- Ecosystems in Colombia
- - Terrestrial ecosystems
- Tropical forest
- Amazonas Jungle
- bed sheet
- Xeric Formations
- - Aquatic ecosystems
- Sweet water
- Wetlands
- Mangroves
- Marine ecosystem
- References
The Colombian ecosystems recognized that are distributed in six natural regions: the Amazon region, the region of the Orinoco, the Andean region, the Caribbean region, the island region and the Pacific region. In relation to its size, Colombia is the most bio diverse country in the world.
This bio diversity results in the varied ecosystems, from tropical rain forests to coastal forests and open savannas.
Amazonas Jungle
There are more than 1821 species of birds, 623 species of amphibians, 467 species of mammals, 518 species of reptiles and 3200 species of fish that reside in Colombia. About 18% are endemic to the country.
Its great biodiversity is not difficult to understand if you consider its geography: tropical forests, mountains in the Andes, tropical glaciers, vast plains, coasts in two oceans, coral islands and deserts.
Today, more than 200,000 hectares of natural forest are lost each year due to activities such as mining, energy development, infrastructure construction and agricultural activities.
Ecosystems in Colombia
Ecosystems are generally divided into terrestrial and marine.
- Terrestrial ecosystems
Tropical forest
This ecosystem is known for its exuberance, as it has one of the greatest diversity of plants and animals on the planet. The vegetation is highly developed and the trees remain green throughout the year.
It occurs at about 28 degrees north or south of the Equator; Due to its location and its high level of humidity, vegetation grows at an accelerated rate. This ecosystem experiences high temperatures on average and a large amount of annual rainfall.
This ecosystem is found in the Pacific region, the Choco, the Andes, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Serranía de la Macarena.
Amazonas Jungle
It is the largest rainforest on the planet and it is believed that around 50% of the world's animal species can be found here.
Tapirs, parrots, rainbow lizards, ocelots, and pink dolphins are animals of the Amazon. Additionally it is home to the mountains known as tepuy.
This jungle originated millions of years ago and occupies part of the territory of Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru and the Guyanas. The Amazon River passes through this ecosystem, in addition to hundreds of smaller rivers.
Some of the plants that can be found in this ecosystem are bamboo, orchids, Amazon water lilies, filondendros, and heliconia, among other tropical flowers.
The main layer of this jungle is the foliage; here most of the vegetation grows. At the bottom there is another layer that does not receive as much sunlight, so the flora must adapt to this condition.
Despite its richness, the trees of the Amazon grow on one of the poorest soils in the world. Unfortunately this jungle is in danger of extinction.
bed sheet
The savanna ecosystem is a mix between large regions of meadows combined with sparse trees and shrubs. It is an intermediate terrain between the tropical forest and the desert; not enough rain falls to be considered a forest.
Savannas originate in temperate or hot climates with an annual rainfall of 20 to 50 inches. They have a porous soil with only a thin layer of organic material (created by animal and plant decomposition). This causes the rains to dry out quickly, so swamps never develop.
The savanna of the Orinoquia and the Bogotá savanna are Colombian examples of this ecosystem.
Xeric Formations
It is an environment of extremes: these ecosystems are the hottest and driest places on Earth. Rain is sporadic and in some years not even any precipitation falls.
The terrible drought conditions are due to the influence of high subtropical pressure throughout the year.
Due to this, the flora and fauna that live in that ecosystem must adapt to survive these conditions; reptiles, insects, cacti and eagles are some species that live there.
This ecosystem can be found in La Guajira and Barranquilla.
- Aquatic ecosystems
Sweet water
Aquatic ecosystems are comprised of freshwater bodies such as lagoons, rivers, and streams. Most of these regions consist of a moving body of water and many types of fish.
Some of the fauna that can be found in fresh water includes crocodiles, turtles, and amphibians.
The ecology of each ecosystem is determined by four factors: the flow of the water, the amount of light it receives, the temperature, and the chemistry of the water.
Each freshwater ecosystem is unique because it contains a different range of species of animals, plants, amounts of water, and a different climate.
Due to the variety of animals found in fresh water, most of them have a predator-prey relationship.
This ecosystem is characterized by having mineral soils with poor drainage and by having a plant life dominated by trees.
They exist in areas with little drainage and sufficient water flow to keep water puddled; they have a high concentration of minerals that stimulate the decomposition of organisms.
They are generally found in low relief areas associated with rivers that feed water.
It is an ecosystem that is mainly composed of mangrove plants, which are a type of tree adapted for submersion in water and tolerant to salinity.
These trees have a deep root system so that they cannot be uprooted by current or waves.
They are very biodiverse, because they are home to different species of vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Mangroves can be found on the Colombian coast of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.
Marine ecosystem
These aquatic ecosystems include the oceans and seas. The marine environment is quite stable compared to other ecosystems; the temperatures of the water and its salinity vary very little.
Its composition of salt water is similar to that of the fluids of most marine organisms.
Estuaries and coral formations fall into this category. These ecosystems have a great diversity of fauna and flora.
Some of the plants that grow here include algae and seagrass beds. As for marine animals, invertebrates and vertebrates, corals, and anemones are common.
- Basic facts about marine habitats. Recovered from defenders.org
- Swamp. Recovered from britannica.com
- Freshwater biome facts. Recovered from softschools.com
- Colombian ecosystems. Recovered from naturalia.co
- Ecosystems in Colombia (2011). Recovered from ecosispot.blogspot.com
- General characteristics of the savanna biome (2017). Recovered from sciencing.com
- Colombia. Recovered from rainforests.mongabay.com
- Biomes of Colombia (2014). Recovered from prezi.com
- What are the characteristics of mangrove forests? Recovered from myprivatetutor.com
- Characteristics of the tropical forest. Recovered from eniscuola.net
- Amazon ranforest. Recovered from blueplanetbiomes.org
- Ecosystem in Colombia (2014). Recovered from prezi.com
- Colombia's biodiversity. Recovered from estado-natural.com
- Ecosystems of Colombia. Recovered from tierracolombiana.org