- Statistics on erectile dysfunction
- When should I see the doctor?
- Most common causes of erectile dysfunction
- Organic causes
- Psychological causes
- Erectile dysfunction diagnosis
- Psychological consultation
- Main treatments for erectile dysfunction
- Can erectile dysfunction be prevented?
- References
The ED is defined as the inability to normally maintain an erection - in youth and adults and firm enough for some time. This prevents you from having satisfactory sex.
Having a satisfying sex life is very important to both of you. So if you or your partner are having erection problems, then you should seek professional help.
Today there are many effective treatments for male impotence. Read on to learn more about this problem and to find out how to fix it.
Importantly, it is not considered erectile dysfunction if impotence occurred or occurs on isolated occasions.
When the difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection is frequent and occurs for a long time, then it is considered that there is a dysfunction.
Statistics on erectile dysfunction
It is estimated that around the world about 20 to 30 million men suffer from impotence or erectile dysfunction.
This problem appears more frequently as one advances in age. About 5% of 45-year-old men have impotence, and this percentage increases to 25% in 65-year-old men.
In addition, it is also estimated that up to 35% of men with diabetes have erectile dysfunction.
As you can see, it is a fairly common problem, although a few decades ago it was not a condition frequently referred to in medical offices.
But since the late 80s, consultations for erection problems began to increase gradually, because little by little more people began to talk about sexuality issues at the popular level.
The emergence of Viagra in 1998 also led to a marked increase in inquiries about how to use this drug, which revealed the high incidence of erectile dysfunction in the population.
When should I see the doctor?
If you're having trouble getting or maintaining an erection multiple times over a period of time, you may need to see your GP.
If you are embarrassed to bring up your problem with him, you can ask him to refer you to someone else.
But before going to the consultation, it is important that you distinguish what your situation is, between these two possibilities:
Suppose you are in serious trouble at work. As a result of this situation you are very worried, you do not sleep well at night, and perhaps you are overindulging in alcohol consumption or smoking more cigarettes. The situation with your partner is fine, and you still find it as attractive as at the beginning of the relationship. But when the moment of intimacy comes, what they both want does not happen.
Another very different case from the previous one is when there is no stress factor in your life or there are no major changes in your usual routines, but despite this, when you are intimate with your partner, you do not manage to have an erection long enough. as before you had.
If your situation is close to the first description, then stress and unhealthy habits are most likely the main cause of the problem. It will be enough to eliminate stress and its causes, and resume a healthy lifestyle to return to normal erections.
However, if you identify with a second case, it is best not to waste any more time and consult a professional. There is probably an organic cause for your erectile dysfunction, and the problem must be found and fixed in order to have a satisfying sex life again.
Most common causes of erectile dysfunction
Basically, there are organic causes and psychological causes. Here are the most relevant:
Organic causes
Approximately 70% of erectile dysfunction cases are due to organic causes. Diseases or injuries that affect the nerves or blood vessels are among the most important, because an erection depends on the stimulus and nervous response, and the blood supply to the penis.
Among the most frequent organic causes are the following
Diabetes can damage the nerves in the penis and alter the functioning of the blood vessels in the genital area.
High blood pressure It
can affect the functioning of the blood vessels that supply the penis.
High cholesterol It
clogs the arteries of the penis, making it difficult to get an erection.
Abusive drug and alcohol use
Anything that is harmful to your heart and cardiovascular system can cause erection problems.
Sedentary lifestyle
Certain surgeries in the pelvic area can affect the nerves in the region and cause erectile dysfunction.
The trauma of the pelvis and lesions in the spinal cord may also be the cause of erectile problems.
Some medications, including certain antidepressants or blood pressure-lowering remedies, can cause erectile dysfunction.
Less commonly, this problem can be caused by a low level of a hormone called testosterone.
Psychological causes
Certain factors such as feelings of insecurity, successive frustrations, traumas carried from childhood can translate into a problem of sexual impotence.
When the problem is due to these types of causes, the treatment can be complex. This does not mean that there are no effective alternatives, on the contrary, psychology has advanced a lot in this regard.
But the great enemy in these cases is the lack of recognition of the problem by those who suffer from it. It is estimated that only 18% of those who have erectile dysfunction for psychological reasons, consult a therapist. A little over 30% speak it clearly with their partner.
Erectile dysfunction diagnosis
In the consultation, the doctor will carefully review your medical history and family history. He will see if there are chronic diseases that could be the cause of the problem, he will ask you about your lifestyle and what medications you are taking.
They are also likely to ask the following:
What is your confidence level to achieve and maintain an erection?
