- What is the token economy for?
- Why the Token Economy Works
- Process
- 1- Choose the behaviors you want to modify
- 2- Find a positive alternative for the chosen behaviors
- 3- Choose the tiles to be used as reinforcement
- 4- Choose the prizes
- Application example
- References
The token economy is a behavior modification system that is based on the principle of systematic reinforcement. When used with a person, when this person shows a desirable behavior, they are awarded prizes (the tokens) that can later be exchanged for others more attractive to them.
The token economy is based on the principles of behaviorism and behavioral economics. It is used mainly to decrease the frequency with which an individual carries out undesirable behaviors, while increasing the frequency of times with which they act the way they want.
The token economy system can be used with both children and adults, and works with healthy individuals and with those who show some type of behavior disorder. Therefore, it can be observed in situations as varied as the education of a child within the home, and the treatment of patients in a psychiatric hospital.
Various studies have shown that using the token economy system is one of the fastest ways to change a person's behavior. In fact, its principles are universal; and it has even been used with pigeons in laboratory settings.
What is the token economy for?
The token economy is used within any context in which it is required to modify an individual's behavior, either to improve his performance in a specific area or to prevent him from taking harmful actions. To do this, use one of the basic principles of behavioral psychology, known as positive reinforcement.
Token economies are used as a method to strengthen behavior or increase the frequency with which it occurs. This can be achieved by using elements without intrinsic value, which the individual who is being subjected to the process can later exchange for a prize that is important to him.
One of the contexts in which the token economy is used the most is in the education of young children. Parents and teachers often find that they cannot reason with those they have to educate or care for. Therefore, it is necessary to find alternative ways for the little ones to behave appropriately.
Thus, for example, if a child is aggressive towards those around him and the parents want to change this, the use of a token economy can be a good alternative to traditional punishments. By applying this reinforcement system, the little one can learn in a positive way to use alternative strategies to get what he wants.
However, this is not the only context in which the token economy method can be applied. Even when the person is aware of what is happening, the use of this reinforcement system can serve as an incentive to modify problem behaviors and build new, healthier lifestyle habits. Due to this, it is very common to see this technique used within therapy processes.
Why the Token Economy Works
One of the basic principles of operant conditioning is that of reinforcement. The main idea behind it is that, when a certain behavior is rewarded properly, the probability that it will occur again in the future will be higher.
The problem is that if the award is too high, the reinforcement process may not work as intended. Something similar happens if the reinforcement is not attractive enough for the person. Therefore, when using a classical conditioning method, it is very important to adjust the weight of the reinforcement depending on what you want to achieve and the initial starting point of the individual.
The token economy solves these two problems by using as reinforcement elements that do not really have intrinsic value; but that later the person will be able to exchange for a prize that is attractive to them.
Thus, each time the behavior that is of interest to reinforce occurs, the person will receive a small reward; but this will not be large enough to discourage her from doing that action again. At the same time, the promise of a great future reward will help keep you motivated to change throughout the process.
As we have already seen, the token economy system can be very useful for modifying problem behaviors in children or for getting them to acquire new habits or abilities that will be positive for them.
So that you can apply this method in your own family, below we will see in detail what are the steps that must be taken to use it correctly.
1- Choose the behaviors you want to modify
The first thing to do to start using a token economy system is to select which behaviors you want to modify, either because you want them to be repeated more often or because you think it is necessary to eliminate them. Specifically defining what is desirable and what is to be reinforced is essential for the process to work properly.
Generally, it is very useful to start by selecting a single behavior. However, if you think it might be beneficial for you and your child to make changes more quickly, you can choose up to three ways of the child that you want to work on.
To check the full power of the process, you can choose one that you already consider positive, one that requires a bit of work, and one that is going to be challenging.
2- Find a positive alternative for the chosen behaviors
The key to using reinforcement to modify a person's behavior is to understand that this method can only increase the frequency with which a certain action is performed. This means that to eliminate an undesirable behavior, the only possibility is to find a constructive alternative to it.
For example, if a child tends to become aggressive when hungry, it is not possible to work directly on this aggressiveness with a token economy system.
On the contrary, he could be reinforced to ask politely for food when he feels hungry, and reward him when he chooses this new behavior compared to the violent one he presented before.
3- Choose the tiles to be used as reinforcement
The next step once you have selected the behaviors that you want to reward is to decide what type of tokens you are going to use to reinforce them. In general, it has to be objects that are not of great value by themselves. In addition, they must be small and easy to transport.
There are many options when choosing the chips to use with this system. Some of the most popular are the use of 1 cent coins, marbles, poker chips or pebbles. Normally it is advisable to carry them with you at all times, in order to reinforce the desired behavior whenever it occurs.
4- Choose the prizes
The last step before you can start using the token economy is to select the prizes that the child will receive once they have behaved appropriately a specified number of times. You can do it on your own, or you can count on the collaboration of the little one so that he can choose what he would like to achieve.
In this sense, it is usually very interesting to use a mixture of prizes that cost money and others that do not. For example, when reaching a certain number of tokens, the child could be given a toy that he has wanted for a long time; and when reaching a higher amount, take him to spend a day in the field or do any activity that is attractive to him.
The power of the token economy system will depend largely on how interesting the prizes are for the child, so the choice of them will be decisive. In addition, choosing when they will be delivered is also essential for the reinforcement to occur correctly.
Application example
Imagine a situation in which a six-year-old suffers from nightmares every night, and as a consequence wakes up in the middle of the night and goes to sleep in his parents' bed.
Adults, although they want to help him, feel that they need their own space and that it would be more positive for the little one if he learned to manage himself and slept in his own bed.
To solve this problem, the parents decide to use a token economy system. They tell the child that every night she spends in her own bed even if she wakes up, they will reward her with a marble. When the little one accumulates 25 marbles, they can exchange them for a prize of their choice.
Speaking with the child, the parents establish that the prize for reaching the amount of 25 marbles will be to buy a video game that the little one had been asking for for a long time. Although the first days the child continues to go to his parents' bed, little by little the reinforcement and the desire to get the reward takes effect.
Finally, after a period of little more than a month, the problem ends up being solved and the child learns to sleep at once in his own bed.
- "Token economy system" in: Mind Disorders. Retrieved on: October 17, 2019 from Mind Disorders: minddisorders.com.
- "Create a Token Economy System to Improve Your Child's Behaviors" in: VeryWell Family. Retrieved on: October 17, 2019 from VeryWell Family: verywellfamily.com.
- "Token Economy" in: Educate Autism. Retrieved on: October 17, 2019 from Educate Autism: educateautism.com.
- "Token Economy: How is it used to motivate change?" in: Psychology and Mind. Retrieved on: October 17, 2019 from Psychology and Mind: psicologiaymente.com.
- "Token economy" in: Wikipedia. Retrieved on: October 17, 2019 from Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org.