- Etymology
- Types
- characteristics
- Subjectivity
- Specification of time and space
- Naturalness
- Expressiveness
- Fidelity
- Examples
- Example 1
- Example 2
- Example 3
- Differences with indirect speech
- References
The direct speech is when a message is reproduced faithfully or in a text literally, is the most reliable way of referring to a speech issued. To be able to express it graphically, we must make use of the dialogue lines.
In the event that the idea does not belong to us, the quotation marks ("") are used to make it clear that it is not our own thought and that we are not involved in its authorship. A clear example of this is: "Simón Bolívar expressed:" A being without studies is an incomplete being. "
Example of an author's phrase quote using quotation marks. Source: By FerEstrada, from Wikimedia Commons
Another way of defining this type of discourse is as follows: it is the way in which two or more individuals exchange messages in a given time and space. It is up to the transcriber to accurately reproduce both the thoughts of the speakers, their ideas and even emotions.
The origin of the word discourse comes from the Latin word discursus, which means "series of words with logical and grammatical coherence with which what is felt or thought is expressed."
Taking into account its etymology, it is understood that speech is the syntactic relationship of a succession of words emitted by an individual to express a message; making use, of course, of a known language.
Just as there is direct speech, we also have indirect speech, both refer to the emission of messages, but with different interpretations. Speeches can be classified according to their intentions and goals they want to achieve.
According to what has already been explained, there are two types of discourses: the narrative, one that shows the facts of a story and its characters, whether real or fictitious; and the argumentative, through which rationing and logical explanations are proposed in order to persuade an interlocutor.
Expository, advertising and informative speeches are also part of the range. Consequently, all of them can become direct or indirect according to the moment they are reproduced, and the time and space of their emission.
The main characteristics of direct speech are:
The sender gives the message according to what he is feeling and thinking. In case it is written, your intervention is marked with the use of the dash and / or quotation marks (as the case may be). It is there when the narrator is silent, giving the character space and time to express himself directly.
Specification of time and space
In the broadcast of direct speech, words and phrases are used that denote the present time of reproduction of the message (at this moment, here, now, already, today, in the present). In addition to this, the place where the interlocutors are expressing must be specified.
In all direct speech, the dialogue or exchange of messages must be fluid, clear, precise and concise. No pressure, that is, totally and absolutely spontaneous, a true copy of what the participants said.
Exclamation and question marks are used, as the emotions, thoughts and feelings of the senders come out, as a way of making those present feel the force of what is said.
Direct speech has as its fundamental objective the faithful interpretation of the other's word, to avoid misunderstandings and, therefore, the misrepresentation of what the sender says, in such a way that the receiver receives it without any alteration.
Example 1
Gerardo: Hello, Matías! How did you do at the Pathology Conference?
Matías: The first thirty minutes were interesting! And it got boring from then on. It is that the second exhibitor did not give foot with ball, so I took advantage of sleeping.
Gerardo: You are always so spontaneous, then you give me your notes. See you after school.
Matías: Sure, don't forget to sleep if the class gets boring… ha ha ha! ”.
This case emerges from the graphic expression of direct speech in terms of the use of dialogue and some spelling signs, in addition, the naturalness of the interlocutors is manifested.
Example 2
“After leaving the doctor, Eugenia called me and said:“ The test results were positive, so I will prepare the surprise for Federico. I'll tell him that in seven months he'll be a dad. I'm already two months old, friend, I'm so happy! ”.
In this example, quotation marks are used in order to make it clear who the author of what is said is, as a true copy of what he or she expresses.
Example 3
“–I was up all night. Between the noises of the street and those of my mind I could not sleep an eye.
–You must calm down friend, let everything flow and that life gives you the answers.
"I know, friend, but the darkness I am in does not allow me to see the light." Thanks for your support.
-I will always be for you".
In this example, use is made of lines (-) –which people tend to confuse with scripts–, typical of narrative texts when the writer wants to denote the participation of the characters in their story.
Differences with indirect speech
As already mentioned, it is known that there is a direct and an indirect discourse. The first is related to the faithful copy of what the interlocutor said, while the second refers to the interpretation of the sender's message.
It is then pertinent to establish the clear differences that exist between these two discourses:
- In direct speech, the character is the one who has the floor, their participation is indicated through a dialogue script, or the use of quotation marks. In the case of the indirect, the narrator is the one who has the, and interprets each action or thought. As a consequence there is no longer use of hyphens or quotes.
- In the live, the verbs of reference are used, those that limit the participation of the interlocutor, and can go before or at the end of their intervention. In the case of indirect speech, these verbs are placed before the sentence that expresses what the character has said.
- Verbs appear in the present in direct speech, because they denote the time in which the character speaks. On the contrary, in indirect speech the verb tenses are related to the intervention of the narrator when telling the story. As a general rule they are used in the past tense.
- In the live show, the tone used by the character is considered and respected, because the reproduction of their intervention or participation is carried out. In the indirect, the narrator reveals what the characters said in direct speech, therefore exclamation or question marks that may express emotions are suppressed.
- Direct and indirect speech. (2018). (N / a): Wikipedia. Recovered from: wikipedia.org
- Radiation of the word speech. (2018). (Chile): Etymologies of Chile. Recovered from: etimología.dechile.net
- Types of speeches. (2017). (N / a): Types of. Recovered from: typesde.com
- Mendoza, I. (2013). Characteristics of direct and indirect language. Mexico: Utel. Recovered from: Utel.edu.mx
- Brazeiro, P. (2009). Comparative table of direct and indirect language. (N / a): Language in action. Recovered from: lenguaenaccion.wordpress.com