence of granules is observed in the bottle, it does not mean that the product is altered. These are only indicative of the presence of spore clusters of Bacillus clausii.
The spores, due to their high resistance to chemical and physical agents, overcome the acid barrier of gastric juices. They then reach the intestinal tract, where they become vegetative, metabolically active cells.
The product must be kept in its original container at room temperature (between 15 and 30 ° C), protected from light and moisture. Once the bottle is opened it should be consumed immediately.
Side effects
Although enterogermina® is a highly effective drug, it must be administered under medical supervision. It should not be consumed by people with deficiencies in the immune system.
Hypersensitivity reactions such as rashes and hives have been reported in some people.
There have been no potential interactions with other medications. Enterogermina® does not interfere with the ability to drive and use machinery.
While there are no contraindications regarding its use during pregnancy and lactation, self-medication is poorly advised. It is convenient in these cases the medical recommendation for taking the drug. The same rule is valid for infants and pediatric patients.
There are no reports of overdose related to the use of enterogermina®. However, in the event of ingestion of a large quantity of the product and the appearance of abnormal symptoms, a doctor should be consulted, taking the package insert or the product with them.
- Enterogermina - Uses, Side Effects, Dosage, Bacillus Clausii - JustDoc. Obtained from Justdoc: justdoc.com. Retrieved on Mar 1, 2018.
- Enterogermina. Obtained from medicalservices: medicalservices.com.br. Retrieved on Mar 2, 2018.
- Enterogermina 2 milliards du 5ml, Oral suspension. Obtained from Pharmapresse: pharmapresse.net. Retrieved on Mar 2, 2018.
- Reyes, E. (2018). Enterogermina: What is it and what is it used for. Retrieved from Sanum Vita: sanumvita.com Retrieved on 2 Mar. 2018.
- What Are Probiotics ?. Obtained from WebMD: webmd.com. Retrieved on Mar 2, 2018.