- Ellipsoid characteristics
- - Standard equation
- - Parametric equations of the ellipsoid
- - Traces of the ellipsoid
- - Volume
- Special cases of the ellipsoid
- The reference ellipsoid
- Numerical example
- Solution
- References
The ellipsoid is a surface in space that belongs to the group of quadric surfaces and whose general equation is of the form:
It is the three-dimensional equivalent of an ellipse, characterized by having elliptical and circular traces in some special cases. The traces are the curves obtained by intersecting the ellipsoid with a plane.
Figure 1. Three different ellipsoids: at the top a sphere in which the three semi-axes are equal, at the bottom left a spheroid, with two equal semi-axes and a different one, and finally at the bottom right, a triaxial spheroid, with three different axes length. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Ag2gaeh / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)
In addition to the ellipsoid, there are five more quadrics: one-sheet and two-sheet hyperboloid, two types of paraboloid (hyperbolic and elliptical), and the elliptical cone. Its traces are also conical.
The ellipsoid can also be expressed by the standard equation in Cartesian coordinates. An ellipsoid centered at the origin (0,0,0) and expressed in this way, resembles the ellipse, but with an additional term:
The values of a, b and c are real numbers greater than 0 and represent the three semi-axes of the ellipsoid.
Ellipsoid characteristics
- Standard equation
The standard equation in Cartesian coordinates for the ellipse centered at the point (h, k, m) is:
- Parametric equations of the ellipsoid
In spherical coordinates, the ellipsoid can be described as follows:
x = a sin θ. cos φ
y = b sin θ. sen φ
z = c cos θ
The semi-axes of the ellipsoid remain a, b and c, while the parameters are the angles θ and φ of the following figure:
Figure 2. The spherical coordinate system. The ellipsoid can be parameterized using the displayed angles theta and phi as parameters. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Andeggs / Public domain.
- Traces of the ellipsoid
The general equation of a surface in space is F (x, y, z) = 0 and the traces of the surface are the curves:
- x = c; F (c, y, z) = 0
- y = c; F (x, c, z) = 0
- z = c; F (x, y, c) = 0
In the case of an ellipsoid, such curves are ellipses and sometimes circles.
- Volume
The volume V of the ellipsoid is given by (4/3) π times the product of its three semi-axes:
V = (4/3) π. abc
Special cases of the ellipsoid
-An ellipsoid becomes a sphere when all the semi-axes are the same size: a = b = c ≠ 0. This makes sense, since the ellipsoid is like a sphere that has been stretched differently along each axis.
-The spheroid is an ellipsoid in which two of the semi-axes are identical and the third is different, for example it could be a = b ≠ c.
The spheroid is also called an ellipsoid of revolution, because it can be generated by rotating ellipses around an axis.
If the axis of rotation coincides with the major axis, the spheroid is prolate, but if it coincides with the minor axis, it is oblate:
Figure 3. Oblate spheroid on the left and prolate spheroid on the right. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
The measure of the flattening of the spheroid (ellipticity) is given by the difference in length between the two semi-axes, expressed in fractional form, that is, it is the unit flattening, given by:
f = (a - b) / a
In this equation, a represents the semi-major axis and b the semi-minor axis, remember that the third axis is equal to one of these for a spheroid. The value of f is between 0 and 1 and for a spheroid it has to be greater than 0 (if it were equal to 0 we would simply have a sphere).
The reference ellipsoid
The planets and the stars in general, are not usually perfect spheres, because the rotational movement around their axes flattens the body at the poles and bulges it at the equator.
That is why the Earth turns out to be like an oblate spheroid, although not as exaggerated as the one in the previous figure, and for its part the gas giant Saturn is the flattest of the planets in the solar system.
So a more realistic way to represent the planets is to assume that they are like a spheroid or ellipsoid of revolution, whose semi-major axis is the equatorial radius and the semi-minor axis the polar radius.
Careful measurements made on the globe have made it possible to build the reference ellipsoid of the Earth as the most precise way to work it mathematically.
The stars also have rotational movements that give them more or less flattened shapes. The speedy star Achernar, the eighth brightest star in the night sky, in the southern constellation Eridanus is remarkably elliptical when compared to most. It is 144 light years from us.
At the other extreme, a few years ago scientists found the most spherical object ever found: the star Kepler 11145123, 5000 light years away, twice the size of our Sun and a difference between the semi-axes of just 3 km. As expected, it also spins more slowly.
As for the Earth, it is not a perfect spheroid either because of its rugged surface and local variations in gravity. For this reason, there is more than one reference spheroid available and at each site the most appropriate to the local geography is chosen.
The help of satellites is invaluable in creating increasingly accurate models of the shape of the Earth, thanks to them it is known, for example, that the south pole is closer to the equator than the north pole.
Figure 4. Haumea, the trans-Neptunian dwarf planet has an ellipsoidal shape. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Numerical example
Due to the rotation of the Earth, a centrifugal force is generated that gives it the shape of an oblong ellipsoid, instead of a sphere. The equatorial radius of the Earth is known to be 3963 miles and the polar radius is 3942 miles.
Find the equation of the equatorial trace, that of this ellipsoid and the measure of its flattening. Also compare with the ellipticity of Saturn, with the data provided below:
-Saturn Equatorial Radius: 60,268 km
-Polar radius of Saturn: 54,364 km
A coordinate system is required, which we will assume centered on the origin (center of the Earth). We will assume the vertical z axis and the trace that corresponds to the equator lies on the xy plane, equivalent to the z = 0 plane.
In the equatorial plane the semi-axes a and b are equal, therefore a = b = 3963 miles, while c = 3942 miles. This is a special case: a spheroid centered at the point (0,0,0) as mentioned above.
The equatorial trace is a circle of radius R = 3963 miles, centered at the origin. It is calculated by making z = 0 in the standard equation:
And the standard equation of the terrestrial ellipsoid is:
f Earth = (a - b) / a = (3963-3942) miles / 3963 miles = 0.0053
f Saturn = (60268-54363) km / 60268 km = 0.0980
Note that the ellipticity f is a dimensionless quantity.
- ArcGIS for Desktop. Spheroids and spheres. Recovered from: desktop.arcgis.com.
- BBC World. The mystery of the most spherical object ever discovered in the Universe. Recovered from: bbc.com.
- Larson, R. Calculus and Analytical Geometry. Sixth edition. Volume 2. McGraw Hill.
- Wikipedia. Ellipsoid. Recovered from: en.wikipedia.org.
- Wikipedia. Spheroid. Recovered from: en.wikipedia.org.