- characteristics
- The specialization
- The integration
- Discontinuity
- The change
- Stages
- Pre-technological period
- First stage: emergence of technology
- Paleolithic
- Neolithic
- Second stage: appearance of the machine
- Third and last stage: the automaton
- How the technological development of a country is measured
- Number of patents granted
- High-tech exports
- Examples of countries with technological development
- Japan
- U.S
- South Korea
- Germany
- References
The technological development is the progress we have experienced the tools and technologies produced by humans in order to achieve improvements in health, industrial production, telecommunications, transport, trade, education, military industry and any activity related to the life of the man.
Technological development applies not only to the advances implemented in large commercial and manufacturing industries but in all aspects of human societies. Technological evolutions have saved a lot of time, as well as guaranteeing greater efficiency in the execution of work or domestic processes.
The printing press was one of the most momentous technological developments in history. Source: pixabay.com
However, it is complex to understand the nature of technological developments because these advances should not be studied as phenomena alien to society, but are directly intervened by economic, political and historical factors. Furthermore, technological evolutions are not only a historical phenomenon: they decisively alter it.
This means that by programming new technologies, man has been able to modify the course of events throughout history, both for positive scenarios and for really questionable events. In some cases technological development has improved the quality of human life and in others it has harmed it.
For example, the creation of the printing press by Gutenberg implied a change in the episteme of the human being because it increased the possibility of producing knowledge and making it more accessible. However, technology has also been used to unleash devastating events, such as making more deadly weapons such as atomic bombs.
Advances are difficult to address due to the close link between science and technology. In his work Technological development in history, Leonardo Ordóñez establishes that although technological development dates back to the beginnings of the human species, from the Renaissance on, the relationship between technique and science narrowed until they became inseparable.
Taking this into account, experts can assure that after the epistemological change that occurred in the Renaissance, technological developments experienced an abrupt acceleration in the course of the next two hundred years, so that today evolution is increasingly systematic, more conscious and faster.
Among the main characteristics of technological development are the following:
The specialization
This characteristic has to do with the fact that the more technological advances increase, the greater the level of specialization that one has within the different scientific and technical disciplines.
The integration
It refers to the integration that technological developments have within a society. This characteristic varies according to the technological levels that the companies have.
For example, in a country with high technology it is more complex to introduce elements that allow evolutions, while in a country where technological development is lower it will be easier.
This refers to the possibility of interruption of technological developments due to the introduction of new ones.
That is to say, generally the technological advance replaces a previous one that has become obsolete; therefore, it is a continuous flow of new discoveries.
The change
Technological developments necessarily involve a parallel revolution of a social nature, since they mean continuous adaptation to technical changes.
In some circumstances, these changes occur so rapidly that they generate social problems due to the purchasing and economic differences that are registered in the world.
Taking into account the technical evolutions of man, the following historical stages of technological development can be established:
Pre-technological period
During this period of history the animal species were kept in a non-rational moment.
At present, most continue in this way, except for humans and some birds and primates. From that moment the first prehistoric hominids began to emerge.
First stage: emergence of technology
The first technological appearances were possible thanks to the development of the rational faculty, which allowed the entry of an important universal concept such as that of the tool.
This consists of a mechanical advantage that facilitates the performance of a physical task and must be fed or sustained by an animal or human force.
The emergence of tools allowed - and allows - feats that are impossible for the human body, such as pulleys or cranes; This category includes objects as simple as baskets.
For the hunters and gatherers of the Paleolithic, the tools were intended to facilitate the obtaining of food, so the first primitive instruments were made up of flake, carved song and biface. Later it was possible to develop more complex elements such as the spear, the arrow or the hammer.
During the Neolithic Age, pack animals such as camel, ox and horse began to be used; this facilitated the construction of the plow and some floats. From that moment on, the level of productivity increased more than ten times compared to that of the Paleolithic period.
Second stage: appearance of the machine
The second stage of technological developments was marked by the appearance of the machine; These are those devices that do not require animal or human energy.
The machine consists of a tool that replaces human physical effort and only requires an operator to control its function.
When talking about machines, one thinks mainly of the Industrial Revolution; However, before that event there were already very important machines such as windmills or ships.
After the Industrial Revolution, new machinery began to be implemented that markedly accelerated technological developments. These machines were the lighting, the railroad, the automobile and, finally, the computer.
The mechanization of economic activities made it possible to expand these machines in a monumental way, especially with the introduction of the tractor.
Third and last stage: the automaton
This stage corresponds to the current era and is related to the appearance of automata; These consist of machines that dispense with human control by means of an algorithm that works automatically. Examples are digital clocks, pacemakers, and computer programs.
It is worth noting that despite technological advances, the most primitive technologies are still being used -and improving-.
How the technological development of a country is measured
There are several ways to calculate the technological development of a country. These are usually related to the economic levels and quality of life of its inhabitants. Some of these are as follows:
Number of patents granted
Generally, the number of patents granted for new creations and inventions is an indication of the breadth of technological developments that are brewing in a nation.
For example, a country with high technological evolution will have a greater number of registered patents. However, this also generates high competition among those who wish to innovate in that area.
High-tech exports
This is one of the main characteristics when calculating the technological development of a country, since this not only indicates the capacity that a nation has for technological innovation.
In addition to this, it also implies that your ideas or projects can be marketed to international standards. This translates into greater financial benefits.
GDP (gross domestic product) consists of the sum of the value added in monetary terms in relation to the economic and productive activities of a nation.
In general terms, GDP can be a way of measuring technological developments since it allows calculating the economic growth of a country. This value records productivity levels, which are closely linked to technical advances.
Examples of countries with technological development
Currently there are four countries that stand out for their technological advances. These nations, in addition to having large industries, have technology that notably improves their economy and other aspects of daily life. These countries are as follows:
In terms of technological advances, Japan is one of the countries that has made the greatest inclusion in the daily life of these advances.
For example, the Japanese have laser guns that allow them to shoot lasers in the air and they also have a dimensional elevator, which consists of a machine that transports people from one floor to another in just seconds.
This country is home to Silicon Valley, home to some of the most successful companies in the world, including Microsoft and Google.
In addition, the United States has succeeded in integrating technology into the daily aspects of human life such as medicine and housing.
South Korea
South Korea is on this list because of its high innovations in transportation and robotics. In addition, it has the fastest internet on the planet and has become a giant of smartphones or smart phones.
Germany's scientific fields are constantly expanding. One of the areas of greatest development in this European country is that of digital infrastructure, which for several years has received strong investments with the aim that it can respond to new technological trends that are approaching in the near future.
- Ordóñez, L. (2007) Technological development in history. Retrieved on July 4, 2019 from Scielo: scielo.org.pe
- Pacheco, W. (2016) These are the 6 countries with the greatest technological advances. Retrieved on July 4, 2019 from Vix: vix.com
- SA (2015) Four indicators to measure technological innovation in a region. Retrieved on July 4, 2019 from CAF: caf.com
- SA (2016) What is technological development? Retrieved on July 4, 2019 from Cumbre Pueblos: cumbrepuebloscop20.org
- SA (sf) Technological evolution. Retrieved on July 4, 2019 from Wikipedia: es.wikipedia.org