How often do you achieve penetration?
After penetration, how often do you manage to maintain an erection?
How often do you feel satisfied with sexual intercourse?
How would you rate your level of sexual desire?
How often do you achieve orgasm and ejaculation?
Do you have an erection when you wake up in the morning?
The doctor will likely also perform a physical exam to rule out anatomical abnormalities. It will check your blood pressure and your reflexes.
In addition, he will likely order blood tests to rule out diabetes, check your blood cholesterol level, and testosterone level.
In the particular case of the penis, the doctor can do an ultrasound that allows you to see all the arteries in the region. For this, you will previously take medication that promotes erection and thus the doctor will obtain anatomical data.
There is also an analysis, called cavernosometry that allows to evaluate the storage capacity of the penis. If this is insufficient, this could be a direct cause
of erectile dysfunction.
Psychological consultation
In the case of a psychological consultation, this will initially contain a series of questions related to the possible causes of the problem.
Then depending on the type of therapy, the treatment of erectile dysfunction will be carried out using different techniques. You should be as sincere, open and clear as possible in this instance, because based on this, you can get the help you
need more quickly.
Main treatments for erectile dysfunction
Currently there are various treatments for erectile dysfunction. For many men, treatment is as simple as taking a pill.
When the pill doesn't work, there are still very effective medications that can be injected into the penis or easily placed into the urethra.
These are the available treatments:
If the cause of the dysfunction is a beta-blocker, antidepressant, or diuretic drug, alternatives should be considered. It will always be the doctor who decides what are the possible substitutes.
Specific medication, orally
Both the sexologist and the urologist can prescribe medication to promote arterial dilation. The best known drug in this category is Viagra, the active compound of which is called sildenafil. A few years later, other drugs with similar action emerged, such as vardenafil and tadalafil. The latter has a prolonged action and can act up to 36 hours after taking it.
All of these drugs have contraindications and adverse side effects. That is why it is important that they are always prescribed by a doctor.
If taking a pill does not work for you, don't worry, there are also medications that are administered directly to the penis. Caverject and Edex are injected into the shaft of the penis using a small needle. Muse is a medicine in a small pill form that is placed at the tip of the urethra and can cause an erection within minutes.
Reduce risk factors
If you are overweight, obese, or if your lifestyle is sedentary, then changing these habits can have a very positive influence on your problem. Stop smoking and don't use alcohol or illegal drugs.
Vacuum devices
Another way to achieve an erection is to use a vacuum device specially designed for this purpose. The penis is inserted into a tube that is connected to a pump. When air is pumped out of the tube, blood flows into the penis, causing the penis to become erected. Then an elastic ring is placed at the base of the penis so that the blood does not come back out, and the tube is removed. The lack of naturalness and spontaneity is the main drawback in this treatment option.
Penile implant
When other treatments do not work, you can opt for a surgery in which an implant is placed in the penis. It consists of two inflatable rods that are filled with liquid by a pump that is implanted under the skin.
Once the implant is in place, the use of this device will be the only way to achieve an erection. Talk to your doctor about the pros and
cons of this treatment.
Psychotherapeutic care
If the cause of the dysfunction has a psychological origin, cognitive behavioral therapy can be an effective treatment.
The therapist will tell you what attitude to take when you are intimate with your partner and what to do when the fears begin. You will know how to handle anxiety and how to increase your level of confidence to overcome the problem.
Can erectile dysfunction be prevented?
Of course, if you reduce the risk factors, you can avoid erectile dysfunction.
Keep your body weight at a healthy level. Being overweight and obese increase the risk of diabetes, and diabetes in turn increases the risk of having erection problems.
If you have high cholesterol, follow the diet indicated by your doctor and take the drugs that he prescribes to regulate the levels of lipids in the blood.
Avoid habits that are harmful to your cardiovascular system and your health in general, such as smoking, alcohol consumption and other drugs.
Exercise regularly and keep sodium intake at bay in your meals to avoid high blood pressure.
If you start to have erection problems with some frequency, do not hesitate to consult your doctor. Proper diagnosis and early treatment are important to find quick and effective solutions for erection problems.
Bottom line, many men have erectile dysfunction, and you shouldn't be embarrassed to discuss it with your doctor.
Erection problems can be signs that something is wrong with your nervous or cardiovascular system. However, in many cases they can be solved with a pill, although it is also important to treat the cause of the dysfunction.
Again, do not hesitate to consult a health professional, who will guide you on the best treatment options for your particular case.
- https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/erectiledysfunction.html.
- http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/
- https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/ency/article/007617.htm.